Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1217: Rumors

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Chapter 127: Rumors Rise

"The Emperor, the God of War, the God of War?"

Cheng Feng's face was bitter: "Uncle Nalan, all the examples you mentioned are all cattle people, and they have no reference value at all!"

The heavenly burial emperor is a super-mighty of good fortune.

In the whole era, there are only half of them.

"Cheng Feng, don't have confidence in yourself."

However, Nalan Changsheng said: "Your goal is not only to catch up with them, but to catch up with them!"

"Don't you do it once before?"

Nalan Changsheng is talking about the length of Cheng Feng's true dragon power.

In modern history, the longest record of true dragon power was created by the Heavenly Burial Emperor more than 100,000 years ago, reaching 12,600 meters.

Cheng Feng broke this record and reached 12,800 meters.

This fully proves that the cattle like Heaven Burial Emperor are not insurmountable!

Just dare to think, do, and fight!

Nothing is impossible for Cheng Feng!

"Uncle Naland, I see."

Cheng Feng nodded, and suddenly his heart was full of grandeur.

Then no more nonsense, took out seven or eight Tianlong Longyuan, and placed it in front of himself.

Buzzing ~~~

When it was time for the exhibition to show off the ice and ice, Chen Long's body poured into Cheng Feng's body.

Immediately, the second Zulong skeleton began to slowly brew and shape!

The most difficult thing to condense the power of Zulong is that there is no Zulong map.

Once you have the Zulong Atlas and you have worked out the first Zulong power, then the subsequent work is much simpler.

Just absorb the huge amount of dragon power, and follow the first ancestor dragon's power to draw cats and tigers.

time flies.

After about two hours, Cheng Feng's body formed the second ancestor's power.

After more than four hours, Cheng Feng's body formed the third ancestor's power.

After more than six hours, Cheng Feng's body formed the third ancestor's power.


Just when Cheng Feng was condensing and condensing the power of Zulong.

The outside world has begun to make waves.

Because it is about to reach the thirtieth year of the New Year, but Cheng Feng, who had a decisive battle with the blood **** religion Yu Cang, has been missing for a long time.

On the other hand, Yu Cangfei, as early as the morning of the 28th of the first month, set off from the blood gods, one person, one sword, and went to the entrance of the empty battlefield alone.

This directly formed a huge contrast, which caused people's minds to float and debate.

Especially under the influence of 'interested people', all kinds of rumors have arisen.

He even heard Cheng Feng's timidity and he did not dare to fight.

Regarding such rumors, the righteous camp naturally refuted them, and many of Cheng Feng's iron powder refuted them fiercely.

But this rebuttal sounded weaker over time.

Because Cheng Feng, as a client, never showed up from beginning to end.

It seems that this rumor is true, and even many warriors in the right path camp have some murmurs in their hearts.

As time went by, it was noon on the 29th of the lunar month.

On this day, rumors are getting fiercer.

All kinds of rumors and insults, like a big wave, surged towards Cheng Feng.

Many Cheng Feng's irons wanted to stand up, but under these turbulent waves, they were drowned instantly.

"Ha ha ha, scared, Cheng Feng's dog thing is scared!"

Nakasu, Yujing City, Yu Wenchao laughed wildly: "I thought that Cheng Feng was a great character."

"Now it seems that it's just a greedy life!"


"Scared? Cheng Feng was scared!"

Shenghuo County, Shenghuozong, the elder Mo Qiongfang sneered: "This little animal wasn't afraid of the heavens before?

"Now when I was going to fight a life-and-death battle with Yu Cangfei, I suddenly asked."

"I really want to go to Qianlong College to see for myself, how thick the face of Cheng Feng's beast!"


"What a pity! What a pity!"

Qianlong County, Tiemu Shanzhuang, Tiemu Chaoge, the owner of the Tiemu family, with a sinister look on his face: "I was still thinking about it, and I used Yu Cangfei's hand to kill Cheng Feng.

"It seems that there is no hope now."

"Yes, I didn't expect Cheng Feng's little beast to be so timid as a mouse."

The elder of the Tiemu family said, "On the eve of the war, I was actually missing."

"There is no way to meet such shameless people!"


Just as countless people sarcastically ranted and shouted.

On the ninety-first floor of the turret, Cheng Feng kept listening to things outside the window and still practiced hard.

At this moment, he has developed the eighth ancestor's power.

After that, he took no rest, performed the cold ice day, and once again violently absorbed Tianlong Longyuan, and began to condense the power of the ninth ancestor.

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

As time passed, Cheng Feng, like a giant whale, kept tumbling with the dragon's power.

When the time comes to the 29th day of the lunar month, Om ~~~

The power of an ancestor suddenly formed.

Immediately, roar! !!

Nine consecutive raging dragon chants erupted from Cheng Feng's body.

The nine dragon chants are extremely bright and high-pitched, and even thicker than the thunder in the sky.

When the nine sounds of Dragon Yin twisted together, they spread slowly.


A large turret swayed like an earthquake.

The entire Qianlong Academy was shocked at once, leaving many martial arts powers close to the enemy,

Even the sound of dragons rushed up into the clouds, condensing the clouds that were preparing to fall into the blizzard, all of them rushed away.

The warm sunlight behind the cloudy sky was exposed, and the sky suddenly cleared!

"Grasp, what's the situation?"

"Is that the rumored one, is the real dragon dormant at the bottom of Qianlong Academy going to be resurrected?"

Hundreds of miles away from Qianlong Academy, when the warriors of Dragon City heard the dragon groan, they all moved with horror.

There is no association at all, this Long Yin came from the mouth of nine ancestor dragons.

Qianlong College, Dota Peak.

At the moment when the nine dragons yelled through, it was awkward ~~

Dozens of people flew from various hills of Qianlong Academy.

When they reached the Dota Peak, they all suppressed their power and quietly landed near the Dota.

Then all looked happy, looking at the sword only.

"Only, Cheng Feng broke through just now?"

Among dozens of people, it was Mr. Shu who had the longest hair crown.

When he arrived, he asked immediately.

"Yes, it was indeed the Kowloon Convergence Vision that was produced after Cheng Feng practiced the ninth ancestor's power."

The only sword at this time was even happier than he had broken Xiuwei himself.

A cold face, full of joy.

"Cheng Feng practiced the ninth ancestral power?"

Hearing the words, Mr. Shu was overjoyed: "Oh well, the power of nine ancestors, this has reached the limit of ancestors."

"Next, just need to be consolidated, the combat power must be at least several times higher than the true dragon."

"In this case, Cheng Feng can also win by one point against that Yu Cangfei."

"Sir, more than that."

The only smile of the knife was: "Cheng Feng did not receive any credit after he practiced the power of the ninth ancestor. He continued to cultivate."

"Maybe you can break the limit and practice the tenth dragon power!"

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