Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1271: A thousand miles

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Chapter 127 Thousands of Miles

Space stone is a gem between existence and non-existence.

As Cheng Feng sensed this stone, it coincided with it.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's body had an inexplicable change, as if to merge into the void and conform to heaven and earth.

Especially when Cheng Feng runs the sixth-layer formula of the Shadow Method, builds his body into a miniature teleportation array.

The space stone is then incorporated into the body, which is the 'mini-transport array'.

Cheng Feng's response to the void channel was immediately cleared dozens of times.

It looks like your body is the interface of the Void Channel, which can be connected to tens of thousands of Void Channels. Just where you want to go is just a thought.

"A curious feeling."

As the space stone was incorporated into the body, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "This space stone seems to greatly enhance my sense of the void channel."

"At the same time, the coverage of the transmission distance has also been expanded more than ten times."

The sixth layer of the Shadow Method is exactly the same as the fifth layer.

All are based on the human body and build a mini-transport array.

Only as Cheng Feng's body incorporated a space stone, the induction of the void channel, and the transmission range produced a huge expansion.

For example, Cheng Feng could only sense the transmission range within a hundred miles.

Therefore, each transmission can only transmit a hundred miles.

But now it is different. Due to the strengthening effect of the space stone, Cheng Feng can sense the transmission range of thousands of miles.

That is to say, within a range of thousands of miles, where Cheng Feng wants to go, he can teleport and arrive at any time.

"Cheng Feng, the thousands of miles are mainly relying on space stones to enhance the transmission range."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "You have now incorporated the space stone into your own body."

"Next, try to see if the transfer is successful."

"Good!" Cheng Feng nodded.

Then the spirit evoked. With the effect of the space stone, he ‘saw’ around him suddenly, and there were countless void passages.

These void channels criss-cross, each leading to an unknown place.

Cheng Feng casually chose one, connected with his body, humming ~~~

Cheng Feng's body immediately merged into the void channel, and the next moment, he disappeared.

At the same time, according to this somewhere somewhere away.

laugh! Suddenly a void cracked in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in black emerged from the void in the void.

Amazingly Cheng Feng!

"Success! I seem to have appeared thousands of miles away."

After drilling out of the void in the void, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and looked around, and a smile appeared on his face.

Because after observing, he found that he had transmitted directly from somewhere to somewhere thousands of miles away.

The mountains and lush vegetation here form a sharp contrast with the desolate and desolate just now.

Fully explained that Cheng Feng has practiced the sixth layer of the shadow puppet method.

"I didn't expect that this shadow can be used for thousands of miles, but it was so easy to practice it. It was an unexpected delight."

Standing on the top of a mountain, Cheng Feng was extremely happy.

He thought that if he wanted to practice the sixth level of the Shadow Method, it would definitely take some hard work.

I never thought it would be so simple.

"Cheng Feng, the reason why you can practice thousands of miles so easily is mainly because you have laid the foundation before."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Thousands of miles are just an enhanced version of the hundreds of miles."

"The strengthening part and the space stone to fill it can be said to be smooth sailing."

"If you can encounter the‘ Heart of Space ’in the rumor in the future, I ’m afraid it ’s a breeze to practice the seventh layer of the“ Shadow of Shadow ”method.

"What? Miles?"

Cheng Feng's eyebrows raised, "Uncle Nalan, can the shadow mages continue to stack up to the point of thousands of miles?"

"Of course, but only if you get the heart of space."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The heart of space is a treasure that is thousands of times more precious than space stone."

"Even the saints who make up the realm regard them as treasures."

"You want to get one, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

"Is it the heart of space?"

Cheng Feng whispered in his mouth: "I will definitely get this thing!"

"Cheng Feng, to get the heart of space, mainly rely on chance, not forced."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As of now, you are still more proficient in the sixth level of the Shadow Method."

"When you use it, you will be able to follow your instructions and be prepared!"

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

Subsequently, the sixth layer of the shadow puppet method was exhibited.

The whole person instantly melted into the void and disappeared.

By the time it reappeared, it was thousands of miles away.

Then, Cheng Feng disappeared and appeared again; disappeared again, appeared again ...

In this way, I don't know how many miles have been performed.

After Cheng Feng had sculpted thousands of miles, thoroughly trained, the sky was already bright, and a round of red sun came out of the mountain.

"Huh, you're pretty much practiced."

In an unknown place, Cheng Feng exhaled, "Next, it's time to find a city, buy a map, and go to the Luna Temple."

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng used the shadow method again, 唰 ~~~

After he appeared, a small town came into view.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng collected the dragon power from his body and landed in the city from the sky.

"Look, everyone, look, someone flew down from the sky."

"Able to fly in the air, it must be a peerless master!"

As Cheng Feng fell into the city, the city's warriors were immediately alerted.

Because the city is small, there are not many masters of martial arts, and even the number of martial artists in the broken territory is very few.

And being able to fly in the air is an extraordinary master in their eyes.

Ran to the streets and wait and see.

In particular, some of the broken martial arts soldiers in the city hurriedly flew out of their families to meet them.

Fear of offending Cheng Feng, called no delusion.

And this is Cheng Feng's condensed peak of his broken realm, otherwise, I am afraid that many martial arts can be stunned.

"All of you, just passing by here."

Seeing his arrival, causing so much movement, Cheng Feng hugged his fist and said, "Because of long-term cultivation in the mountains, the old maps are old and unusable."

"If you can give me a brief map of the next iconostasis, I will have a gift for you."

"This friend is polite."

As Cheng Feng's head hovered above, five eye-catching blood-red killing words circled.

It looks fierce and terrifying, and some of the shattered warriors in the small town thought that Cheng Feng was a murderer, and he was always nervous.

At this moment, he quickly took out dozens of maps and sent them to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng also knows that his cultivation is too high, and there are five-star blood word chase killing, which will bring panic to ordinary people.

So put away those dozens of maps and throw away dozens of dragon crystals at the same time.

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