Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1158: Get together

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Chapter 1158 The Friends Meet

"Okay I'm sorry."

Cheng Feng smiled bitterly: "I'm wrong about this, and I must pay attention next time."

"Huh, is it enough to admit it?"

Tyron snorted, and said with a stern face: "Let's drink one later, before you drink, punish you to drink a jar of burnt knives."

"Furthermore, the use of dragon power is not allowed."

Burning a knife is a spirit.

Because this wine is too strong, after drinking it, it looks like a knife across his throat.

Most people drink a mouthful or two and get drunk for three days and nights.

However, Tailong punished Cheng Feng and drank a whole altar before drinking.

This is obviously to impress Cheng Feng's rhythm!

"A burning knife ..."

Cheng Feng's face was bitter, but he could not speak back.

I can only smile with a bitter smile: "Okay, start an altar and burn a knife, I think!"

Cheng Feng's voice has just fallen, 嗤 ~~~

Beyond the fate of Destiny, an astonishing sword sent out.

This sword is very strong. It cuts the clouds in the sky and has a taste of piercing the sky.

Worst and worst, reached the eighth level of swordsmanship!

The speed of the eighth-order Jianyi was fast. In a blink of an eye, Cheng Feng and the two approached.

Immediately turned into a young man in gray clothes with a cold face.

It is the sword forest Wizards sword clean.

"Brother Sword."

Seeing that the sword was dust-free, Cheng Feng showed surprise.

They haven't seen each other for months since they separated from Jian Wuchen.

It's a pleasure to meet again today.

However, the sword was dustless but expressionless, and said indifferently: "Don't notify me when in danger, it's punishable!"

"Hahaha ~~"

Hearing the words of the sword, Tailong haha ​​laughed, "Yes, yes, Cheng Feng really deserves punishment."

"I just punished him for burning a knife just now."

"Is the knife burned?"

Sword moaned without dust: "That line, I will also punish you for burning a knife."

"Brother Sword, how can you ..."

At this time, Cheng Feng smiled bitterly.

However, he was unable to refute that when confronted with danger, Cheng Feng did not think of notifying Jian to be dust-free.

As a result, he could only recognize it bitterly.

However, today seems to be a bad day for Cheng Feng.

Tailong and Jian Wuchen just finished drinking, and another friend arrived.

This time it was the blood of Cangnan of Longyuan Pavilion, Liangshan of Shushan, Wang Yuyan, the pearl of the king of Qianlong County, and even storms and thunder.

In the end, Cheng Feng was punished by burning a knife, reaching as many as seven altars.

"Thank you for thinking about the safety of Cheng Feng."

After chatting with Tailong and others for a while, Cheng Feng hugged his fist and said, "Since we are together, it would be better to find a place to talk.

"After all, our warriors are from all over the world. Maybe next time we reunite, we don't know what year or month."

"That makes sense."

The crowd nodded, and then said in the same voice: "At the same time, they can also supervise you and finish drinking the Qitan burning knife."

"You guys ..."

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng only smiled bitterly.

Next, Cheng Feng led a group of eight or nine people to Yujing City.

On the way, he happened to meet the black widow shirt shirt spirit that had not been seen for a long time.

So he joined the team and went to Jade City together.

Soon, the group arrived at Yujing, and then they randomly chose a tavern and asked for a private room.

Wait to order a table with wine.

Everyone ate and drank while chatting, telling their current situation.

The first is the dustless sword. Since a few months ago, he was taken away by the King of God and went directly to a sword grave.

In the sword tomb, the sword is sharpened day and night without any sharpening of the sword.

Not only did Xiu Xiu reach the top of the true dragon class, but Jianyi also achieved eighty-eight percent.

Compared with Tianjianzong's peerless genius Jianqi, he has a slight advantage.

Secondly, Blood Cangnan, since he entered the Tianlong Tomb, has been impacting on the last floor.

However, the last level of the Tianlong Tomb is beyond danger.

More than 90% of the top geniuses have died in that layer.

Even the black scorpion giant Chan and the dragon captain Bai Jinglong were no exception.

Only a few people, such as Xue Cangnan, Thunderstorm, etc., had managed to pass that level.

This directly made Xue Cangnan and the storm and lightning repair to reach the true dragon-class top.

As long as you find the right Zulong map, you can advance to the Zulong level at any time.

Especially the thunderstorms and lightnings, it is the four martial arts spirits that have entered the metamorphosis period, and their strength can be scary.

Looking for Cheng Feng this time, I also have the idea to compete with Cheng Feng.

As for Liang Luoshi, his experience is relatively average.

But even so, it must not be underestimated.

On the contrary, Cheng Feng felt that among them, only Liang Luoshi was the deepest.

Rumors say that Liang Luoshi was a saint's reincarnation.

Maybe this is true, even if you don't have to go through all kinds of dangers, Xiu Wei is soaring, pushing the crowd.

Then Wang Yuyan, although it was a female stream, but she did not allow her to frown.

With his own efforts, Xiuwei has now reached the fifth level of fragmentation.

Moreover, people are becoming more and more beautiful and beautiful, so that many young talents present at the scene frequently look around.

As for the black widow shirt shirt, the situation is very general.

Although Xiu Wei has stepped into the Fifth Broken Realm, his qualifications are not enough, and I am afraid that he has exhausted his potential.

However, Shangshanling is cheerful and not troubled by his cultivation.

It seems that it is the happiest life.

And when Cheng Feng started to tell his own experience, all of a sudden, the scene was silent.

Everyone raised their ears and wanted to hear what Cheng Feng has experienced recently.

It's hard to calm the whole world because of him.

In a silence, Cheng Feng began to tell.

Despite Cheng Feng's readme, a lot of danger and confidentiality have been omitted.

But after everyone listened, they were all stunned.

Especially the storm and thunder and lightning, he originally thought that he had obtained a huge adventure this time and was able to compete with Cheng Feng.

But after listening to Cheng Feng's readme, all of a sudden, the pride in my heart suddenly collapsed.

Never again, the idea to compete with Cheng Feng!

"Cheng Feng, your experience during this time is simply a legend."

Xue Cangnan sighed, convinced orally.

"It is indeed a miracle to be able to save your life under the attack of a godless fifth guardian of blood gods."

Wang Yuyan's eyes widened, and she said inconceivably: "And, Cheng Feng, you have escaped from the geocentric world, and I have no idea how to describe it."

"You know, when we met, I could easily beat you, but now ..."

"Oh, don't hold me anymore."

Cheng Feng laughed: "It is only luck that I can live to this day."

"Luck? Why didn't I have such good luck?"

Tyrone's eyes glared and said unpleasantly, "I'm so angry with my stomach!"

At this point, Tai Long grabbed a wine jar and snorted in front of Cheng Feng.


Tyrone stared and said, "Dry the burning knife that owes me first, let me put out the fire!"

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