Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1069: Apology is not enough!

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Chapter 109 Apologies, Far From Enough!

"Fuck, you can be a little risky!"

Tai Long said: "In case Li Shiji shows the first result, isn't Li family going to hate you?"

"There is no way, this is the only option for Li Shiji to rebuild confidence."

Cheng Feng shrugged: "I can't be selfless, kill myself to complete Li Shiji?"

At this point, Cheng Feng looked towards Li Shiji.

At this time, Li Shiji bowed to the end and thanked him.

"Li Shiji, thank you for not having to."

Cheng Feng said: "Your martial arts will break, it is caused by fighting with me."

"Now that you reshape the martial arts will, this is the end of the cause and effect."

"It's your father, Li Renxiong, who has been shouting and killing me."

Cheng Feng's eyes swept Li Renxiong: "Especially just now, we must use the power of the whole family and put me to death!"

"Khekeke ~~~"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, the face of Li Renxiong became red and embarrassed.

Just now, Cheng Feng clearly stated that Li Shiji may not be in trouble, but Li Renxiong did not take it seriously because of his prejudice against Cheng Feng.

At this moment Li Shiji, with the help of Cheng Feng, broke into pieces and reborn, which directly made him feel complacent.

"My father was just impulsive."

After experiencing setbacks, Li Shiji has really changed a lot.

Without the arrogance and impetuousness of the past, he became respectful and polite. At this moment, he fisted: "I am here, apologize to my father to Cheng Feng and the predecessors of Dota Peak.

"Li Shiji, I don't care."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "Anyway, I have been shouted and killed, and this time it's okay."

"The point is that Li Renxiong's leak must be given a statement."

"Otherwise, once my predecessors from Dota Peak arrive, even if your Li family is twice as strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

The strongest of Dota Peak is much more than the Li family.

Even if there are many strong people who are entangled in the blood gods and cannot get away, it is enough to kill the Li family.

In addition, the peak of the Dota Tower is not enough, but there are beast peaks, sword forests, art seas, and Shushan ...

A Li family is absolutely difficult to compete!

"My father leaked it?"

Li Shiji frowned, looking at Li Renxiong.

He was not very clear about the matter.

"Cheng Feng, let me apologize to you for my recklessness."

After Li Shiji rebuilt his confidence, Li Renxiong completely calmed down.

He looked at Cheng Feng, first clenching his fists, and then he said, "The leak is completely planned by Yu Wen Xiaolin, and has nothing to do with me."


Cheng Feng frowned: "If the leak has nothing to do with you, then why would you talk to Yuwen Xiaolin and talk to my master?"

"Not long ago, I did meet Yuwen Xiaolin of my Yuwen family."

Li Renxiong said: "And he also encouraged me to join hands with me to kill the only knife."

"However, I did not agree."

Li Renxiong said: "Although I really want the sword to die, I just want to defeat and kill him with my own hands."

"As for conspiracy, I don't even bother to do it!"

"Oh? Really?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "But as far as I know, the super-monitor of the Destiny Division, who dared to leak out my Master's whereabouts, has a great relationship with your Li family."

The super-monitor of the Destiny Division only dared to divulge the secret after receiving the double promises of the Li family and the Yuwen family.

If it were a Yuwen family alone, that super monitor would not necessarily risk it.

"Cheng Feng, speak with evidence."

Li Renxiong said unpleasantly: "In the leak, I only met with Yu Wen Xiaolin once and did not meet the so-called super monitor."

"You haven't seen him, but he may not have seen you!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's simple."

Cheng Feng said: "When you meet Yuwen Xiaolin, the super monitor must be watching not far away."

"When he saw you talking to Yuwen Xiaolin, he naturally thought you had reached a cooperation agreement."

"As a result, he had the courage to leak information."

Cheng Feng's voice became cold: "Dive deeper, you are the culprit who caused my Master to be attacked!"

Hearing Cheng Feng's remarks, Li Renxiong was silent.

Indeed, if he did not meet Yuwen Xiaolin.

The super monitor may be timid and give up the secret.

Although Li Renxiong did not directly participate in the leak, the impact can not be ignored.

"Cheng Feng, is this just your guess?"

After a moment of silence, Li Renxiong said: "Furthermore, even the super monitor, it was because of seeing my meeting with Yuwen Xiaolin, that she gave birth to a secret."

"But I can't blame my head. I didn't do anything."

"Sometimes, doing nothing is more harmful."

Cheng Feng's eyes turned cold: "All in all, the incident of my Master being attacked has a great relationship with you."

"If you can't give one, I will be satisfied with Dota Peak."

"Then we can only see the real tricks under our hands!"

Threat, Cheng Feng This is the threat of Chiguo.

Fenglifeng seized Li Renxiong's shortcomings and was justified.

Even if it is a threat, everyone will not feel disgusted when they hear it, but think it should be so.

"Cheng Feng, the only thing the knife was attacked, I did something wrong."

After a moment's groaning, Li Renxiong softened and apologized: "Here, I would like to express my deep apologies to all Dota Peak warriors!"

"Apologize, Li Renxiong actually apologized?"

"Wow, originally I thought that the Li family had to fight against the Dota Peak."

"I never thought that under the words of Cheng Feng, Li Renxiong was subdued!"

"This guy, Cheng Feng, is really not simple. Not only is he hard at work, but his brain is also alive!"

After hearing Li Renxiong's apology, countless audiences were surprised and gave Cheng Feng a higher look.

Even countless members of the Lee family admire their hearts.

However, Cheng Feng, as a client, frowned slightly.

Not satisfied with Li Renxiong's apology.

"Li Renxiong, is this over?"

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "Because of your fault, I almost killed my teacher, but you just want to write off everything with a single" sorry "?"

"This is too easy, right?"

One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

Everyone originally thought that with Li Renxiong apologize.

The only thing the knife was killed would be settled with it.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was so strong that he did not casually end his posture.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were cast on Li Renxiong, and he wanted to see how Li Renxiong would answer.

With countless pairs of eyes watching, Li Renxiong's face was gloomy.

The voice became cold: "Cheng Feng, since apologizing is not enough, what else do you want?"

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