Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1162: Come back home

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Chapter 1162

"Cheng Feng, what else do you have next?"

After leaving the Xiao family, Cheng Feng and his team of seven walked forward.

"It should be gone."

Cheng Feng thought back carefully, and then said, "Maybe, it's time to return to the academy."

"Are you finally going back to the college?"

Tai Long lamented: "Speaking of which, we have been away from the academy for a long time."

Cheng Feng and a few of them have never returned to Qianlong Academy since being captured by Qianlong Academy from the Blood Gods.

During this period, too many things went through, and at this time preparing to return, it turned out to have an inexplicable feeling.

"Let's go, let's go to the exclusive transfer area of ​​Jade City."

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng said.

"OK." Several others nodded in unison.

Jade City, as the imperial capital of the Feathered Gods, is heavily guarded.

The entire city is in a state of no airspace.

As long as he entered the Jade City, no one can teleport and tear the void.

If you want to use a teleport array, you can only go to a dedicated teleport area.

Soon, several people from Cheng Feng arrived at the exclusive transfer zone of Yujing City.

I saw crowded people here, all of them are ready to teleport to leave, or just teleported return.

But with the appearance of the seven Cheng Feng, all of a sudden, the hustle and bustle of the scene calmed down.

Almost everyone's eyes turned to Cheng Feng.

"Look, who is that young man in black?"

"Cheng Feng, that person seems to be Cheng Feng?"

"It is rumored that Cheng Feng saved his life under the godless pursuit of the fifth guardian of the blood gods. Now it seems that it is.

Seeing the moment of Cheng Feng, the crowd was surprised at first.

Immediately afterwards, the boiling rumbling sounded like a huge wave.

They were all curious about Cheng Feng, and even many warriors who were preparing to teleport to leave could not help but pause the teleportation.

However, Cheng Feng didn't care about everyone's concern.

Instead, he took a few of Tyrone and went directly to a vacant area in the teleportation area.

Then he took a rush, took out a golden portal, and opened it.

After the transmission terminal was settled, the three of Liang Luoshi entered one by one.

Cheng Feng is facing Bai Ze: "Bai Ze, say hello to Uncle Jing and senior Uncle Jing for me."

"Well, I will."

Bai Ze nodded: "I wish you all the best, and see you next year during the Tianjiao debate."

"Okay, see you next year."

Cheng Feng smiled and nodded, stepping into the golden portal one step.

Then, the golden portal was golden.

The next moment, it turned into a golden light spot and disappeared quickly.


Yujing is far away from Qianlong County, which is tens of thousands of miles.

But under the transmission of the golden portal, it was only a momentary thing.

Cheng Feng's front foot was still in Jade City, and the latter foot appeared on the top of a majestic mountain.

This mountain is very large, and its top is directly flattened by a sword to build a teleportation array.

At this moment, Cheng Feng's six were standing in a teleportation array.

"Hoo ~~~"

During the teleportation, Cheng Feng exhaled: "I'm back. After a few months, I finally returned to the academy."

This mountain is the exclusive transmission area of ​​Qianlong College.

The warriors of Qianlong Academy want to carry ultra-long-distance teleportation, usually here.

So when Cheng Feng suddenly appeared, the scene boiled.

"Look, that seems to be the first person in Shushan's class. Liang Luoshi, who is known as the poetic saint."

"The young man in the purple robe was the first day of the Storm and Thunder Peak's" Storm and Thunder "!"

"Oh my God, look at that young man in black."

"That seems to be Cheng Feng, the strongest genius Cheng Feng at Dota Peak, Cheng Feng who has created countless miracles!"

The moment he saw Cheng Feng, countless warriors exclaimed.

In particular, some young freshmen, as well as students in the same class as Cheng Feng, are more like seeing their idols.

Buzz, surrounded them.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Tyrone was startled.

But then, Tyrone understood it, knowing that these students from the academy came to them.

To be precise, they came to Cheng Feng and Liang Luoshi.

As for him, he was 'passed by' directly, which made Tyron's face suddenly covered with black lines.

"Brother Cheng Feng, I heard that you have beheaded and killed three half-step ascendants in the sky, is this true?"

"Brother Cheng Feng, I heard that you were unscathed under the sneak attack of the fifth guardian of the blood gods?"

"Brother Cheng Feng, I heard that you have been involved in the geocentric world by Earth Spirit Flame. Is Earth Spirit Flame terrifying?"

Compared with Tailong's depression, Cheng Feng is a bit busy.

Surrounded by countless young talents, Cheng Feng asked Wu Dongxi with admiring eyes, Cheng Feng was still the first one.

Moreover, these little young men are their own classmates and brothers, and Cheng Feng can't ignore them like he does others.

I could only respond with bitter smiles, and worked for a long time before getting out.

"Walk around, let's get out of here quickly."

After leaving, Cheng Feng hastily escorted Tailong and others to "escape" the teleport exclusive area.

The news of Cheng Feng's return has spread rapidly.

If you wait for a while and other students who are informed of the news arrive, Cheng Feng will certainly have a hard time getting away.

Soon, Cheng Feng left the transmission exclusive area.

When I came to a place with few people, I stopped and took a breath.

"Well, why are there fewer people?"

During the break, Cheng Feng's gaze swept away.

It was found that Liang Luoshi and the wind and lightning thunder peak had disappeared.

"Cheng Feng, Brother Liang is still surrounded by the exclusive transmission zone."

Wang Yuyan said: "As for the storm, it left alone after arriving at the academy."

"It is estimated that it returned to the storm and lightning peak."

"Poor Brother Liang."

Heard that Cheng Feng mourned for Liang Luoshi.

"Cheng Feng, are you going back to Dota Peak next?"

"Well, we plan to go to Dota Peak first to see Master."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then asked, "How about you?"

"I'm going to go to Yihai first and greet Master."

Wang Yuyan said: "Then go to the family and visit the grandpa."

"That's OK, let's make that distinction."

"When you're done with the trivial matter and ready to go to the Ironwood family for revenge, remember to call me."

Wang Yuyan said: "The humiliation Tiemu Dengke gave me back then, I want to give it back to the Tiemu family!"

"Okay, I must call you."

Cheng Feng nodded: "No matter who it is, the debt owed must always be repaid!"

After the appointment, Wang Yuyan floated away.

After Wang Yuyan left, Cheng Feng looked to the sword without dust.

"I'm going to Jianlin."

Jian Wuchen said succinctly: "I will stay in the sword forest of the sword forest recently."

"Something must call me!"

After all, the sword was flying and left.

"Brother Sword, give you this."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng quickly took out the small jade box containing Tianlong Longyuan, grabbed ten Longyuan from it, and threw it to the sword clean.

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