Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1105: Different Fire vs. Different Fire

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Chapter 105: Different Fires VS Different Fires


The super volcano collapsed as Yu Shen's punches fell.

Massive lava erupted from the volcano, covering the entire sky.

At the same time, roar ~~~

A roar came out at the bottom of the collapsed volcano.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible high temperature swept through the volcano.

The entire outer wall of the volcano that was collapsing suddenly became red, and then it melted into rolling magma and washed away in all directions with the waves.

The blink of an eye, centered on a super volcano, within a thousand miles of a circle, instantly turned into a lava-filled ocean.

And the city of flames, like a flat boat floating on the sea of ​​fire, looks extremely helpless!

"My God, the super volcano collapsed and turned into a lava ocean."

"Run away, run away!"

"Large magma is coming, and it will drown us completely!"

As the magma swept away and rushed to the city of flames, the soldiers in the city fell into fear.

During the silent cry, he fled outside the city of flames through the teleportation array, the portal ... and so on.

In addition, there are means of display in the heavens, and the divine power condenses into a huge palm, grabbing the juniors of their respective families, then tearing the void and running away.

But more people in the city had neither a teleportation array nor the ability to tear the void.

When she flees, she will only be caught up by lava waves, but she will die faster, and she can only stay in the city in despair.

Fortunately, Flame City's defensive formation is strong enough.

Under the impact of the magma waves, although it was teetering, it just stayed down.

At the same time, there were several behemoths that arrived outside the city of flames with the lava waves.

With a huge body, it blocked the impact of most of the magma waves.

It's those fire dragons entangled in the super volcano!

With the protection of these fire dragons, the city of flames is temporarily safe.

Cheng Feng's situation is worse than that of the people in the city of Sacred Fire.

He was first struck by two punches of the godless, and the whole person was directly struck into the collapsed super volcano.

When he stabilized his body, all the red magma was in sight.

Even if the body is wearing the armor of war, the body is hot, like being baked on a fire.

Even more frightening is that a pair of scary eyes have quietly locked him.

These eyes, from the bottom of the super volcano, are full of madness and brutality.

It seems that Cheng Feng is a kind of delicious food, and he has to swallow it alive!

"What the **** is that?"

Suddenly, a chill rose from Cheng Feng's soles, and instantly over his head.

"Earth Flame!"

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "The owner of those eyes must be the earth spirit flame, it has already fixed its eyes on you"

In fact, to be precise, Earth Flame did not focus on Cheng Feng, but on Hell.

At this moment, Cheng Feng's body was filled with the source of fire from Hell's black flame.

Naturally, the earth's spirit flame thought that Cheng Feng was transformed by Hell and Heiyan.

Swallowing Cheng Feng is equivalent to swallowing Hell's melancholy, allowing him to quickly advance.

"Earth Flame? Damn it!"

Hearing the earth Lingyan stared at himself, although Cheng Feng was under the package of rolling magma.

But the whole person is kind of cold.

Without saying a word, they exhibited the fifth layer of the "Hundred Miles Shape" of the Shadow Method.

Intent to escape directly from the lock of the earth spirit flame.

However, it was okay for Cheng Feng not to move. This movement immediately triggered the alert of the earth spirit flame.

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng only felt his eyes fixed on him, and became fierce and brutal.

The next moment, the fire energy in the billowing magma suddenly pulled away and condensed, forming a huge cage of flames that shrouded Cheng Feng.

In this way, not only the space channel in the empty space is blocked instantly, but all the retreats of Cheng Feng are blocked completely.

When the flame cage shrinks, Cheng Feng will be dragged to the bottom of the super volcano.

However, at this time, the void pot contained in Cheng Feng's soul ring flew out automatically.

Immediately afterwards, the lid of the Nether Pot was slammed open.


A gray-black flame burst out from the void pot.

"Hell black inflammation?" Cheng Feng raised a brow.

This gray-black flame burst from the Nether Pot is Hell's Black Flame.

I saw Hell's black flame burst out of the Nether Pot and directly turned into a fire dragon with a length of 10,000 meters.

Its dragon body is irrigated with black iron, and its claws are thick and sharp, and it looks extremely stingy.

"Cheng Feng, I want to recover the source of fire in your body."

Hell black flames circled in the fiery lava: "Next, you better leave now."

"Because I will start an engulfment with Earth Spirit Flame, either I will swallow it, or it will swallow me."

The words fall, hum ~~~

A suction appeared out of thin air, sucking away the source of fire in Cheng Feng's body instantly.

As a result, the regional melanitis appears even more cruel.

"Hell is black, do you have to fight against the earth spirit flame?"

After being sucked away by the source of fire by Hell's Black Flame, Cheng Feng's repair plummeted.

From the first limit of the previous ascent to the heavens, he fell back to the early level of the true dragon class.

However, he was wearing the armor of war, so he would not be burned by the magma.

And because the source of fire in Hell's Black Flame was removed, the eyes of the earth spirit flame also moved away.

Cheng Feng was a lot safer instead.

"Between different fires and different fires, it is a life-and-death rival."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "Once two different fires meet, nine out of ten will annex each other, and eventually only one remains."

"But Hell's Heiyan is weak."

Cheng Feng was puzzled: "Hell's Heiyan was originally ranked low, and was recently sucked away by one-tenth of the source of fire by the little white bird."

"At this time with the flames of the earth, the odds of winning are scarce."

"Hell's Black Yan's odds are really small."

Nalan Changsheng said: "However, the two different fires merge with each other. The weak side may not lose. As long as it seizes the opportunity, there is still a certain chance to defeat."

"Also, since he has been stared at by the earth spirit flame, **** black flames cannot escape, it is better to bet!"

Just when Cheng Feng was talking to Nalan Changsheng.


A pure white monster flame suddenly rose from the bottom of the super volcano.

Let the surrounding magma become hotter.

Like boiling water, it transpired fiercely.

Hell black inflammation is not weak at all, and the gray and black flames diffuse on its surface, making the surrounding temperature higher.

In addition, the flame cage that had condensed from the earth spirit flame collapsed quickly.

"Cheng Feng, leave quickly!"

After the flame cage collapsed, a dark drink came from Hell's melanoma.

The next moment, the black dragon's faucet lifted up and crashed into the earth spirit flame.

Obviously, it is necessary to compete with the earth spirit flame!

As for Cheng Feng, he glanced at the black hellish flames of the hell, and said nothing, immediately performed a march, and flew out of the supervolcano.

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