Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1189: Tenara **** morning

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Chapter 189: Heavenly Desolation

"Mo Jinnan, who said that Qianlong Academy doesn't value genius?"

A warm voice sounded from the sky.

Then, an old man with long hair and a crown stepped forward.

The old man, dressed in a robe, looked helpless.

But when Mo Jinnan and others saw it, they all changed their faces and bowed down.

As for Cheng Feng, he also salutes the elderly.

Because of this old man, he is one of the eight gentlemen of Qianlong College.

The sage of the academy can not be reached, and Mr. Shu is the owner of Qianlong academy.

After Mr. Shu arrived, he first glanced at Mo Jinnan and made him tight.

Then he turned his eyes and stayed slightly on Cheng Feng and Yue Qingying.

Finally, looking towards Le Canghai, he said, "Lord, you have a good granddaughter."

"Awakening the body of the overcast, this seems to be the first in the history of the entire dome continent!"

"What? That Yueqingying's awakened physique turned out to be too overcast?"

Upon hearing Mr. Shu's words, Mo Jinnan was all surprised.

They came here only to notice that Yueqing Ying had awakened an extraordinary constitution.

But they didn't see exactly what the constitution was.

At this moment, Mr. Shu was broken, his heart twitched, and his intestines were regretful.

However, no matter how unwilling they are, it is no longer possible to compete for Yueqingying.

Because between Qianlong College and them, as long as they are not fools, they will definitely choose Qianlong College.

Compared with the unwillingness of Mo Jinnan and others, Le Canghai smiled.

Praised by Mr. Qiantang Qianlong College, no matter who he is, he will be very happy.

"Mr. Shu, Yingying was able to awaken the overcast body, thanks to Cheng Feng."

Le Canghai laughed: "As for me, it didn't help me much."

"The Lord of the Court is humble."

Mr. Shu said, "I have long heard about you seeking medical treatment to cure your granddaughter's ills."

"Unfortunately, the poison of the overcast body, the old man is powerless ..."

Mr. Shu talked with Le Canghai for a moment, and then said in a tone: "Laku Lord, I must have come, do you already know?"

"Your granddaughter Qingying awakened the Taiyin body, which is a peerless genius, and it is better than a saint's reincarnation."

"If you join my Qianlong Academy, my college Jiufeng can choose her."

Mr. Shu said, "It is not impossible even to send her into the Shushan World and let the director of Qianlong College personally guide me."

"Dean of Qianlong College?"

When Mr. Shu said this, the audience was silent.

This is because the dean of Qianlong College is the helm of Qianlong College, a sage who has made a good fortune.

It is a super adventure, a dream of hundreds of millions of martial arts, to worship a saint who has transformed the realm.

Even Cheng Feng couldn't help feeling hot.

Strangely enough, Yueqing Ying did not react violently.

"Sir, I want to ask you something first," Yueqing Ying said.

"What is it, you say."

"Excuse me, did you know that Cheng Feng was being followed by Super Being?"

"I already know about it."

Hearing Yue Qingying's inquiry about Cheng Feng, Mr. Shu was a little surprised, but did not refuse.

Even in order to maintain the privacy of the conversation, he evoked divine power and enveloped the voice of Yue Qingying.

So as not to be heard by Mo Jinnan and others, let the news leak.

"Sir, what is the college planning to do about Cheng Feng?"

Yueqing Ying asked: "Will he give up on him?"

"Cheng Feng is a very outstanding student at Qianlong College, and we certainly will not give up."

Mr. Shu said, "I have written to the dean not long ago."

"If there is no accident, when Cheng Feng falls into despair, the dean will pull him out."


Mr. He hesitated, and then said, "Only the fate of Cheng Fengfeng is weird. More than one respects his super existence."

"Even if the Dean helps, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pull him out of danger."

"Whether Cheng Feng can survive the numerous calamities and survive, it depends on his own fortune!"

Obviously, Qianlong Academy also has masters who are proficient in the way of destiny.

Through a glimpse of Cheng Feng's fate, it is known that Cheng Feng's future is difficult.

This made Yue Qingying's face sink, his hands clasped tightly.

After a while, Yueqing Ying said: "Sir, I don't want to join Qianlong Academy."

"Don't want to join the academy?" Mr. Shu's brows were raised, surprised.

In Mr. Shu's view, the conditions he gave were almost impossible to reject.

I never thought that Yueqing Ying actually rejected it, which was unexpected.

"Sir, I don't join Qianlong Academy because it is not good."

Yue Qingying explained: "It's because I want to help Cheng Feng son and give him a little vitality."

"Oh?" Mr. Shu thoughtfully.

"Mr. Cheng Feng has great gratitude to me."

Yueqing Ying said: "He has been followed by several super existences, and only Qianlong College and his family have helped him. He has little hope to survive the disaster."

"So I think if I join several other martial arts shrines."

"Then asking the saints in the Holy Land to help each other can greatly increase the hope of the son Cheng Feng."

"So it was ..."

Mr. Shu nodded suddenly, looking at Yue Qingying's eyes, softened a lot: "Although your ideas are good, the other martial arts holy places may not be willing to help Cheng Feng."

"Because of the super existence of staring at Cheng Feng, it is a little deep."

"Even a saint, dare not easily sin!"

"That being the case, I choose the martial arts shrine that dares to sin."

Yue Qingying smiled slightly: "There should be such existence among the nine sacred places in the earth dome continent.

"Your girl looks a little weak, but in fact, she's a stubborn personality."

Mr. Shu looked at Yue Qingying and smiled admiringly: "Well, since you insist, the old man will not force you."

"And just right, there is an elder at Tianjin Temple, the sacred place of martial arts in the Tianhuang **** dynasty, at our Qianlong Academy."

"If you have decided, the old man will invite him over."

"The God of Desolation?"

Yue Qingying's eyes brightened: "Sir, are you talking about the strongest God of Heaven among the Nine Gods?"

"That's right, that heavenly deity."

Mr. Shu said, "And the Tenjin Shrine, a martial art sacred place in the Tianhuang God dynasty, is rumored to have several good fortunes, and it has even won the sages of the great fortune.

"If there is a martial arts sacred place, dare to sin and stare at Cheng Feng's super existence, that shrine will be one of them that day!"

The dome continent has nine dynasties with varying strengths.

The feathered dynasty is among the nine dynasties, only at the end.

The Heavenly Desolation was ranked first.

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