Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1042: Stunning Yujing

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Chapter 1042 Shocked Yujing

"Chengfeng, the 371st student of Dota Peak, has met you!"

Seeing those sword tower peak warriors, Cheng Feng bowed down.

"Is he Cheng Feng?"

"It looks so young. It should be less than twenty years old."

With Cheng Feng's voice, those sword tower peak warriors looked at them together.

They whispered and were quite surprised.

In a whisper, a middle-aged man took a step forward.

It was full of appreciation: "Master Cheng Feng, my name is Feng Baifeng, and I am a student of the 365th class of Dota Peak."

"It is Master ’s earliest disciples. You can call me Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng." Cheng Feng said with a fist.

"About Master ’s attack, Uncle Leng has just told us that he wants you to take the lead with Tai Long and go to the Yuwen family."

Feng Baifeng is very straightforward, and briefly introduces the road: "You go here, don't have any psychological concerns, we will follow you behind."

"If someone dares to attack you, you can just kill it!"

Obviously, Leng Cangyu gave Cheng Feng a head start, which was very meaningful.

It is to use Cheng Feng as a bait to attract the evil undercover who intends to kill Cheng Feng, and eliminate it as soon as possible.

In this way, Cheng Feng can be much safer when he goes out.

"Brother Feng is assured."

Cheng Feng said: "I and Tailong will definitely not be afraid to embarrass me, and shame me to Dota Peak!"

"Haha, Brother Cheng Feng's courage, I have heard of it."

Feng Baifeng smiled and said, "Okay, don't say much, let's start!"

"Brother Feng, and all of you, let me take a step first."

Cheng Feng didn't twiddle. He fisted to Baifeng Feng and others, and flew to Jade City with Tailong.

And when Cheng Feng flew about a hundred miles away, the wind Baifeng's sword ignited, soaring into the sky.

Buzzing ~~~

Immediately after, the other thirty-seven sword tower peak warriors, all spurred.

It also flew into the sky and chased the direction where Cheng Feng left.

"Have you started?"

Destiny Division, in the living room, Leng Cangyu sensed this scene and whispered: "Let's go, let's not let Cheng Feng be surprised!"


At the same time, on the main road leading to Jade City.

Cheng Feng and Tyrone flew step by step.

Jade City is the central hub of the Feathered God Dynasty, with millions of martial arts travelling every day.

The warriors flying in the air are catching a lot here.

However, with the arrival of Cheng Feng, the crowd of people on the main road stopped involuntarily.

Then a pair of shocked eyes turned to Cheng Feng.

Obviously, everyone saw the five red kill words above Cheng Feng's head.

Each of the five killing words is a hundred meters away, and the blood cloud is tumbling, exhaling the bloodthirsty vigor.

It makes people feel cold at first sight, too eye-catching and dazzling.

"Blood word killing order, that seems to be the most venomous word killing order of blood gods."

"Once locked by the blood word hunting order, I never want to get rid of it for life!"

"The killing order on the young man's head is still the rumored five-star killing order."

"Who is that young man? Could it be a certain ascendant?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the Five Star Blood Pursuit Order.

One after another speculated that Cheng Feng might be a certain ascendant.

Because of the five-star blood word chase order of the blood gods, it only targets the super existence of three or four.

But at this moment, someone in the crowd called Cheng Feng's identity broken.

"Cheng Feng, the young man who was locked by the Five-Star Blood Pursuit Order should be Cheng Feng!"

"Cheng Feng? It's very possible."

Someone said, "About a few days ago, Cheng Feng seemed to be attacked by strong men such as the jade face guardian of the blood gods.

"If someone in the younger generation is wanted by a five-star blood character hunting order, it must be Cheng Feng!"

With this person's analysis, the scene suddenly fry.

Many people widened their eyes and looked carefully at Cheng Feng flying in the sky.

Because in recent months, Cheng Feng's reputation has been too loud.

The first is to help the King of Kings and kill the Mingze monster out of trouble.

Secondly, he went deep into the ancient jungle of the emperor, and killed a large number of masters in the Broken Realm.

Then three consecutive half-step killing blood gods ascended to the top of the heavenly realm, ascended to the top of the heavenly list.

In the end, he was taught by the blood gods, and he was unprecedentedly ranked in the tenth place in the gold list of hunting list.

So everyone wants to see what this young man who has created countless miracles looks like.

"So he is Cheng Feng!"

As Cheng Feng flew closer, countless people could clearly see Cheng Feng's appearance.

I saw Cheng Feng in black clothes, holding a long black knife in his hand, tall and straight.

Although he looks average, he has a special charm.

Compared with those creamy noodles, they look much better!

In the void, Cheng Feng didn't pay much attention to the reaction of the crowd.

Instead, he speeded up and flew towards Jade City.

However, Cheng Feng flew away.

The warriors on the main road of Jade Jingcheng did not stop excited.

They looked at the back of Cheng Feng leaving and speculated.

"Cheng Feng seems to be going to Jade City. Why is he going to Jade City?"

"Cheng Feng's breath is carrying a murderous spirit."

"The purpose of his visit to Jade Capital City is definitely not ordinary, maybe something big will happen."

Everyone was talking, in the direction that Cheng Feng was flying, there were dozens of arrogant blades suddenly.

This sense of swordsmanship kills the cold and makes the winter three points colder!

"That seems to be the master of Qianlong Academy's knife tower peak."

"The route they fly is exactly the same as Cheng Feng."

"It's not right, it's not right! There will definitely be something big happening in Jade City."

"Walk around, let's rush into the city and see what's going on."

During the talk, people on the road accelerated one after another and hurried to Jade City.

At the same time, Cheng Feng and Tai Long have flew to the Jade City a hundred miles away.

When I had to walk to the gate of a city, through the wall-like onlookers, we flew straight to the east of Jade City.

"Dongcheng District, Cheng Feng flew to Yujing Dongcheng District."

"And there, it seems to be the home of the eight major families in Jade City."

"Can it be said that Cheng Feng's visit to Jade City is actually related to the eight major families of Jade City?"

A lot of warriors followed, guessing.

And as the crowd flew to the East District of Jade City, the number of warriors on the sidelines increased from hundreds to thousands, and eventually reached tens of thousands.

This directly led to the dispatch of the Jade City Guards, thinking that foreign enemies had invaded.


And at this time.

Jade City, Dongcheng District.

The Yuwen family has received the news that Cheng Feng came to Yujing, which made many people in the Yuwen family panic.

In particular, the elder Yuwen Xiaolin of the Yuwen family has a gloomy face.

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