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Chapter 104th Sword Power

In front of the Yuwen Family House.

Yuwen Taiji took over the white jade from Leng Cangyu.

I'm going to infuse a divine power into it, hum ~~~

A white scene appeared in that white jade pendant.

I saw this scene, but it was a dark corner, an ordinary middle-aged man, was connecting with a man wearing a cape.

The two didn't talk much, and after a brief conversation, they left.

After the average middle-aged man left, the man wearing the cape lifted it off.

Everyone looked at it, it was Yuwen Xiaolin!

Obviously, the ordinary person is the super monitor of the Destiny Division.

Yuwen Xiaolin wore a cape and connected to this person in the dark corner, there must be a big problem.

Maybe it's just talking, the only thing that assassinates the knife.

"Leng Cangyu, is this the so-called evidence?"

However, after watching the virtual scene, Yuwen Taiji snorted humbly: "Only a picture of Xiao Lin meeting someone, it is concluded that Xiao Lin is a leaker. Is this too ridiculous?"

"Yu Wen is too lucky, could you be blind?"

Leng Cangyu's voice chilled: "The person connected to Yuwen Xiaolin is the super monitor of Tianming Division."

"Before this person joined Yuwen Xiaolin, my teacher's nephew was the only one who just teleported from the Yucang River Basin to a teleportation point in the Tianming Division."

"That teleportation point happens to be under the supervision of that special monitor."

Leng Cangyu said, "After this person met Yuwen Xiaolin, my teacher's nephew was assassinated."

"You said that this matter has nothing to do with Yuwen Xiaolin? Is it possible?"

"Leng Cangyu, you don't have to think about things."

Yu Wentaiji said: "This may also be that the super-monitor is playing tricks, deliberately planting stolen goods to get into trouble."

"All in all, my Yuwen family can never be leaked!"

"Yu Wen is too lucky, do you want to protect Yu Wen Xiaolin?"

Leng Cangyu's voice chilled, revealing a sense of murder.

"Leng Cangyu, the old man is not covering Xiaolin, but seeking truth from facts."

Yu Wentaiji said, "It's important to note that the so-called evidence you provided can't explain anything at all."

"If you can't get any other evidence, you're deliberately picking things!"

"Do you want other evidence?"

Leng Cangyu suddenly smiled coldly: "This is easy. As long as Yu Wen Xiaolin cooperates, he will immediately know if he is a leaker."

"Oh? How does Xiaolin need to cooperate?" Yuwen Taiji frowned.

"It's simple."

Leng Cangyu said, "Just let him let go of God and let me search for souls ..."

"Soul search?"

Yuwen Taiji's face sank: "Leng Cangyu, what a loss you say!"

"Once a person is searched for soul, more than 90% will become an idiot."

"The remaining 10%, the soul flew on the spot."

Yuwen Taiji angered: "Did you want to play tricks to kill Xiaolin?"

"Yu Wentaiji, just now you said you want evidence."

Leng Cangyu said: "Now you have a way to get evidence, but you are twitching."


Yuwen Taiji scolded: "If Xiao Lin is not a leaker, after he is searched for the soul, wouldn't he die with injustice?"

"He must be a leaker!"

Leng Cangyu affirmed, "As long as you search for the soul, everything will come out."

While speaking, Leng Cangyu's gaze turned to look at Yu Wen Xiaolin.

His glance only scared the Yuwen Xiaolin's soul.

"Xuanzu, I am not a leaker, I am not!"

Yuwen Xiaolin crawled and hid behind Yuwen Taiji, crying, "Please protect me, protect me!"

"Xiao Lin, rest assured."

Yuwen Taiji said: "As long as Xuanzu is here, Leng Cangyu will never let you search for your soul!"

"Well, Yuwen is too lucky, although I am a warrior in the same realm with you."

Leng Cangyu sneered: "But what I want to do, you can't stop it!"

"Zhang crazy!"

Yuwen was too drunk, but his face was a little blue.

Because he also knows himself, even though Leng Cangyu ranks fifth with himself.

But the real combat power, he was a miss.

So his eyes turned and looked at the old man in purple.

"Brother Yuan Zhong, you also saw that this person is too presumptuous."

Yuwen Taiji arched his hands and said: "I am a master of martial arts holy land, and I actually intend to forcibly perform the soul-searching technique on my Yuwen family.

"I also hope Brother Yuan Zhong can preside over justice!"

Yuan Zhong is the deputy leader of the royal guard Ziyiwei.

This person is not only highly advanced, but also has deeper qualifications. Many Ziyiwei are his descendants.

Yuwen Taiji has a deep relationship with this person. He asked him to come here, just to use his strength to suppress Leng Cangyu.

"Leng Cangyu, you're a little too much."

Yuan Zhong's face was dry and thin, but her eyes were very sharp.

Hearing Yuwen Taiji's help at this moment, he looked up at Leng Cangyu: "The Yuwen Xiaolin of the Yuwen family is just a suspicion, but you have to forcibly search for him."

"It doesn't make sense, but please restrain yourself!"

"Mr. Yuan Zhong, should it be purple clothes?"

Leng Cangyu's gaze swept Yuan Yuan, and said lightly: "The Purple Guard is a royal guard, whose main responsibility is to protect the safety of the members of the royal family."

"As for the things outside the palace, I think you'd better get involved!"

"Leng Cangyu, are you warning me?" Yuan Zhong looked cold.

"Not a warning, but a kind reminder."

Leng Cangyu said: "Because I want to do what Leng Cangyu wants to do, no one can stop it, even the purple clothes Wei."

"Oh, right?"

Yuan Zhong's brow froze: "Yuan is a little disbelieving!"

"Hehe ~~"

Leng Cangyu smiled coldly: "Since you don't believe it, try the old man's method!"

The words came to a halt, and a sharp momentum suddenly burst out of Leng Cangyu's body.


Suddenly, the void in front of Yuan Zhong and others was full of horrible fronts.

"Did the talk collapse?"

Seeing Leng Cangyu's sudden shot, the onlookers were shocked.

Not dare to neglect, all backed away.

Because once the two sides of Leng Cangyu collapse, there is bound to be a big war.

In this level of battle, the power is too arrogant, even if it tries to suppress the power.

But occasionally the energy is enough to kill a large area of ​​the Broken Realm.

At this moment, countless viewers retreated to a dozen miles away, and they still felt that their bodies were hurt by a knife.

"Is that ... the sword?"

Mixed in the crowd, Tai Long looked at the momentum emanating from Leng Cangyu, very surprised.

"Well, it is indeed a sword."

Tai Long sided, Cheng Feng nodded.

The momentum emanating from Leng Cangyu was exactly the rumored sword.

The so-called sword power is a kind of knife-way momentum generated by the warrior after practicing the sword intention to the extreme.

Once the sword momentum is practiced, the sword is cut out, and the momentum is rushed out to hit the soul of the person.

If it is unable to withstand the bombardment of the sword, the spirit is immediately lost, and it is timid without a fight.

You have lost before you actually fight!

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