Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1330: Nether Ruler

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Chapter 1330 Void Ruler

However, when this fist hit the sword that turned into words.


But I heard only a bang.

The next moment, Ao Xuantuo's punch was stabbed in half by the sword.

"What? So sharp?"

Seeing his punches, he was easily shredded by Zhu Qingshan.

The proud Xuantuo's eyes stared, feeling incredible.

You know, he is a fifth-ranked master.

I punched with all my strength, but couldn't even deal with the handwritten words of Zhu Qingshan.

From this we can see how huge the difference between the two!

"Xuan Tuo, you are far from Zhu Qingshan's opponent."

At this time, the unnecessarily third protection method opened up: "I wish the repair of the blue shirt, if I expected it, at least reached the sixth limit of ascending to heaven."

"And also has the strength to survive the seventh heavy disaster!"

"Fight him, there is no seventh-most cultivation practice, just to die."

"The sixth highest limit of ascent to heaven? Can you enter the seventh ascent of ascent at any time?"

Upon hearing this, Ao Xuantuo's face changed drastically: "This wish for a blue shirt is truly the first genius of a peerless one hundred years ago!"

"I'm far behind, Xuan Tuo."

Zhu Qingshan, really powerful.

Just writing a word on the sleeve of the sleeve will subdue the Eighth Guardian of the Blood Gods, and feel ashamed.

At this time, Zhu Qingshan waved his illness.

In Xu Jian, the words formed with divine power were filled with void.

Then it was divided into two, and a small shot was fired at Ao Xuantuo.

The other part is directed to the third protection law of the blood gods.

"Xuan Tuo, you go and entangle the four people after the wind, and let Tiemu transport the Tiemu God Tree towards Song."

Seeing this, the third guardian's face calmed, and he commanded: "As for this blue shirt, I will stop it."

The words came to an end, and the third guardian took out a jade ruler longer than half a meter from his arms.

When I had to inject a divine power into it, the jade ruler suddenly burst into a strong light.

This strong light is extraordinary and can actually change the void.

When the strong light hit the two texts from Zhu Qingshan, the void in front of the text was stretched for thousands of miles.

Wait until the text crosses thousands of miles and arrives at the third step.

That third protection has long been pacing away, and this wave of attacks can be easily resolved!

"Oh? Holy Void Ruler?"

Seeing this, Zhu Qingshan raised a brow: "It is rumored that this holy weapon, which can be stretched and contracted arbitrarily, is a rare space weapon."

"See you today, it's interesting!"

The Void Ruler is a weapon that contains the legal principles of Void.

It is rumored to be one of the four great gods of the Blood Gods, a treasure made by the Promise King.

Now used by the Third Guardian, his strength has been increased by more than a star.

However, Zhu Qingshan still did not move much.

He whispered in his mouth, and when he urged the divine power in his body, he actually condensed a three-foot sword.

The next moment, the sword pointed at the third protection method, and the unmatched sword swept up like a gale.

It's actually much stronger than the sword potential that Jianlin Jian master practiced!

Just when Zhu Qingshan got serious, he was going to fight against the third protection law of the Blood Gods.

On the other side, Ao Xuantuo tried his best to entangle the four people behind the wind and gave Tiemu Chaoge a chance to escape.

"God tree, go!"

I saw that Tiemu yelled at the singer and yelled in his mouth.

Then, the scarred Ironwood God Tree stepped forward and ran out of the battlefield.

"Still unable to intercept the Ironwood God Tree?"

A thousand miles away, Cheng Feng frowned when he saw this.

"Cheng Feng, it should not be."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The people in Qianlong Academy seem to have not fully exerted their strength."

"For example, Zhu Qing shirt, but the first genius of the feathered gods a century ago, now it is unpredictable."

"If he fires at full power, I am afraid that the seventh strongest person in the sky cannot stop it."

"Well, that's true!"

Cheng Feng nodded, but still had some concerns in his heart: "But it's not a problem to watch Tiemu Chaoge control the Tiemu God Tree to slip away."

"Perhaps I shot at this time and killed Tiemu Chaoge, it was a good choice."

"Without the control of Tiemu Chaoge, Tiemu Shenshu would like to run away, it would be more difficult."

"Cheng Feng, you can do it, but it's better to be cautious."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Let Tiemu Chaoge's escape be fraudulent, then there will be problems!"

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately cast a thousand miles.

Breathing, Cheng Feng appeared near the ironwood **** tree.

Cheng Feng followed without delay, and his eyes locked on Tiemu Chaoge, located on the Tiemu God Tree.

Lift the devil sword in your hand, 唰 ~~~

Leng Chan's sword light went straight to Tiemu Zhaoge's head.

"Chaoge, be careful, Cheng Feng is here again!"

Not far away, the ironwood invincible was very alert.

When he saw the figure of Cheng Feng, he immediately reminded loudly.

And at the same time, he lifted the only one arm left, rolled with divine power, and patted Cheng Feng with one palm.

Unfortunately, when Tiemu was invincible, he could not hurt Cheng Feng at all.

Now he broke his arm and was hit badly.

His palm strength, before approaching Cheng Feng's body, immediately melted away.

"Damn, **** it!"

On the branches of the Tiemu Shenshu, Tiemu Chaoge turned pale: "Cheng Feng, this little beast, is really a **** ghost!"

Tiemu Chaoge was scolding his mother and hated Cheng Feng extremely.

I feel that under the continuous attack of Cheng Feng, I am afraid I can't live the moment when I fled back to the headquarters of the Blood Gods.

My heart was ruthless. If at the last moment, whatever his blood **** plan was, he would directly awaken the seven powerful imitations born of the iron tree **** tree.

Even if you die, you must pull Cheng Feng back!

However, at this moment, 嗤嗤 ~~~

Two inaudible void-breaking sounds quietly passed into the ears of Tiemu Chaoge.

The iron wood looked at the song from where the sound came.

Suddenly, on both sides of Cheng Feng's body, two glooms appeared inexplicably.

These two glooms were faint at first.

Waiting on Cheng Feng's left and right waist, he immediately turned into two sharp styluses.

The mighty force exploded at the landing point, piercing the bright golden light of the God of War armor instantly.

Huh! Then, the armor of warlords sunken inward.

Only let Cheng Feng's face change wildly, the fifth turn of Tianlong Jinshen and purple Thunder refining tactics ran fast.

At the same time, ten dragons in the body spewed and gathered to the place where they were spotted by stylus.

In this way, it was barely able to block the sting of the stylus.

However, the unequal range peaks slowly.

咻 ~~~

An iron sword pierced through nothingness and came straight to Cheng Feng's heart.

This iron sword is extremely powerful and has terrifying penetration.

If hit by this sword, the power of the sixth strongest man in the sky will fall immediately.

At this moment, Cheng Feng was just attacked by two styluses.

The stylus was still on Cheng Feng's waist and back, making him unable to dodge at all.

This made Cheng Feng the greatest threat.

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