Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1269: Ox demon punch

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Chapter 1267 The Demon Fist

Because after that moment, Giant Clam already knows the gap between himself and Cheng Feng.

If you continue to choose things, I am afraid death is in sight.

However, it's just too unwilling to give up the space stone.

So the giant clam blinked and looked at the old ox.

At the same time, the super python looked at the old ox.

Obviously, the old ox is regarded as the backbone!

"It seems you are the strongest of the three."

Cheng Feng followed the eyes of the giant clam, and just saw the old ox, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because this old ox is not simple, not only the highest repair, but also the most enchanting.

Although only the second grade of the rank, but the giant demon of the third rank, even more arrogant.

"Humans, we must pay attention to everything first come first."

After seeing Cheng Feng's cultivation, the old ox was not careless just now.

It stood up, a cow's hoof slicing the ground, and said in a low voice: "The space stone in the glow, but the three of us first discovered it, it should be ours."

"It's a bit too aggressive for you to rob like this?"

"Oh, I don't agree with you."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "We human beings have the old saying that treasured people get it."

"Although you arrived first, but didn't get it in advance, it means that you have no chance with this space stone."

"Besides, when did the monster community begin to reason with me?"

Cheng Feng asked with a smile: "If my strength is not bad enough, I'm afraid I was swallowed by that old toad?"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

The monsters are cruel, and they are extremely hostile to humans.

If Cheng Feng's strength is not strong, I am afraid that there are not even half of the bones left.

"Human, what do you mean, is it necessary to force this space stone?"

The old ox's face sank and his voice was cold.

"If you have to understand it this way, even then!"

Cheng Feng didn't have much nonsense, and answered lightly.

Because reasoning with monsters does not work at all, it is better to be straightforward.

"That being the case, let me try that old cow. What are your strengths when you human beings have developed ten powerful geniuses!"

Seeing the empty vernacular useless, the old ox's eyes sank.

Immediately, a tyrannical demonic spirit rose from the body of the old ox, covering the sky.

Much stronger than the enchantment of giant clams and super pythons.

"This ox is really not easy."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow froze: "But it can just be checked and tested, to what extent have my ten sixty-four-kilometer dragon powers reached."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng's ten dragons rushed together, and his power was not worse than that of the old ox.

Especially when Cheng Feng raised his two fists and started brewing Thunder Cannon Boxing.

Suddenly, the world was killed, the wind screamed, and the trees that were embraced by several people were blown and broken.

However, a weird scene appeared.

When Cheng Feng showed his thunderbolt, the old ox stood up from a kilometer away.

Stepping on the ground with two ox legs, as for the two front legs, are just like a person's double fists, and they begin to perform a kind of boxing.

"Rely on ... a bull who is proficient in boxing?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng froze for a moment.

"Cheng Feng, this ox, should have followed some human strongman."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "I guess that while the cow was following the human strongman, he opened his wisdom through ears and ears, and then watched the human strongman to practice martial arts, so he learned something.

"It is estimated that the boxing skills that the cow was performing at this time were learned from that strong man."

"Uh, a cow who follows the martial arts of human beings?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes glared.

But in reality, this possibility is very high.

You know, the ox is the least beast with no cultivation talent.

Under normal circumstances, let alone practice to the level of the giant monsters, even if it is to open the wisdom, it is difficult.

But this old ox, but the practice against the sky has reached the second grade.

At the same time, he is also proficient in a deep boxing technique, and it is not difficult to think that it should be learned from the hands of human beings.

"The origin of this ox is not simple."

Cheng Feng groaned: "Being able to watch others practice martial arts, you can become a self-taught talent, which shows that this cow has a good talent for martial arts."

Om ~~~

When Cheng Feng was shocked, a thousand meters away, a gentle atmosphere of fist suddenly rose from the ox body.

"Boxing, and at least level nine!"

This time, Cheng Feng was even more surprised.

This ox not only practiced boxing skills, but also practiced their fist intentions.

Even the fist intention has reached the highest level, only one line away, you can advance to the fist.

"The bull demon punches hard, open the mountain!"

Kilometers away, as the fist rises, a loud drink sounds.

Immediately afterwards, a force of fist punched towards Cheng Feng.

This punch is very vigorous, and one punch blows out, which has the taste of being able to knock down the mountains.

Cheng Feng did not dare to neglect, with ten dragon powers, used the third layer of the Thunder Cannon Boxing to pass by.

Bang ~~

Two fists collided, and actually beat Cheng Feng back several dozen steps.

Stepping on the ground, stepping out of the ground one by one, the cracks spread like a cobweb.

On the other hand, the old ox was as immobile as a golden bell.

Obviously occupying the absolute upper hand, Cheng Feng couldn't move at all with the third layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing.


After tens of steps back, Cheng Feng's mouth cocked: "This bull's punches are as strong as the sea, endless and much stronger than me."

"But I haven't exerted all my strength just now."

Whispering, Cheng Feng twisted his waist and put ten dragons into his fists.

Use the fourth layer of the Thunder Cannon Fist and hit the old ox fiercely.

"The bull demon punches hard, cracks the sea!"

Cheng Feng's fist was almost twice as powerful as the one he had just punched.

But the old ox had no fear, stretched out his hoof, and greeted him with a punch.

boom! With his two punches, Cheng Feng's arms were numb.

The whole person couldn't help but take a few dozen more steps, and the violent punches poured into the body, making the bone joints burst.

However, the old ox was not calm.

The two-meter-high body was shaken half a step back.

"This human is so strong, he actually blocked the boxing of that old pit."

Seeing that Cheng Feng blocked the two punches of the old ox, Giant Clam was a little surprised.

"More than that!"

The super Python's cold eyes narrowed: "This human has just shaken back half an old step."

"And I think this is just the beginning."

The words of the super python just came to an end.

In Xia Guang, Cheng Feng, who had taken a few dozen steps backwards, rushed up as soon as he stopped retreating.

"Enough, come again!"

Cheng Feng gave a low sigh and rushed to make the fifth layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing.

In contrast to the old ox, a pair of cattle hoofs were raised, and the emperor-level martial arts ox and demon punched vigorously, and also came out.

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