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Chapter 1298

It turned out that when Cheng Feng and Tiemu Chaoge asked and answered, Long Aotian was not idle.

While taking advantage of Cheng Feng's majestic dragon force, he suppressed the red light shock of the Xuanyuan magnet, and quickly set up a small array on the magnet cage.

When the formation method is completed, it is instantly detonated.

Suddenly, the entire Xuanyuan magnet cage was blown open.

"Junk stuff!"

After thinking about the cause and effect, Tiemu Chaoge's face was dark.

He stared and yelled, "Say, what is your relationship with Jiang Xue?"

"Why take a huge risk and sneak into the sacred tree space of my Tiemu family to save Jiang Xue?"

"Are you curious about who I am?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng said coldly, "Since this is the case, I will let you see clearly."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng actually lifted the shadow method and revealed his true body.

"What? You ... Are you Cheng Feng?"

When Cheng Feng showed his real body, the people of the Tiemu family who were present all stared at the boss.

A cold air suddenly rose from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

In particular, the iron wood Chaoge changed dramatically, and even the words were incomplete.

He looked at Cheng Feng, stunned for a long time before stuttering: "How is that possible? How is this possible?"

"Isn't the blood gods preaching to me, your little beast, who is hundreds of thousands of miles away?

"How come all of a sudden, they returned to Qianlong County and sneaked into my Ironwood clan?"

Hey, Tiemu Chaoge is hesitant!

Originally thought that Cheng Fengyuan was in the iconostasis and there was an ambush of the blood gods, he would be safe and sound.

When 'that thing' is done, I no longer need to be afraid of Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, in silence, Cheng Feng has returned to Qianlong County, and has also broken into the nest of his Tiemu family!

At this moment, not only the people of the Ironwood family are in shock.

Jiang Xue, who had just been rescued by Cheng Feng, was even more excited.

She looked at Cheng Feng in front of her, wearing a black suit, and a resolute face.

A feeling of flesh and blood flew into my heart.

Lips trembled and asked softly, "Xiaofeng? Are you my baby Xiaofeng?"

"Mother, it's me!"

After Cheng Feng thought that after seeing Jiang Xue, the first ‘Mother’ would be difficult to call out.

But he didn't want to, when he heard Jiang Xue's soft voice.

The word mother naturally blurted out.

"Xiaofeng, are you really Xiaofeng?"

When he heard the word "Mother Cheng" shouted, Jiang Xue felt hot: "I did not expect that Jiang Xue could still see my children in my lifetime."

Jiang Xue's mood was very excited and complicated.

She originally thought that after being taken away by the Tiemu family, she would say goodbye to her husband and her children.

I never thought that after ten years, we could meet each other.

"Mother, you have suffered these years."

Looking at the surprise Jiang Xue, Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "Now that the baby has grown up, this time is to pick you up and reunite with my father.

"From now on, no one wants to hurt you again."

"As for the beasts who have killed you, children will pay them blood!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's gaze looked at the members of the Tiemu family.

"The mess of the Ironwood family."

Cheng Feng burst into drink: "The time for you to repay your debts ... is here!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng raised his fist.

Wait until you hit a punch, bang ~~~

The mighty boxing power, like a meteor, suddenly blasted to the ironwood family warriors.

The ironwood family warriors present were all above the true dragon level.

But the punch to Shang Chengfeng was as vulnerable as a ant.

With the bombing of the boxers, seven or eight ironwood family masters were blasted on the spot, and the bones were left!

As for the other warriors, they were either directly hit and flew out, and their blood spurted.

Either he hurt his muscles and was beaten on the spot!

Even some of the strongest elders in the Ironwood family had their chests broken, leaving only half of their bodies.

Although alive, it is more miserable than dying directly!

Especially Tiemu Huang, the elder of the Tiemu family, was even more sad.

He had just been punched by Cheng Feng with a punch, and just stood up, but was hit again.

A face was beaten into a deformed shape, her mouth was full of teeth, and blood and water splashed out!

"Hold the grass, a trick?"

"With just one move, a big wave of top warriors in Broken Realm collapsed?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's casual punch, he broke down the strongest handful of masters in the entire Ironwood family.

Long Aotian couldn't help but explode: "The strength of Cheng Feng has soared a lot!"

"No wonder he managed to escape from countless masters of the blood gods."

At this moment, not only Long Aotian was shocked.

Cheng Feng's mother Jiang Xue was even more stunned.

"My baby, has he grown to this point?"

Jiang Xue's head was faint: "If he wants to practice such superb martial arts, he must have suffered a lot!"

Compared to the shock of Long Aotian and Jiang Xue, the people of the Tiemu family were crying.

Directly punched by Cheng Feng, bursting his confidence.

Those who had not been killed by Cheng Feng, all exerted their efforts to feed and fled away from Cheng Feng.

I'm afraid Cheng Feng will take another punch and beat himself into fly ash.

Even Tiemu Chaoge, who stepped up to heaven, is no exception!

"Damn, **** it!"

Tiemu Chaoge lost his heart and heart: "Cheng Feng, a small beast, is actually more terrifying than rumored."

"My half-step ascend to heaven and fight against it, it's just death!"

Thinking of this, Tiemu Chaoge flew while shouting towards the center of giant tree space.

"Grandfather, show up soon!"

"Cheng Feng has entered our Ironwood family. Only you can stop this thief!"

As Temu shouted, Om ~~~

In the center of the giant tree space, a tyrannical breath suddenly appeared.

Even if it is a raging wave, it strikes at the direction where Cheng Feng is!

"Grandfather Tiemu Chaoge?"

Hearing Tiemu Chaoge's hissing, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Is this person the strongest in the Tiemu family rumored?"

A long time ago, it was rumored that there was a top master in the Ironwood family.

This master is the Dinghaishen needle of the Tiemu family, repaired to reach the peak of the broken realm.

It is the Ironwood family that can dominate the party's greatest reliance.

Now that the Ironwood family is cultivating the roots of life, this person will surely devour it, and cultivation must grow rapidly.

Cheng Feng remotely sensed it and found that the breath that surged from the center of the giant tree reached at least the third limit of ascent.

It can even be comparable to Dengtian's fourth-largest!

"Is it the third limit?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "It seems that the origin of life, really can ignore the bottleneck to promote repair!"

However, Cheng Feng was not afraid of it.

The fist lifted up, and the ten dragons in the body broke out all of a sudden.

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