Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1239: Dragon Ball Magic Effect

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Chapter 1239: The Magic Effect of Dragon Ball

"Tyron, calm down!"

At this moment, Jianlong took hold of Tailong with one hand: "This battle is a life-and-death battle between Cheng Feng and Yu Cangfei. Outsiders cannot intervene."

"To kill Yu Cangfei, also say after this war."

"Not to mention, Cheng Feng hasn't lost yet."

"The sword is dust-free. Cheng Feng has been hit by the six-star robbery. Can he still come back?"

Tailong Steel's teeth clenched, and anger was burning in his eyes.

"Tylon, let's believe in Cheng Feng!"

Jian Wuchen said: "Is Cheng Feng going through fewer deaths? But in the end, he all survived."

"This time, surely no exception!"

Upon hearing Jian Wuchen's words, Tailong in fury could not help calming a little.

Indeed, Cheng Feng experienced several times of despair, and everyone felt that Cheng Feng would die and could not survive.

But Cheng Feng repeatedly created miracles and hit countless people's faces.

This time it's dangerous, albeit unprecedented.

But maybe, Feng Feng can still work wonders!

With deep anticipation, Tai Long stopped at the same place, and then with Jian Wuchen, Bai Ze, etc., looked at Cheng Feng one after another.

Cheng Feng at this time can be called dead.

At the moment when the six-star robbery penetrated the armor of War God, a rotten, decadent breath poured into Cheng Feng's body like a raging wave.

During the time of breathing, Cheng Feng's skin was dry and cracked, blood veins were dry, dragon power was broken, flesh was decayed ...

It was like a breath that directly took Cheng Feng's life for 100 years.

Inferior and violent than Yu Cangfei's anger, more than a hundred times more violent.

What's more frightening is that this breath can't be stopped and can't be dispelled!

Cheng Feng initially wanted to use ten dragons to suppress it, but the ten dragons rushed up and were instantly eroded, corrupted, and broken apart.

As for the power of the soul, Cheng Feng didn't dare to move.

For fear of sheep entering the tiger's mouth, the soul is directly corrupted.

At that time, it will definitely die!

"How to do how to do?"

Cheng Feng stopped in the void, cast Tianlong Golden Body, and displayed the Purple Thunder Refining Technique, which triggered the masculinity in his body.

However, all is useless.

It only slowed down the speed of the decaying invasion.

According to the development of this situation, Cheng Feng's life is at most ten seconds.

If within ten seconds, you can't figure out how to crack, then Cheng Feng will surely die!

However, countless ascendants of the heavens have been thinking hard for many years, and have not been able to come up with a way to restrain robbery.

How could Cheng Feng come up with a solution within ten seconds of each other?

It seems that Cheng Feng's fate has been destined and he can't escape!

"Are you going to die?"

A few kilometers away, Yu Cang was holding a dry blood sword, with a little regret in his eyes: "Unfortunately, you didn't die under my sword!"

At the same time, millions of mountains are on the edge.

A beautiful woman stood up.

The woman stared at the battlefield, her eyes narrowed, revealing an inexplicable color.

"It shouldn't be, shouldn't Cheng Feng die so early?"

The beautiful woman whispered: "In the observation of my destiny's eyes, Cheng Feng even passed the catastrophe six months later."

"but now……"

This beautiful woman is full of looks.

It is Gu Qiancheng, the thousand gold of Gu Family in the Holy Fire County.

"Falling in the city, the fate of people is the most uncertain."

Beside Gu Qingcheng, a middle-aged beautiful woman said, "Perhaps Cheng Feng's fate has changed."

"Let's go, let's go to Daizong."

"You have delayed too long to observe Cheng Feng's fate, it is time to leave!"

"Aunt Yu, my fate's eyes cannot be mistaken."

However, Gu Qingcheng shook his head: "I want to see it again."

"Until the last minute, I don't want to give up."

At the moment Gu Gucheng talked to Aunt Yu, seven or eight seconds had passed.

At this time, if you remove the armor of war, everyone will see a scary scene.

I saw Cheng Feng's eyes slackened, his flesh was dry, his hair was yellow ... there was no human.

Close to death.

"Are you going to die? Are you hopeless?"

At this moment, Cheng Feng was filled with unwillingness: "No, I haven't reached the last step, I still have one thing that is useless!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng rushed, and took out a longan bead from the soul ring.

This bead, crystal clear, exudes a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

When this bead appeared, it was like a bright light lit in the middle of the night, which actually made Cheng Feng's body decay and decay suddenly slow down.

In particular, the evil power that is corroding Cheng Feng's body, flesh, and soul is more like snow that has encountered the sun and evaporates!

"Haha, it works, it works!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened brightly: "Long Aotian, this guy, it's really reliable, it's really not easy."

This mysterious bead is exactly the dragon ball that Long Aotian gave to Cheng Feng before.

At that time, Cheng Feng was quite disgusted, and never thought it was a treasure!

Kakaka ~~~

Holding the Dragon Ball, Cheng Feng quickly opened the Helm of the Warlord's Armor and shoved the bead directly into his mouth.

This dragon ball has a very magical function and can solve all kinds of poisons.

When one entered Cheng Feng's mouth, it had spread to the six-star robberies on Cheng Feng's neck, and immediately disappeared from Cheng Feng's body like a poisonous snake.

However, before the robbery retreated, the dragon ball contained in Cheng Feng's mouth suddenly radiated a large amount of bright light.

The light was 360 degrees, spreading all over Cheng Feng's body.

When the six strands got irradiated, they penetrated into the six-star robberies in Cheng Feng's body, and the robberies were directly crippled and violently evaporated.

In the blink of an eye, six robberies were evaporated by almost a third.

Immediately afterwards, the bright light was closed.


The remaining two-thirds of the six-star robberies were wrapped in light and thrown at Dragon Ball.

When this robbery was caught in Dragon Ball, like a small insect enclosed in amber, it formed a small group of distorted black gas that couldn't move at all.

"Huh, is it poisoned?"

Feeling the discomfort in the body fade away quickly, the decaying power disappeared.

Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his life had been saved.

Only after the destruction of the six-star robbery, Cheng Feng's body was terrible, his skin was chapped, his flesh was dry, and he was not adult.

The next fight with Yu Cangfei, will definitely be in an absolute disadvantage.

I am afraid it will eventually die in the hands of Yu Cangfei.

However, Cheng Feng just had this worry, hum ~~~

The dragon ball in his mouth suddenly burst into a fragrance.

This fragrance is not only scented, but also contains the essence of herbs.

As the fragrant air spread from Cheng Feng's mouth, Cheng Feng's head was immediately clear and his soul was transparent.

Especially Cheng Feng's body, nourished by this fragrance, the chapped skin grew quickly, the dried blood vessels filled and filled quickly, the decayed flesh was revitalized, and the broken dragon power was re-condensed ...

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Feng's body, which was destroyed by the six-star robbery, recovered as he did.

Even better than before the robbery!

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