Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 127: Mountains and rivers

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Chapter 127 Mountain and River Trend

"Xiapin Yuanshi looks down on me, and all the fruit has been picked up by me, and Bingjing Soul is left alone."

Looking at the scene in the cave, Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "In this way, Li Shiji and the two are here and found nothing."

Later, Cheng Feng carefully explored the details inside the cave, and concluded that Li Shiji and others went out through a crack on the east side of the cave, and should then go all the way east.

In the cave, Cheng Feng found no trace of Xiao Bieli, which at least shows that Xiao Bieli is still alive.

This made Cheng Feng a lot more relaxed.

"I hope you haven't attacked Brother Xiao fiercely, otherwise, even if you are a family member of the Li family, the Royal Heavenly Daughter, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

Cheng Feng whispered in a deep voice, then opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, and galloped towards Xuedongshan.

The Grand Canyon of Death is really big. Starting from the snow mountain, Cheng Feng crosses the ice and snow all the way, then bypasses a large swamp, and finally comes to a mountain.

In this mountain range, the hills are vertical and horizontal, the mountains are upright, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

This place, according to Cheng Feng's understanding, is the core area of ​​the Grand Canyon of Death.

"The core of the Grand Canyon of Death is said to be the site of the main vein of Qianxue's Secret Land."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Here, known as the lifeblood of Qianxue's secret realm, the warmth of the survival of Bingjing soul, the rumored Qihua Bingjing soul, Bahua Bingjing soul, and even Jiuhua Bingjing soul king were born from here , Once you find one, it is a huge adventure, soaring into the sky. "

"And at this moment, the students at each peak of the academy must be looking for their own opportunities!"

Cheng Feng is right. In the mountains at this time, the genius figures of the peaks of the academy have all arrived, searching for dragons and caves, searching for the ice crystal soul.

For example, north of the mountain, under a kilometer of Da Yue, Boom Bang, Qi He Dian soldier Song Ke is bombing Da Yue with the fury of thunder.

In the south of the mountain, there is a sword light, and if you are shocked, you chase a Liuhua Bingjing soul back and forth.

To the west of the mountain, hack ~~~

A young boy in purple robes is easily taking a Qihua Ice Crystal Soul into his pocket.

Especially in the east of the mountains, a 100-meter cliff was cut by a huge gap of more than ten meters.

And from that gap, a river that was formed by the vitality spurted, flowing.

Inside the river of vitality, the ice crystal souls with only one flower, two flowers, and even three flowers flow out like small fish.

But a man and a woman standing beside the rift did not respond to this.

They obviously disdain to search for these low-level ice crystal souls, and secondly, they are afraid to startle the high-level ice crystal souls deep in the river of vitality, so that they dare not come out, and miss the opportunity.

This one man and one woman, the handsome man is handsome and handsome.

The woman's innocence and beauty are all beautiful, which is exactly Fang Fenfei and Li Shiji that Cheng Feng is struggling to find.


"After entering this mountain, the taste of heaven and earth is everywhere, as if the whole mountain is formed by the energy."

Somewhere in Death Mountain, Cheng Feng was surprised.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, everything here can be regarded as the formation of heaven and earth."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The veins of the earth are like the blood vessels of Qianxue's secret realm, and the liquid heaven and earth are flowing in it. As for the mountains and rivers here, all are solid heaven and earth, Said Yuan Shi. "

"What?" Cheng Feng was surprised by Nalan Changsheng's introduction.

The mountains here are all accumulated by Yuan Shi?

How much Yuanshi is that!

唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Creation without faith, and at a glance, he immediately discovered that the facts were indeed what Nalan Changsheng said.

Most of everything here is Yuan Shi.

Of course, there are also a lot of sand and stones in it, which makes the value of the yuan stone here greatly reduced.

Although there are a large number of them, they are not as good as the most inferior stones, and they do not have much mining value.

Unless the Secret Realm of Qianxue is completely connected with the earth dome continent, and a large number of manpower can be dispatched to dig it, it is of little significance.

Aside from this, Cheng Feng actually saw through the surface of the mountains and stones, and clearly saw that in the mountains and mountains, it was a turbulent flowing river of vitality.

These rivers are terribly pure and full of ice crystal souls.

These many ice crystal souls, mixed in the river of vitality, are like swimming fish in the river, and it is beyond estimate.

But most of them are one flower, two flowers ice crystal soul.

Sanhua Bingjinghun are rare!

The more ice crystal soul flowers, the higher the level, the higher the wisdom, once it reaches the third flower.

Bing Jinghun has some ability to sense danger, and knows how to hide and hide.

Even in the end, Liuhua and Qihua's Ice Crystal Souls have spiritual intelligence and can control some kind of snow demon to protect themselves.

According to rumors, a Jiuhua Ice Crystal Soul King actually controlled a broken monster.

In that year, almost all the college students who entered Qianxue's secret place died of a serious injury!

"Generally when you get here, you just need to dig a large hole in a mountain and wait for the ice crystal soul to flow out and capture it."

Cheng Feng groaned, "But I can't, because Brother Xiao, captured by Li Shiji, doesn't know what the situation is."

"And since entering this mountain, I feel closer and closer to Li Shiji. Maybe I'm hiding somewhere now to catch the ice crystal soul."

Cheng Feng thought of this and ran directly to where Li Shiji might exist.

Death Mountain is not small. Cheng Feng ran for two or three hours in a row, only to find Li Shiji and Fang Fenfei near a 100-meter cliff.

"It's here, it makes me look for a while."

Cheng Feng whispered, and then looked carefully. Except Li Shiji and Fang Fenfei, Xiao Bieli was not found: "Brother Xiao was not here? Did he escape, was let go, or was ... killed!" "

Suddenly, a chill erupted from Cheng Feng's coccyx and reached the top of his head.

You know, although not long with Xiao Bie Li, Cheng Feng has deeply felt that Xiao Bie Li is a person worthy of deep friendship.

If Xiao Bieli died in Li Shiji's hands because of himself, then Cheng Feng would not be able to forgive himself.

"Cheng Feng, calm down!"

"Xiao's absence doesn't mean he has already been killed. Don't make trouble yourself."

At the moment when Cheng Feng's thoughts were fluctuating, Nalan Changsheng suddenly spoke, such as drinking with a bang, which calmed him down quickly.

"I'm impatient."

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and was about to speak. Suddenly, he saw a Liuhua ice crystal soul swimming among the cliff cut by Li Shiji.

"A Liuhua ice crystal soul, Li Shiji's luck is good luck."

It should be noted that in the veins of the earth, the ice crystal soul is like a river crossing the river, countless, but most of them are inferior.

Such as the Liuhua Bingjing soul at this moment, are extremely intelligent, easily do not leave the veins of the earth.

Li Shiji cut through a vein of the earth, and after waiting for two or three hours, he waited for a Liuhua Ice Crystal Soul, which almost hit the luck.

"You must not let this Liuhua Bingjing soul fall into the hands of Li Shiji."

Looking beyond a kilometer, Cheng Feng's eyes flickered: "I will wait for the opportunity to **** after the meeting. After I succeed, I can rescue Brother Xiao with the Liuhua Bingjing soul as the bargaining chip!"


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