Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1246: Celestial Sacred Prison

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Chapter 1246

"Catch the semi-holy?"

Heard that Cheng Feng's scalp was numb.

Then he bit his teeth, ignited his strength to the extreme, and continued to fly towards Qianlong Academy.

No matter how big the danger is, Cheng Feng will never give up until the last moment!

At the same time, I don't know how many miles away.

A huge plane lay in nothingness.

This plane has a wide area and is larger than the hundreds of earth dome continents.

However, the environment is terrible, fierce, and various burning and killing moments are being performed, just like **** on earth.

This plane is exactly a plane prison.

On the whole plane, prisoners who have committed major crimes are detained until their sentences are released.

However, few prisoners can wait until the day when their sentences are released.

Basically, the sentence has not expired, and people have died in prison.

At this moment, at the very top of the Plane Prison, a temple stood.

Inside the hall, there was a horrible existence like a mountain, with a bull's head, and two house-sized eyes opened warily.

"Any prisoner refuses to arrest?"

There is a murmur of horror in Tau Tau: "Oh, no one has refused to arrest for a hundred years, and just take this opportunity to move around!

Whispering, a terror-like presence of a bull's head stretches out a human-like hand.

But the tip was not a finger, but a chain-like thing, which flung.


The chain immediately rushed out of the hall, pierced through nothingness, and shot towards a distance of 10,000 miles.

Dome continent, Bianhuang County.

Cheng Feng fled, inexplicably feeling a strong crisis coming.

This crisis is unprecedentedly powerful. Even if Cheng Feng's repair reaches the peak of the broken state, he can't help but feel a sense of suffocation!

"The warden, it must be the warden of the personal prison."

Feeling this crisis, Cheng Feng's hands and feet were cold.

People are still running away, but their hearts are desperate.

At this time, 唰 唰 ~~~

From the void, two old men suddenly jumped out.

The two old men were fat and thin, but their cultivation reached an unpredictable level.

After they arrived, they first glanced at Cheng Feng and instructed: "Cheng Feng, escape to the academy, the warden of the prison, our two old guys will help you hold on."

"What are the two seniors?"

For this fat and thin two elderly people, Cheng Feng did not have the slightest impression.

"We are the two old guys in Shushan, and they are here to protect you."

The two old men explained casually, and they did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and looked towards the direction of the terror crisis.

Huh! As soon as the eyes of the two old men passed, the void exploded.

A chain was shot out of it.

This chain, without the cold-blooded killing of the iron blood chain, but gives a dangerous atmosphere, but it is more than a hundred times stronger than the iron blood chain.

In particular, Cheng Feng, when he shot from that chain, his pores were all up.

Do not dare to delay in the least, show the pace to the extreme, and quickly fly wildly.

As for the chain, after rushing out of the void, he did not immediately arrest Cheng Feng.

Instead, he looked around humanely, as if he had eyes, watching the surrounding environment.

When the silver-white chain looked at the dome continent for a moment, the tip of the chain was erected, and a stare stared at Cheng Feng during the flight.

"The comer is the warden of the Heavenly Prison?"

Seeing that silver-white chain, the slightly fat old man gave his fist a gift: "In the Xia Shushan World Season, the‘ prisoner ’you hunted down was framed.”

"Please also ask the warden to be able to detect Qiuhao clearly, don't catch the good guys by mistake!"

After hearing the words of the slightly fat old man, the silver-white chain turned his head and ‘looked’.

"Book Mountain World?"

A thunderous voice sounded from the silver-white chain: "This world has heard something about it. In my heavenly prison, there are many hard bones in this world!"

"Why, you two are trying to stop this person from catching people?"

"The warden arrested someone, of course I didn't dare to stop it."

Slightly fat old man said: "The next thing is just to remind the warden, the target of your arrest this time is not 'the prisoner', and he has not committed any guilt."

"If you catch it, it will be a big stain on you!"

"Stain of life? Hehe ~~~"

The silver chain sneered: "The least feared thing in this seat is the so-called life stain."

"This block arrests people and only admits the trial order. As for whether the prisoner was framed, this block will never ask!"

At this point, the silver chain impatiently said, "Okay, now I will arrest the prisoner named Cheng Feng."

"If you dare to stop, this one will take you together into the holy prison."

The words fell, and the silver chain straightened.

The next moment, we will shoot Cheng Feng who escaped a hundred miles away.

"It's a confession that just admits the trial order."

The slightly fat old man's face sank: "Since you are so unreasonable, then we will see the real tricks under our hands ..."

"I'd like to see, how strong your warden of the Heavenly Prison of Heaven can be under the repression of the heavens and heavens of the earth dome."

While talking, the slightly fat old man and the thin old man took a step forward, blocking in front of the silver chain.

"Look to death!" The silver chain gave a cold drink.

Immediately afterwards, the force of terror burst from the silver chain.

咻 ~~~

I saw a silver lightning flashing through the night sky.

The next moment, the silver-white chain had reached the slightly fat old man, piercing the old man's heart.

However, the slightly fat old man's cultivation is very advanced. Before the silver and white chain shot, he had telepathy.

A palm shot almost instinctively, the palm print is like a mountain, and it stands in front of the silver chain.

Under this condition, the silver-white chain pierced the palm of the slightly fat old man.

The palm print punctured a hole.

Then the chains continued to pierce the heart of the slightly fat old man, and their strength and speed all reached an appalling level.

However, the hit by the silver-white chain was still hidden by the slightly fat old man.

Only a cut was made in the belly, with silver blood leaking out.

However, just as the silver and white chain attacked the slightly fat old man, the thin old man did not sit still.

I saw the thin old man stretch out his hands, a majestic divine power gathered between his hands.

After condensing into a peculiar seal, both hands suddenly closed together.

Om ~~~

Between heaven and earth, a great deal of vitality gathered.

Dozens of towering vigors were condensed in an instant, and they hit the silvery white chains up and down.

It must be stuck in the vitality Dayue and completely suppressed!

However, despite the strength of dozens of vigor Dayue, they can't stop the silver chain.

I saw silver and white chains, flickering back and forth in the void.

Next moment, 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

One after another, Da Yue, was stabbed one by one by silver and white chains.

Then disappeared in the world, no trace!

However, the silver-white chain just stabbed the weak old man's vitality, and then the slightly fat old man's attack followed.

The two old people cooperated with each other, but there was a tendency to temporarily hold the silver and white chains.

And at this time, Cheng Feng had already performed his march and escaped four or five hundred miles!

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