Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1027: Return safe

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Chapter 1027 Returning Safely

As for Wan Yanting, it is a hard role.

This woman has a very high mind, and her heart is poisonous.

One year ago, it was the most influential disciple of the blood gods.

But one year later, he was already among the strongest disciples in the blood gods.

Especially with the tenth place of the blood gods, Xiao Yun ranked ninth, and tenth Yu Linglong, was beheaded by Cheng Feng.

Two of the top ten true stories are vacated, and this girl will never miss a chance.

Maybe it won't take long before it will become one of the top ten true disciples of the Blood Gods.

Just when the whole evil faction was confused by the word 'Cheng Feng'.

The righteous camp also created huge waves for it.

"Five-star blood word chase order?"

Nakasu, the front line of the battlefield, the eighth prince Fang Yi held a blood **** jade in his hand, his eyes stared at the boss: "The blood **** religion actually issued a five-star blood word hunting order against Cheng Feng?"

"What the **** did this guy do about blood gods?"


"Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng again!"

On the front line of the battlefield, the son of Wen Xiang is the only one with a look of glee and joy: "This guy has been jumping very happily recently. This time, a five-star blood word hunting order was issued by the blood gods to see how he jumps."


"A five-star blood word chase order?"

Nakasu, a certain area occupied by the blood gods.

Su Lin glanced at the blood **** Jade, and raised an eyebrow: "It seems that I am a bit dismissive of the little master Cheng Feng."

"Being able to be ordered by the Blood Gods to kill five-star blood characters is definitely not ordinary."

"Perhaps I should find something and have a five-star **** killing order to play with."


At the same time, Destiny Division headquarters.

The huge Destiny Division is completely in a state of frying pan.

Because Destiny Division is the intelligence department of the Feathered Dynasty, all major news will be passed to Destiny Division as soon as possible.

Especially for the news published by the Blood Gods, it is always being monitored.

Therefore, when Yin Buqun issued the five-star order for killing Cheng Feng, the staff of Tianming Division learned the news through a blood **** jade.

And as the man reported the news to him, the big Destiny Secretary frowned.

Even the four major destinies of the Destiny Division are difficult to calm down.

One by one, restless, waiting for Cheng Feng's safe return.

However, they waited and waited, but they could not wait for Cheng Feng's trace.

"Lao Jing, what exactly is Cheng Feng?"

After waiting for a long time, Tianzhao's boss couldn't wait, and asked Bai Jingfeng: "Theoretically, the blood gods issued a five-star blood character chase order against Cheng Feng, which shows that Cheng Feng has escaped the blood **** Hunting. "

"But he ... people?"

"My grandfather, I don't know."

Bai Jingfeng was also very anxious: "Will he not use space to transmit?"


Tian Zhao Da Shi shook his head: "If you don't use space teleportation, Cheng Feng can't escape the pursuit of the blood gods ascending the heavenly strong."

"Willn't it be, Cheng Feng didn't set the transmission terminal as Destiny City?"

Bai Jingfeng speculated: "Destiny City is a heavy place in the court, without special permissions, it is difficult to be locked by the teleportation ..."

While talking, Bai Jingfeng's voice suddenly stopped.

After turning his gaze, he looked at a matrix projection.

Immediately, in the matrix projection, a small teleportation array flashed.

The next moment, a middle-aged man with a strong body and a mini dragon less than one meter in length suddenly emerged from the teleportation array.

Soon afterwards, a boy in black with a long black knife also emerged from the teleportation array.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

"Is this the Destiny Division of the Feathered God?"

After getting out of the teleportation array, Long Aotian looked around and muttered, "It's too cold, isn't it? Anyway, it's also one of the nine divisions of the divine feathering dynasty."

"This place should not be a Destiny Division."

The goshawk also looked around, and said, "Because the destiny division is a heavy court, its defense is strict, and it has strict restrictions on the transmission of the void."

"Otherwise, once the blood gods find the teleportation array, it will become a shortcut to the headquarters of the Destiny Division."

"That's true."

Long Aotian nodded, and then asked, "Where are we now?"

"Fate is a thousand miles away."

Cheng Feng replied: "In addition, we should now be under the supervision of the Destiny Division staff."

"Monitoring?" Long Aotian's neck twisted.

When it saw a small array projection, it immediately swam over with interest and observed it.

As for Cheng Feng, after walking out of the teleportation array, he punched it back and destroyed the teleportation array.

Broke Yin Buqun and others, the only way to pursue.

After doing this, Cheng Feng exhaled a long breath, and then the divine thoughts erupted, removing the armor of War God from his body and putting it into the soul ring.

Then he sent a message to Hell's Hei Yan, asking him to remove the source of fire.


With the rush of fire from Hell's black flames, he withdrew from Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's repair was that he suddenly plunged at the speed of jumping cliffs.

In the blink of an eye, from the top of the sky, he fell to a half-step true dragon level.

At the same time, a feeling of weakness hit my heart, making Cheng Feng's body unable to bear it.

This is obviously the exhaustion of physical strength and energy, resulting in fatigue.

Although Cheng Feng is a true dragon-level warrior, he does not sleep for ten days and ten nights, and there is no slight discomfort.

But this trip to Yucang River is not as simple as not sleeping for ten days and ten nights?

If it wasn't for Cheng Feng's step forward, he would have fled back to this place before being surrounded by **** hand protection.

I'm afraid that in all likelihood, he will be killed by blood hand protection.

Because the other party is a real ascendant who is the fourth strongest in the world, far from being seriously injured Yin Buqun can compare!

"This trip to the Yucang River is really thrilling."

Cheng Feng took a few deep breaths, and his physical discomfort was better. "But fortunately, everything is satisfactory."

"Not only did I successfully save my Master, but I also gained a lot of gains, which is very worthwhile."

"Cheng Feng, you have seven hours, one minute and fifty-three seconds left to use my fire source."

Just then, Hei Heiyan's voice came: "Also, remember your previous promise and help me exchange the treasure in the Royal Treasury as soon as possible."

"Rest assured, Cheng Feng speaks for himself."

Cheng Feng said: "After I solve the trivial matter, I will help you exchange the baby."

After passing Hell's Heiyan, Cheng Feng felt that his condition had recovered slightly.

Immediately through the matrix projection, he greeted Tianzhao Da Shiming and others, took Long Aotian and Goshawk, performed the fifth floor of the shadow method, and went to the Tianming Division thousands of miles away.


Destiny Division headquarters.

On the day according to the order of the boss, everyone saw this scene, and all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cheng Feng's life is harder than a stone."

Bai Jingfeng looked at Cheng Feng who disappeared from the formation screen, and shook his head and smiled, "We are worried about him, and it is simply a waste of expression."

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