Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1165: Homesickness

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Chapter 165: Homesickness

"Fuck, Cheng Feng, you really come!"

Suppressed by Cheng Feng's arrogant breath from the sky, Long Ao Tian shouted.

However, Cheng Feng didn't pay attention to the cry of Long Aotian.

The thick breath in the body continued to flow, pressing Long Aotian to the ground.

Huh! When Feng Aotian's body, which was more than five meters long, lay flat on the ground, Cheng Feng breathed his breath.

"Long Aotian, everything can't be too much."

Cheng Feng said: "I took you to Dota Peak to treat you as a friend, but you don't seem to treat me as a friend."

"Just do it casually, and even pressed my friend Wang Wanben to the ground with five bodies."

"Since you like it, I'll let you feel it for yourself."

Cheng Feng said, "At the same time, let you learn how to respect others!"

It turned out that Cheng Feng was angry for Wang Wanben.

Although Wang Wanben was not high, he was one of the earliest friends Cheng Feng knew.

Just now Wang Wanben was plain for nothing, but Long Aotian suddenly lay on the ground with Long Wei.

It is clear that Wang Wanben has not been put in his eyes, and he does not know how to respect people.

"Cheng Feng, don't you need to be so serious?"

Lying on the ground, Long Aotian said unpleasantly: "I just accidentally reached Wang Wanben, and it was not intentional."

"Long Aotian, you are not careless, but you don't care at all."

Cheng Feng said: "In other words, there is no such person as Wanben in your eyes."

"I know that you reincarnated as a Tianlong giant don't think much of it."

"But I want to say that Wan Ben is my friend of Cheng Feng, and I don't like others to look down on him."

Cheng Feng's voice sank: "Even if you really can't catch your eyes, hide in your heart, don't show it, it will hurt you."

After listening to Cheng Feng's remarks, Long Aotian was silent.

At the same time, Tyrone also began to reflect.

"Okay I'm sorry."

After a moment of silence, Long Aotian confessed his mistakes, "I shouldn't have no one in sight, I apologize!"

"Long Aotian, you should apologize to Wanben, not me."

"Brother Feng, no need, I'm fine!"

Wang Wanben was very touched when he saw that Cheng Feng was in his early days and he was so angry with a dragon.

"Wanben, anyone who does something wrong must admit it."

Cheng Feng insisted: "Even if it is a dragon, there is no exception."

"Good enough, I apologize, Ben Shao apologize!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's serious face, Long Aotian was helpless and obediently apologized to Wang Wanben.

At the same time, Tai Long turned to look at Wang Wanben.

"Brother Wanben, I also want to apologize to you."

Tailong said: "I just took care of the cargo rack with Long Aotian just now. If I make a mistake, I also have a share."

"It's okay, Brother Long, you don't need to do this."

Wang Wanben waved his hands again and again: "We are all Feng's friends, we don't need to be so real."

"Haha, that's a good statement."

After hearing that, Long Aotian started to wonder again: "It's all friends! It's too boring to be too real."

Seeing Long Aotian's appearance of Lai Pi, Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

Knowing that some of the beats I had just played didn't help.

So, too lazy to work with Long Aotian again.

Take the breath away and walk towards the Dota Peak dormitory area.

"Wanben, I heard that my family was all received by the masters of the college?"

On the way, Feng Feng asked Wang Wanben: "Where are they now, do you know?"

"Know, they are more than a hundred miles away from the academy."

Wang Wanben said, "If you want to go, Brother Feng, I can lead the way."

"it is good."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Since I left the family, I haven't gone back for more than a year. It's also time to go home and see my grandpa."

One of the reasons why Cheng Feng has not returned to Cheng's home is that things are delayed.

Second, I am also afraid of bringing trouble to the Cheng family.

Because Cheng Feng has too many enemies and is too strong.

If Cheng Feng attaches too much importance to his family, then Cheng Feng's enemies might catch Cheng's family as a threat to Cheng Feng.

In this way, it will not only cause trouble to yourself, but also hurt your family.

However, the situation is different now. The entire Star City has been moved to Qianlong Academy from thousands of miles away by masters of Qianlong Academy.

The Qianlong Academy has asylum, and the strong blood gods want to move the Cheng family.

"Tylon, I'm going back to the family to visit my family. Would you like to go with me?"

After making a decision, Cheng Feng looked at Tailong.

"Let's go together."

Tyrone yelled, "I'm homeless anyway, so I'll go to your house to have a fun."

"Homeless?" Cheng Feng frowned.

"My situation is special."

Tailong said: "I come from the depths of the million mountains in the north, the Titan tribe."

"The Titan tribe has a special tradition. The ten strongest of the new-born people will be sent to the mountains from a young age."

"Until he grows up and grows himself, he cannot return to the tribe in order to reach the heaven."

Tyrone's voice was a little low: "I was sent by a tribal elder to a hunter outside the mountain when I was very young."

"Today, I have never returned to the tribe once."

After hearing this, several of Cheng Feng's faces were all staring.

Unexpectedly, Tyrone never returned home from childhood.

In other words, knowing that there is a home, but cannot return.

And it was the result of being forcibly stopped by his own people.

This is more cruel than Cheng Feng.

No wonder Tailong's temper is so irritable, I am afraid it has a lot to do with his experience.

"Tylon, don't take it too seriously."

Cheng Feng said: "People of your tribe, the reason why you are prevented from returning home should be for your good."

"Furthermore, my home for Cheng Feng is your home!"

Cheng Feng patted Tailong's shoulder: "Let's go home this year and have a good year!"

"Quack, is it Chinese New Year?"

At this point, Long Aotian interjected: "I heard that you humans are very happy to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

"You going too?"

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian: "You can go, but you must share some."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for kicking you out during Chinese New Year."

"Fuck, who is it!"

Long Aotian said unpleasantly: "It's so impersonal to treat the difference between the two less."

Cheng Feng ignored Long Aotian's protest.

Then, under the guidance of Wang Wanben, he hurried to the Cheng family hundreds of miles away from Qianlong Academy.

Qianlong Academy is located in the depths of Qianlong Mountain, surrounded by mountains on all sides.

Cheng Feng and the three of them flew out of Qianlong Academy and flew west for several minutes.

A small city came into view.

"Star City, that's Star City!"

In the void, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked far away, and the city was quickly drawn closer and clearer.

Cheng Feng can even see pedestrians on the street, shop signs, and the Cheng family courtyard located in the north of the city.

Seeing this familiar scene, Cheng Feng suddenly thought.

Inexplicably, the nose was slightly sour, and even a complex mood of thought and timidity was born.

Hometown timidity, maybe Cheng Feng's portrayal at the moment!

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