Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1195: Come forward

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Chapter 195 Stand Up

However, some people are selfish and yell at Cheng Feng.

I felt that Cheng Feng should risk his life and promised the threat of blood gods.

It seems that Cheng Feng's life is worthless and deserves death.

Of course, this is just a handful of people.

And these people dare to squirt in a place where no one is.

Once clamoring in a crowded place, it will definitely be beaten by others and cannot take care of themselves.

Qianlong Academy, ask the heart hall.

Cheng Feng put away the Tianyan bracelet, ready to discuss other situations.

Although the Tianyan bracelet, the blood **** must have prepared a lot.

Once the Emperor's Bulletin was issued, the other party would receive it.

But it will definitely take a while to make a concrete response, not so fast.

Unexpectedly, the emperor notified that only one incense time had elapsed, and the blood **** Yupei suddenly shone in blood.

"I didn't expect this blood god, so anxious."

Cheng Feng picked it up and sneered on his face.

"The blood gods are really urgent."

Mr. Shu showed a smile: "From this calculation, the blood **** taught the billions of innocent people to persecute Cheng Feng to fight, but the lion opened his mouth.

It turned out that a message was published on the blood **** jade.

This news is a response to the emperor's briefing just now.

It roughly means that Yu Cang did not agree with Cheng Feng to change the challenge time, but Cheng Feng must fight before the year's pass.

Moreover, the location cannot be changed. It must be the Void Battlefield 'Life and Death Cliff'.

"Mr. Shu, it seems we have taken the initiative."

Cheng Feng laughed: "No longer, as before, was led away by the blood gods."


Mr. Shu nodded: "Next, we will 'negotiate with the Blood Gods.'"

While talking, Mr. Shu took out the book just now and wrote and drew again.

The next moment, the text written on the book appeared directly in the Destiny Division tens of thousands of miles away.

It was then ordered by the Emperor Tianzhao and sent out through the emperor's notice.

When the Blood God Church saw the content of the emperor's report through the Tianyan bracelet, it sent the thought of one side to the blood **** jade with the blood killing stele.

Under these circumstances, the righteous camp and the blood gods actually ‘communicated’ with each other in a weird way.

The exchange took about three hours.

By the end, the two parties finally reached an agreement.

That is, Cheng Feng can accept Yu Cangfei's challenge, but he has the final say on the battle time.

Second, the battle site is at the entrance to the Void Battlefield.

And neither side can do anything on the battlefield.

Finally, both sides issued a vow at the same time. During Cheng Feng and Yu Cangfei's battle, they will never conduct ambush.

Otherwise, you will be subject to 'day punishment' and fall on the spot!

When the decision was announced, the whole world was instantly boiling.

"Fighting, Cheng Feng actually fought!"

"Really man, Cheng Feng is just too much of a man!"

"This time, Cheng Feng and the first true life and death battle of the blood gods, if they can be defeated, it will be the undisputed first person in the young generation of the feathered gods."

Yu Cangfei is the first true disciple of Blood God.

Cheng Feng was the first day of the Zhengdao camp.

Among the younger generations of the two camps, the most outstanding geniuses collided, which was really exciting.

However, everyone got it wrong.

Although Yu Cangfei is the first true biography of the blood gods, he is not a 'young generation'.

This person and Cheng Feng are not of the same age at all, and their ages are quite different.

Cheng Feng fights with him, it is very unfair.

Secondly, Yu Cangfei's revision is even more horrible, reaching the pinnacle of broken territory long ago.

Earlier, he went to a million mountains to cross the robbery. Now the repair is unpredictable.

Cheng Feng is really the top of the dragon class, which is too far behind.

From the beginning, this was a battle destined to be 'fair'.

This may be the main reason that the Blood Gods finally agreed not to steal and play tricks during the battle between Cheng Feng and the two.

"Cheng Feng, I heard that Yu Cangfei has at least once gone through the disaster."

Asked Xin Dian, Mr. Shu frowned, "Are you sure you can win against these masters?"

"If it is a general top-ranked master, I should have a 50% chance of winning without the help of external forces."

Cheng Feng groaned: "But Yu Cangfei is not an ordinary person."

"At the peak of the broken realm, you can kill the second strongest Kendo in the sky."

"To be honest, my odds are slim."

Cheng Feng said: "Unless ... use your hole cards!"

Cheng Feng's current practice is the true dragon class limit.

At the same time, the practice of purple thunder refining has reached a complete level, and under the full power of the fire, killing the warrior at the top of the broken land is like killing a chicken.

You can easily kill the master of half-step ascending to heaven.

But to the ascendant who is the first heavy martial art, can only be said to be half a catty.

Blessing Peak has three super hole cards: Warlord Armor, Hell Black Flame, Earth Flame Fire Crystal.

The four or five strongest men in the sky can fearlessly and even kill.

And this is the strong confidence that Cheng Feng dares to face Yu Cangfei alone!

"Cheng Feng, you have a hole card, then you must have a hole card."

Mr. Shu said: "Moreover, the Blood Gods have deliberately made restrictions in order to reduce the advantages of your hole cards."

"During the battle of life and death, you can only use up to three cards per person."

"So you can't put all your hopes on the hole cards."

Mr. Shu said: "The promotion of self-cultivation must not be ignored."

"Sir, I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I already have a detailed plan. Next, I will train a few martial arts skills and then upgrade to Zulong level."

"Then you will practice a life-saving martial art, and then you will go to war with Yu Cangfei!"

"Well, you have a plan."

Mr. Shu nodded: "If you need anything, just talk. If you do n’t know anything about martial arts, just tell us."

"Our college is your strong backing!"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's heart warmed up.

With both hands in fists, Mr. Shu bowed down and said, "Thank you, Mr."

"Cheng Feng, the old man should thank you."

However, Mr. Shu was not polite, and reversed Cheng Feng's ritual: "Thank you for standing up for the millions of innocent people!"

"Sir, I am ashamed."

Cheng Feng said suddenly: "Because I was hesitating just now."

"It's natural for people to avoid bad luck and avoid evil."

Mr. Shu shook his head: "And, in the end, you still stood up, didn't you?"

When in danger, everyone evades instinctively.

However, there are always some people who can restrain this instinctive reaction and face the danger.

These people are not for money, not for fame and fortune, only to make this world less dead of innocent people!

Although this may seem silly and stupid, there are some things that somebody needs to do after all.

Cheng Feng is willing to be such a person!

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