Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1261: Xuan Ting Strikes

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Chapter 1261 The Xuanting Strikes

Inside the long void passage.

Cheng Feng was flying towards Qianlong County under the parcel of the golden portal.

Teleportation is very fast.

One minute or two thousand miles can be transmitted in one minute.

Bianhuang County is about 100,000 miles away from Qianlong County and can be reached in seven or eight minutes.

"Cheng Feng, I don't feel right."

In the Void Channel, Nalan's voice suddenly sounded: "This Void Channel seems to be locked."

"Well, I feel the same way."

Cheng Feng nodded: "It's like having a pair of eyes, staring at me remotely."

"Nine out of ten, is one of the top powerhouses in the blood gods!"

"Ascend to the heavens, tear through the void and travel much faster than the teleportation array."

Nalan Changsheng said: "If you are locked in this void channel by the evil strong and then sniping, I am afraid it will be very troublesome."

"You'd better be mentally prepared next."

Sniping in the Void Channel can't be avoided.

For example, a few days ago, Cheng Qingxue was attacked by the Blood Gods before being forced to return.

However, the blood gods sniper Cheng Feng, but will never relent.

Every action is bound to be a fatal blow!

"Uncle Naland, I will pay attention."

Cheng Feng nodded, then evoked the eyes of God of Creation, his eyes were like electricity, and he stared at the vast nothingness.

Once you find any wind and grass, you can respond immediately.

Time passed, and in a blink, a minute passed.

At this time, a faint sense of crisis came slowly from the front.

Feeling this crisis, Cheng Feng suddenly tightened his whole body, grabbed the sword, and stared at the place where the crisis came.

Immediately, in the vast nothingness, a star was shining in Huo Ran.

This star was relatively small initially.

But then, the stars grew rapidly, and they became a giant that was thousands of kilometers away.

This giant, holding a mountain-like halberd in his hand, slashed away from the direction of Cheng Feng across the distance!

"Dammit, there really is a strong attack on evil!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow twisted into a ball: "And this person seems to be familiar, but the Xuanting guardianship of the blood god."

Xuanting's law protection is the tenth place among the 36 guardians of the Blood Gods.

This person acts arrogantly, and martial arts skills open up.

A few months ago, in the Yucang River basin, this person almost killed Cheng Feng, so he was quite impressed.

At this moment, the man turned into a giant of several kilometers, and the halberd came straight.


All the void passages in front of Euphorbia were penetrated and formed faults.

If it was Cheng Feng's void channel, it was also penetrated by it.

Cheng Feng will be immediately forced out of the void channel, interrupting the transmission.

"Thunder cannon boxing, Jiu Lei booms!"

Facing the fierce assault of Xuan Ting's protection law, Cheng Feng inserted the devil sword into the scabbard of Buddha.

Immediately raised his fists, ignited all the flame powers in the body, and arrogantly used the strongest action of the Thunder Cannon Boxing.

This move is extremely powerful.

After using it, you can evolve nine types of thunder punches to launch deadly bombardment on the enemy.

Rumbling ~~~

The Void Channel lies in nothingness.

And nothingness is nothing.

But at this moment, above Cheng Feng's head, there is a large area of ​​thundercloud rising.

When they were condensed into a ball, a thunder immediately fell from the sky, heading straight for the spiky halberd.

Boom boom boom ~~~

When the tumbling thunder hit that halberd, the horrible explosion suddenly filled the whole piece of nothingness.

The void passages were blasted and cracked, and the violent force was violently opened. Even the void passage where Cheng Feng himself was located was shaking violently and seemed to collapse with it!

"Stabilize me!"

Seeing the Void Channel swaying, the ten dragons in Cheng Feng's body evoked and strengthened the Void Channel.

In this way, the impact of tyrannical force was blocked.

On the other hand, under the blocking of Jiu Lei Hingding, Xuan Ting's law of defense protected him for a while in nothingness.

And this slight pause immediately gave Cheng Feng time.

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Feng and Xuan Ting Hu Fa opened a distance of hundreds of miles.

Looking at it almost, Cheng Feng went away in his field of vision!

"Do not!!"

Seeing this, Xuan Ting's law-protection became angry and rushed to the crown.

I saw him screaming, his huge body was fiercely powerful, and he actually threw the kilometer of Euphorbia in his hand and threw it directly.

咻 ~~~

This Euphorbia should be a top Taoist.

Under the toss of Xuan Ting's protection, it was like a ferocious beast, ramming all the way, smashing the empty channel that didn't know how much.

Although Cheng Feng was wrapped by the golden portal, he opened a distance of hundreds of miles.

But it was also quickly drawn closer, there is a power to catch up and kill Cheng Feng into slag!


Euphorbia hole penetrated the void passage where Cheng Feng was.

Then went down the river, chasing all the way.

Under the scourge of Euphorbia, the void channel was like a bamboo tube pierced by an iron rod.

Directly into a scattered fancy burst, even spread to the channel in front of Cheng Feng.

Let the passage be broken and collapsed one meter by one meter, the scene is terrifying!

"Xuan Ting this old mess!"

In the flying shot, Cheng Feng's scalp was a little numb.

Then his eyes flashed fiercely, pulling out the Devil Sword arrogantly, and drank ten dragon powers into it.

Om ~~~

The Devil Sword suddenly rose in the wind.

In his breath, the Devil Sword rose to several kilometers.

Then he was thrown by Cheng Feng with a kilometer of Euphorbia.

"Slayer, swallow it!"

Cheng Feng drank: "This Euphorbia is at least a top Taoist soldier, which is a great supplement to you."

"Haha, don't worry, master."

The black-bladed slayer that Fei shot out, a black voice rolled, an excited voice: "I promise to make this spear come back forever."

The words stopped, and thousands of kilometers of demon swords collided with the spear.

The next moment, the billowing black mist gushed from the Devil Sword, drowning two giant weapons suddenly.

Cheng Feng was extremely relieved about the Devil Sword. After throwing it out, Cheng Feng did not look back at all, and exerted his strength to stabilize the void channel.

It is not known how long it has passed, when Cheng Feng's collapsed void channel stabilized.

Looking back, there is no longer the shadow of the Devil Sword and the Kilometer.

However, when Cheng Feng thought for a while, hey ~~~

A black blade sharply cut through nothingness, and flew quickly.


Cheng Feng's eyes flickered, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked, "You got the spurge?"

"Slightly ~~~"

The Devil Slayer hit a choke, and then said, "It's a good meal, at least, it can repair the damage of my blade to about 50%."

"Really? Very good!"

A smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face: "When I return to Qianlong County, I will also swallow the Yu Cang Fei's dead blood sword."

"Dry Blood Sword? OK!"

The Devil Slayer yelled excitedly: "This sword is about to advance to the" Semi-Holy Artifact "and devour it. My sword body can be repaired to 60%, and the sword spirit can be repaired to 40%, or 50% . "

"At that time, I can regret it at will!"

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