Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1036: No. 1 Cultivation Zone

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Chapter 106th No. 1 Cultivation Zone

For killing Cheng Feng, the blood gods are spared no effort.

Not only issued a five-star blood word hunting order, but also Cheng Feng was included in the hunting list gold list tenth.

Such a double hunt, let alone a broken territory.

Even the ascendants of the heavens said that they fell.

No wonder Tailong and Bai Ze are worried.

"Cheng Feng, the pursuit of blood gods, you can't turn a blind eye."

At this time, Long Aotian interjected: "You must quickly increase your strength and accumulate your hole cards."

"Only in this way can you stop the waves of pursuit of the blood gods."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Tailong did not target Long Aotian for the first time and agreed: "Cheng Feng, you really need to improve your strength."

"At the very least, we have to push the cultivation to the true dragon level."

"Rest assured, I already have a plan."

Cheng Feng said: "Next, I will first refine the remaining drops of true dragon blood and upgrade it to true dragon level."

"Second, practice the third style of Emperor Cangdao."

"Then you will practice a martial arts martial arts skill, and an augmented martial arts skill."

Cheng Feng said: "In addition, if not necessary, I will try not to go to the site of blood gods."

"In this case, even if the blood gods wanted to hurt me, they would not be able to get started!"

"This arrangement is good."

Long Aotian nodded, and then the head of the thief asked, "However, ascension requires the cooperation of heaven and earth.

"Let's go to the main dragon vein of Jade Capital ..."

"Go your way!"

Cheng Feng interrupted directly: "If you're really idle, just quickly give me the half a catty dragon blood that owes me."

"Ahem ~~"

Hearing Cheng Feng's mention of Dragon Blood, Long Aotian withered immediately.

After a cough, he started pretending to be deaf.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

"Cheng Feng, the boss has sent a message to let us go to the No. 1 training area."

Just then, Bai Ze suddenly spoke.

"Cultural Area One?"

Cheng Feng was surprised: "That seems to be Tai Siming's exclusive cultivation place, right?"


Bai Ze nodded: "The No. 1 cultivation area is the place where Tai Siming retreats."

"It is said that there is a real small dragon vein that connects the main dragon vein of Jade City."

"As for the other practice areas, they are all miniature dragon veins radiating from the No. 1 practice area."

"A small dragon vein connecting the main dragon vein?"

On hearing that, Long Aotian's eyes shone, "If I swallow a few mouthfuls, maybe I can ..."


Bai Ze said apologetically: "The astronomical commander has orders, only No. 1 Cheng Feng, Tai Long, and me are allowed in the training area.

"Dragon Boy, you stay here first, lest the boss will be angry, and he will invite you out of the heaven fate."

"Uh ..." Long Aotian was choked.

"Well what does that mean?"

For a moment, Long Ao's genius said a little unpleasantly: "It's too much to exclude this young man!"

"Excessive? I didn't see it."

Tailong rejoices: "Your breath sucked away the heaven and earth dragon spirit in No. 6 cultivation area, Tianzhao Da Ming's life did not stew you, it is enough to give you face."

"So, you finally stay here obediently, don't mess around!"

Having said this, Tai Longyang went away.

"Cheng Feng, don't you leave Ben Shao alone?"

Long Aotian stared his eyes, looking forward to Cheng Feng with expectation.

"Sorry, this is the decision of Tian Zhao senior, and I can't help it."

Cheng Feng shrugged apologetically and then left.

"Fuck, there is almost no humanity!"

Looking at the three Cheng Feng leaving, Long Aotian scolded angrily.

However, the three of Cheng Feng turned a blind eye and quickly left the No. 6 cultivation area.


"Cheng Feng, what is the origin of Long Aotian?"

On the way to the No. 1 training area, Bai Ze asked: "It feels a little too unreliable.

"Bai Ze, do you really think the goods are a dragon?"

Tai Long pouted: "In my opinion, the goods are not Tianlong at all, but a fake that looks like Tianlong!"

"Tyron, you are wrong."

Cheng Feng said, "Long Aotian is really a dragon."

"And, it is likely to be the super existence of a Tianlong tribe."

"The super existence of the Tianlong tribe?"

Tyrone's eyes glared, "Just like that bear?"

"People can't look, so do Dragons."

Cheng Feng said: "I speculate that Long Aotian should have suffered some kind of damage and the repair was all lost."

"The reason it devours the heaven and earth dragon spirit with all one's heart is to repair its body and return to its peak!"

"So it is ..." Tyrone nodded suddenly.

During the conversation, Cheng Feng and they quickly came to the No. 1 cultivation area.

The No. 1 cultivation area is much larger than the No. 6 cultivation area.

The heaven and earth dragon spirit inside is more intense and purer.

Cheng Feng was standing outside the cultivation area, and he could clearly feel the strong spirit of the world.

Om ~~~

The three Cheng Feng had just arrived at the No. 1 training area.

The formation shield that shrouded the cultivation area spontaneously cracked a hole.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng and the three stepped in.

"Woan, it ’s amazing world strength, much stronger than the No. 6 training area."

After stepping into the No. 1 cultivation area, Cheng Feng and the three took a breath.

The dragon-like worlds of dragons and dragons crept into their bodies madly.

Let Cheng Feng's three dragons become extra active!

Especially Cheng Feng, he has just experienced a **** battle, the dragon power is exhausted, and his body and mind is a bit tired.

However, with the infusion of dragon and heaven, Cheng Feng consumed most of the dragon power and was quickly replenished.

At the same time, my exhaustion was swept away.

"It's truly the No. 1 training area."

Cheng Feng couldn't help praising: "I am afraid that the effect of cultivation here is several times as much as the cultivation area No. 6."

"Not bad."

With a smile on his face, Tailong said: "With the strength of the heavens and the earth here, I may be able to quickly practice the martial arts skills of the five internal organs.

The words stopped, Tyrone rushed directly to the center of the No. 1 cultivation area.

Immediately sitting down, began to cultivate.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng and Bai Ze looked at each other.

I also came to the center of No. 1 cultivation area, sat down with my legs crossed, and began to practice.

The cultivation area of ​​No. 1 is particularly strong.

Especially in the central area, the heavens and earth dragons were so strong that they condensed into a series of dragons, hovering and dancing in the air.

When Cheng Feng started to cultivate, the air dragons circling in the void were one by one.

Directly above Cheng Feng's heads, let them refine and absorb.

In this case, only a few minutes.

Cheng Feng's worn-out dragon power was all added back, and his condition reached full grid.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng groaned a little, took out a drop of True Dragon Blood directly, and began to refine and absorb.

The refining of true dragon blood is quite troublesome.

No process peak has been refined once and has experience.

The second refining is called smooth sailing.

Within a few minutes, in the body of Cheng Feng, a true dragon skeleton formed from the blood of the true dragon was formed.

Subsequently, Cheng Feng urged eight Qihai to fill the real dragon skeleton with the rolling dragon force.

Roar! !!

The power of a real dragon was born!

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