Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1221: Beauty kiss

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

Chapter One Twelve and Twenty-one

"Mr. Cheng Feng, come with me."

Yueqing Yingwang looked at Cheng Feng, left a word softly, and walked out of the pavilion.

"Ah good."

For the sudden invitation of Yue Qingying, Cheng Feng slightly hesitated.

Then promised, stood up and followed.

"What is Music Girl doing?"

Seeing this, Wen Tianyu frowned slightly.

"not sure."

Le Canghai guessed a little and frowned: "I just hope Yingying won't do something stupid!"


Yueqing went out of the pavilion and left all the way.

Cheng Feng followed, until they passed a corridor and came to a place without people, and the two stopped.

"Girl Qingying, look for me ..."

Stopping in a small attic, Cheng Feng looked to Yue Qingying and asked for specific information.

However, before he asked what he said, Yue Qingying interrupted softly.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, do you still call me Qingying Girl?"

Yue Qingying's voice was low and soft, mixed with a little bit of resentment, people could not help but feel a crispy feeling.

Cheng Feng had the deepest feelings, and he coughed before he felt the strangeness in his heart: "Calling you Qingying girl, it seems a bit rusty."

"Then I will call you later ... light?"

"Um." Yue Qingying nodded slightly.

There was a hint of sweetness in the eyes.

Next, neither of them spoke, but a strange warm atmosphere was quietly emerging.

Let Cheng Feng's dignity on the eve of the war dissipate silently and invisible.

This silence lasted for a long time.

Cheng Feng took the lead to say: "Lightness, you are looking for me ..."

Yue Qingying did not answer the question: "Feng, do you really have a 50% chance of winning the battle with Yu Cangfei?"

"It should be about the same."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Although Yu Cangfei has survived the second siege, his combat power is very strong."

"But I will only be stronger, and I will be able to triumph, you can rest assured!"

"It's not that simple."

However, Yue Qingying shook her head: "That Yu Cangfei not only repairs high-strength, but also prepares to restrain your hole cards."

"You have to practice it and take it to the next level."

"Lightness, my cultivation has been promoted to the extreme for the time being."

Cheng Feng said: "To continue to improve, it takes a lot of time to accumulate."

"But tonight, I have to fight against Yu Cang Fei!"

"Feng, I have a way to quickly improve your practice."

Yue Qingying groaned for a moment, and suddenly said.

"You have a way?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised, "What is it?"

"You ... follow me."

When Yueqing Yingbei bit her lip, she walked to the side loft first.

Cheng Feng was puzzled and followed behind.

At the same time, I asked Naran Changsheng: "Uncle Nalan, do you know what Li Qing said?"

"I vaguely guessed."

"Oh? Tell me."

"If I guess correctly, the method that Le girl said is a double cultivation method."

"The method of double cultivation?" Cheng Feng did not understand.

"The method of dual cultivation is a special practice method created by the principle of complementarity between men and women."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This kind of cultivation method usually produces two effects, either harming others or benefiting others."

"This time, it is estimated that Leya wants to give away her virgin Yuanyin, raise your cultivation to the top of the Zulong level, and even the peak of the broken realm!"

"Benefiting others and contributing to Yuanyin?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised: "Uncle Nalan, can you be more specific?"

Cheng Feng is only 17 years old, and he practiced martial arts all the year round, and pays little attention to other things.

So until this moment, he was still a ignorant young man.

Regarding the matter of men and women, they are even ignorant.

"Uh, let me say it in plain English."

Nalan Changsheng froze for a moment, then immediately said: "Le girl is one of the ten super physiques of the overcast body. If she sleeps with you, she will directly transfer the energy of the overcast body into your body.

"This power is beyond imagination, and I estimate that it can at least push your cultivation to the peak of broken territory."

"It's just that, the girl's yin body will be damaged."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This will be greatly detrimental to her future cultivation, and the speed of cultivation will plummet."

"Sleep with me ...?"

Cheng Feng froze, and then suddenly realized: "This so-called double cultivation method is actually ..."

Understanding Feng Shuang's method, Cheng Feng's thoughts were mixed.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a strong touch and warmth.

Because the double cultivation method will not only have a huge impact on itself.

For a girl, especially a conservative girl, it is extremely difficult.

But for Cheng Feng, Yue Qingying abandoned her stubbornness and conservatism, and put forward the matter of double cultivation.

This moved Cheng Feng extremely, and the blood was hot.

Can't help it, Cheng Fengshen held Le Qingying in his hand and said quietly, "Qing Ying, thank you!"

Cheng Feng grabbed Yushou, Yue Qingying's body trembled.

Especially hearing Cheng Feng's warm words, Yue Qingying's face showed a gentle smile.

However, Cheng Feng's next sentence made Yue Qingying's smile disappear.

"Qingying, I appreciate your contribution to me."

Cheng Feng said: "But ... let's go out."

Obviously, Cheng Feng is declining Le Qingying.

It's almost impossible to understand. Such a great thing is in front of him, and Cheng Feng will refuse.

"Why?" Yue Qingying's smile froze and asked with her back on her back.

"I don't want to hurt you ..." Cheng Feng answered.

"I won't get hurt." Yue Qingying insisted.

"I've figured it out, the method of double cultivation will damage the body of the yin."

Cheng Fengdao: "Once the overcast body is damaged, your practice speed will plummet, and it will be difficult to reach the summit of martial arts.

"I don't care." Yueqing Ying said.

"But I care."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "I don't want to let you miss the best cultivation period because of myself."

"I don't want to insult you because of myself."

"I don't want to make you any less perfect because of myself!"

"Cheng Feng ... Why do you always think of others?"

Listening to Cheng Feng's words, Yue Qingying was both moved and angry: "Why can't you be selfish and think for yourself once?"

"Lightness, I have already said why."

Cheng Feng smiled and said, "Because I —- care about you!"

"Cheng Feng ..."

Yue Qingying turned her head, her eyes were misty.

It was moved, full of warm taste.

She stared at the big boy in front of her for a long time, suddenly opened her arms and embraced Cheng Feng.

Then, in Cheng Feng's head covering, a pair of wet, soft, fragrant lips were imprinted on Cheng Feng's mouth.

At that moment, a wonderful feeling suddenly occurred, which made Cheng Feng's mind disordered, and his head fell into a state of crash.

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