Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1182: Purple Thunder Refinery Tips

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Chapter 182 The Seventh Layer of Purple Thunder Refining Techniques

Yue Qingying looks soft and weak.

But in fact, the heart is extraordinarily strong.

Especially for what I believe, I am very persistent and will not waver.

At this moment, she knew that Cheng Feng might not live for half a year.

But she still gave Cheng Feng a chance to choose again.

Because she feels Cheng Feng and Cheng Feng feels to her at the same time, this is a rare fate.

If you miss it, I am afraid it will never be encountered again.

So she wants to grab it, hold it tight!

Even if this fate may not last long, she is willing!


Seeing this, Le Canghai's brows frowned.

However, seeing the stubbornness in Yue Qingying's eyes, he finally sighed and did not persuade him.

As for Cheng Feng, it was a huge shock in his heart.

Unexpectedly, a weak woman in Yueqing Ying was even more active and strong than herself!

Isn't Yue Qingying afraid, I believe he can survive the catastrophe six months later.

But is he himself afraid to shrink back?

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran clenched his hands tightly, his scorching eyes looked towards Yue Qingying.

"Girl Qingying, wait for me for half a year!"

Cheng Fengsu said: "If I can come back alive after half a year, I will definitely come to Yaowang Pavilion in person and propose to Grandpa Le."

"If half a year later I ..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you will be able to survive."

Yue Qingying interrupted Cheng Feng's words and smiled softly: "I'll be here, always waiting for you!"

Speaking of which, Cheng Feng and Yue Qingying faced each other with smiles on their faces.

"You two ..."

Seeing this scene, Le Canghai shook his head and sighed.

"Grandpa, don't sigh."

After hearing the sigh, Yue Qingying smiled slightly: "This ending may be the best ending."

"You girl, still too young." Le Canghai shook her head.

He was here, and knew deeply that he was waiting for someone, but that person never felt like returning.

But this is the end, and he will not continue to chatter.

So he looked at Cheng Feng with a complex look and immediately said, "Okay, let's not sit still and continue to do business."

"Yingying's nine lifebloods are left undisturbed."

"Okay, let's continue."

Cheng Feng nodded, looking to Yue Qingying.

Yue Qingying nodded slightly, then lay down again, waiting for Cheng Feng's treatment.

With the promise just made, the relationship between Cheng Feng and Yue Qingying has been pulled closer.

At the same time, there are a lot of scruples in mind.

Even so, Cheng Feng was still flustered in the next treatment.

Because of the remaining lifelines of Yue Qingying, the position is too sensitive.

Furthermore, Le Canghai stood with a face and stared.

Let Cheng Feng be intimidated, as if on a back.

"Cheng Feng, take good care of Yingying, but don't make it up."

Le Canghai stared for a moment. In order to make Cheng Feng feel at ease, he took the initiative to leave the quiet room.

But before leaving, he told Cheng Feng a bit.

I was afraid that Cheng Feng would not be able to hold it when he was injured, so he would burn his gun and go away.

After Le Canghai left, Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he calmed his mind, adjusted his state to the peak, and started to treat Yueqingying.

At the same time, Le Canghai outside the quiet room, but it is difficult to calm down.

He originally thought that it was better to choose Cheng Feng as his granddaughter.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was actually stared at by Super Being, almost dead.

Under this condition, Le Canghai immediately excluded Cheng Feng from the list of candidates for granddaughter.

At this moment, he most hoped that Cheng Feng would be able to cure Yue Qingying's illness smoothly, and then the two of them broke up.

Over time, Cheng Feng and Yue Qingying broke up naturally.

"I hope Yingying and Cheng Feng will not do anything extraordinary."

Outside the quiet room, Le Canghai whispered: "Once the two cross the line, they will leave an indelible mark in their hearts."

"In this case, Yingying will have a hard time forgetting Feng Cheng ..."

In whispering, time flies.

I don't know how long.

When Le Canghai could not wait any longer.

Squeak ~~~

The door of the quiet room was suddenly opened.

Le Canghai looked up and found that it was Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, is Yingying's illness cured?"

"Not completely cured."

Cheng Feng's expression was a bit tired and a little regrettable: "The last lifeblood of the girl of Qingying, the yin and dynamism accumulated in it is too heavy."

"Through my sixth-level purple thunder refining recipe, only two lifelines have been cleared."

"The remaining two lifelines cannot be cleaned at all."

Cheng Feng said: "Perhaps I can completely cure Qingying girl after I have become the seventh layer of Zilei's body-building method."

"That's it!"

Le Canghai's brow frowned: "The seventh layer of the Purple Thunder Refining Technique, when will you be able to practice it?"


Cheng Feng said: "Grandpa Le, give me a practice room, and I will now practice the seventh floor of the Purple Thunder Exercise."

"it is good."

Le Canghai said, "You follow me."

While speaking, Le Canghai led Cheng Feng to the west side of the courtyard.

I had to turn around a promenade, a wide cultivation field, and immediately came into view.

"Cheng Feng, this is my training ground specially for Yingying."

Lecang Haidao said: "Foreigners are forbidden here. You can rest assured that you are practicing purple thunder."

"And I will defend the law for you."

Arriving at the practice site, Cheng Feng's gaze swept away and he slightly observed the terrain.

I found no one around and was very quiet.

So there is no more nonsense, a rush to the soul directly, from the soul ring to take out the few drops of thunder liquid exchanged from the royal treasure house.

Then, the seventh-layer formula of the Purple Thunder Refining Method was started, and cultivation began.

Purple Thunder Refining Techniques was originally an attached martial arts skill of the top-level martial arts martial arts Thunder Cannon Boxing.

It is a martial arts science that collects nine days of thunder and tempers the body.

This martial art has a total of seven layers. It stands to reason that it should also be the same as the top level of the Thunder Cannon Boxing and the same as the top of the **** class.

In the heart of the non-procedural peak, I feel that this martial art is not simple.

Out of ten, it has surpassed the **** level and reached the emperor level.

啵啵 啵啵 啵 ~~~

As Cheng Feng meditated on the tactics, he practiced the purple lei training method.

Within him, there was a crisp sound immediately.

If the same string of firecrackers were ignited, people's scalp was tingling.

At the same time, a heavy purple thunder was derived from Cheng Feng's body, and from the inside to the outside, he began to forge Cheng Feng's muscles and bones.

But this is thunderous, but the number is a bit scarce.

Cheng Feng's skin has not yet penetrated, and there is little left.

This is the difficulty of pursuing the practice of purple thunder, and it cannot be practiced without the assistance of a high-level Thunder.

Especially the seventh layer of Zi Lei's refining recipe. If you want to practice, you must have seven other Thunder Thunders to help you.

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