Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1322: Scramble

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Chapter 1322 Wanton Search

The crystal of life is clear.

When it fell on Cheng Feng's body, it fell into the sand like raindrops and immediately infiltrated it.

Cheng Feng's chapped skin was nourished instantly.

Become strong and strong, like the dragon skin after transformation!

At the same time, Cheng Feng's flesh, fascia, meridians ... were all nourished.

All damage is repaired quickly.

Even the dislocated internal organs and the bones with cracks are put into a steel furnace and forged again.

It can be called a steel heart iron lung diamond bone, which is stronger than before it was injured.

"Is this the effect of the water of life?"

When breathing, the body's trauma was healed instantly, Cheng Feng was shocked: "It's much better than swallowing an eight-turn Jindan, or even nine-turn Jindan!"

In fact, this is a function of the water of life.

When those drops of water repaired Cheng Feng's injury, the Longli acupoint in his body even caused a violent shock.

During breathing, the ten seas around Longli acupoint set off huge waves.


The huge wave turned the heat flow of those drops of water into the sea of ​​gas.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's ten dragon powers suddenly increased.

That speed is so scary!

Previously, Cheng Feng's dragon force was 644,000 meters in length.

In less than half a second, it reached 64,500 meters.

Then there are 65,000 kilometers, 65,500 meters, and 66,000 kilometers ...

The remaining energy of a few drops of water of life was absorbed by Cheng Feng's ten air seas.

Cheng Feng's ten dragon powers have reached 68,000 kilometers!

It is a full four kilometers more than before!

"Huh, it's too strong, the effect of the water of life is too strong!"

Perceiving the earth-shaking changes in his body, Cheng Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath: "Maybe there are dozens of drops, or hundreds of drops of water of life, can push my ten dragon powers to more than 100,000 meters."

The water of life is very precious and rare, and many of the peerless powerhouses who have reached the heavens and the earth are difficult to get a few drops.

In general, Cheng Feng wants to get dozens of drops, which is almost impossible.

But now, in order to stop the burning of the king's **** and the black flame, Tiemu Chaoge sprinkled a lot of water of life.

The quantity, not just tens, hundreds, or thousands of drops?

If Cheng Feng ransacked it, it would be ...

Thinking about this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran had a decision, that is, he was not in a hurry to absorb the water of life to improve his cultivation.

It's the first thing to do, how much water can be found.

"God's hand, catch me!"

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng said nothing, and displayed the hand of Emperor-level martial arts that had not been used for a long time.


Suddenly, in a sky above Hell's black flames, a large amount of vitality condensed and quickly condensed into a huge hand.

Then, the big hand grabbed it from top to bottom.

Hum! I don't know how many drops of water of life were caught by Cheng Feng.

"More than eight thousand drops of water of life!"

Cheng Feng withdrew the hand of God, and saw that a huge crystal clear liquid had accumulated in the huge palm.

It is truly the water of life, a considerable amount!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng took out a small jade bottle.

Put that water of life directly into the bottle.

Then, without any delay, the hand of God cast out again.

This time, Cheng Feng didn't just condense a big hand, but a dozen.

After waiting for the dozen or so big hands to grab, at least tens of thousands of drops of water of life, Cheng Feng was held in his hands.

Not only has the trauma of Hell's melanitis been greatly reduced, it has also made a fortune for yourself!

However, just when Cheng Feng completed the second search and was ready to start the third larger search.

Standing on a branch of the Tiemu Shenshu, Tiemu Chaoge, Huo Ran discovered Cheng Feng's search action.

"Cheng Feng, you **** little thief, are you stealing the water of life?"

Tiemu Chaoge exploded: "Abominable things, I want you to die!"

For Cheng Feng, Tiemu Chaoge hated the extreme.

The reason why his Ironwood family fell into this field was almost entirely thanks to Cheng Feng!

At this moment, when I saw Cheng Feng attacked by the iron tree **** tree's legs, not only did he not die, but he scrambled for the water of life.

The anger is burning, hand knot printing method, booming ~~~

A leg of the Tiemu Shenshu suddenly broke down into a dozen strands of thick rattan.

Like a black super python, he slammed into Cheng Feng!

"The attack on the Ironwood God Tree has begun!"

Found this scene, Cheng Feng searched the water of life, his face was frozen.

Because of the attacking power of the Ironwood God Tree, Cheng Feng had to attach great importance.

It should be noted that although the iron tree **** tree has broken down the tree legs into more than ten strands.

But each attack is still very strong.

If Cheng Feng is hit, or entangled, and then attacked in series, then it is dangerous.

However, although Cheng Feng knew the danger, he was not panic.

While taking back dozens of palms that collect the water of life, he also performed many defense martial arts, such as Shenshenju, Tianlong Jinshen, Zilei Refining Techniques, mad sword and tyrants ...

Wait until about 100,000 drops of water of life collected by those dozens of big hands are put into a small jade bottle.

All kinds of defensive martial arts also happened to be successful.

Prior to this, Hell's Heiyan took a step ahead.


I saw the billowing black and white flames rising, condensing into a thick black and white dragon.


When the black and white dragon hit the roots of the dozen ironwood **** tree.

In the deafening sound, the cold fire waves suddenly swelled in the sky.

Light up the whole night sky instantly, just like daylight!

And under the bright night sky, the huge fire dragon formed by the **** black flame was broken up stiffly.

But the dozen or more roots of one 'leg' of Tiemu Shenshu were not good enough.

Burned by the billowing waves of fire, the first one was burnt into a coke!

As the roots were retracted, the coke dropped straight from the sky.

Under this situation, this wave of attacks on the Ironwood God Tree was completely resolved without touching Cheng Feng's face!

"Super strange fire, **** super strange fire!"

On the branches of the Tiemu God Tree, Tiemu Chaoge was extremely angry: "Little beasts, I really think that with a super flame, you can't be killed?"

"Among the strongmen bred by the sacred tree, there is a master of fire control!"

"When I wake it up, I will not only **** the super strange fire, but I will also crush you!"

"A fire control expert?"

Hearing the words of Tiemu Chaoge, Cheng Feng trembled with emotion: "It seems that Tiemu Chaoge wants the dog to jump over the wall, and is ready to release the strong man born of the Tiemu God Tree."

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