Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1332: She Jian Sword

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Chapter One Thirty-two

"The only knife, less proud!"

After hearing the only word of the knife, his nose was pursed after the wind: "I and the lunatic apprentice‘ Wind and Thunder ’also have the potential to catch up with me.”

"Maybe it won't be long before I know how you feel at the moment!"

"Oh, then you have to wait for a while."

The only smile of Dao: "The feeling that blue is better than blue out of blue, I can only enjoy it alone for the time being!"

"Okay, the only master!"

At that moment, the voice of Zhu Qingshan said, "Now the blood god's second hand has been dug up by us."

"Next, it's time to start closing the net and destroy the huge conspiracy of the Blood Gods!"

"Well, it should be so!"

The knife nodded only, and his expression instantly changed back to coldness and killing.

As for the three after the wind, no exception.

All of them exhibited their signature martial arts skills, and their firepower was fully used. Soon, the eighth guardian of the Blood Gods was proud of Xuan Tuo, and they were breathless.

At the same time, the artistic master Qin Yushi waved his hand.

Suddenly, a Phoenix Guqin appeared out of thin air.

Wait until there are lush fingers across the strings, Ding Ding Ding ~~~

A pleasant sound of the piano sounded, filling the battlefield with warmth and warmth in an instant, and many withered weeds sprung out along with the piano sound.

However, when Chen Taicang heard the sound of the piano, his face changed dramatically.

"No, this is Yihai ’s signature martial arts killing Jiuqu!"

Chen Taicang drank aloud and hurriedly hurriedly.

From the exclusive storage space, he took out a broken gong, and then struck loudly.

Clang ~ ~ clang ~ ~ clang ~ ~

With the harsh sound of breaking the gong, covering the cymbal sound, he was relieved.

But the solemn look on his face did not diminish at all.

Instead, it was more intense, and the action of breaking the gong became more urgent and fierce.

On the other side, Zhu Qingshan's battle with the Third Guardian of the Blood Gods also began to become extremely killing and dangerous.

I saw that Zhu Qing shirt, at this time had pulled out a long sword.

This long sword is azure blue, and it is engraved with mountains and rivers, humans, birds, and beasts, and the scene of peaceful coexistence.

It's like a sword, it's a world.

As long as this sword is in, the whole world will be Guotai Min'an and the mountains and rivers will be forever!

This sword, called ‘She Jian Sword’, is a sacred weapon and one of the symbols of Qianlong Academy.

Zhu Qingshan's repair, this has reached the sixth limit of ascent.

Anytime, anywhere, you can survive the seventh heavy disaster and advance to the seventh heavy.

Now with the help of this sword again, the combat power has suddenly reached a scary level!

The third guardian of the blood gods, although there is also a sacred emptiness ruler, it is not weaker than Zhu Qing shirt.

But as soon as the fight began, cowardly weather appeared.

The battle is not over yet, and the breath of defeat has spread!

"Grass, She Jijian!"

On the Tiemu God Tree, when Tiemu Chaoge saw the azure long sword in the hands of Zhu Qingshan.

His face became extremely ugly, and he yelled, "I wish Zhu Qingshan brought the sword of the Qianlong Academy!"

"In this case, even if the seventh peerless existence exists, it will inevitably die!"

"Escape, I must escape immediately."

"Otherwise, no doubt!"

Thinking of this, Tiemu burst into the song body with a lot of divine power, hand knot printing method, I wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

However, he had just moved.

After adjusting the state of Cheng Feng, a pair of cold eyes stared at him.

"Cheng Feng, you **** mess!"

Feeling Cheng Fengsen's cold eyes, Tiemu Chaoge felt cold.

Cursing in his mouth, the movements in his hands kept on.

The intention is to let the iron wood **** tree, carry the attack of Cheng Feng hard, escape from here to say.

However, although his idea is good, some people are unwilling.

First of all, I wish you a blue shirt.

I saw Zhu Qing shirt while fighting with the third guardian of the blood gods, while looking at the iron tree **** tree.

Wait until the hands of the sword waved with the sword, using the sword as a pen, write a few ‘ding’.

Buzzing ~~~

Those words instantly turned into a circle of light, and it was put on the ironwood **** tree that was about to escape.

The leg of the tree that stepped out of the ironwood **** tree was imprisoned stupidly in the void.

As a result, Tiemu Chaoge's thought of wanting to quickly escape from the place was suddenly shattered!

Then, Cheng Feng, ready to go, started.

Huh! I saw Cheng Feng show his stride.

The whole person turned into a big golden arrow, and went straight to the iron wood wrapped in layers of tree roots towards the song.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

When reaching the root of the tree, Cheng Feng started off with a knife.

The roots of the **** tree roots that were tens of meters thick were quickly chopped off, and the iron and wood chaos hiding behind the roots of the tree were as pale as earth.

"Chen Hufa, save me!"

At a critical moment, Tiemu hissed at the song.

At the same time, his hands were raised above his head, creating a strange seal.

This imprint, once cast by Tiemu Chaoge, almost immortalized the seven powers in the crown of the Tiemu **** tree.

This time again, it is obviously intended to break the net.

If Chen Taicang didn't want to save him, then when Cheng Feng killed him, it was also when he awakened the seven powerful imitations.

"Junk stuff!"

Seeing this, Chen Taicang, who was forced to retreat by Qin Yushi, the master of the arts, turned blue.

There was a whisper in his mouth, and a concealed secret signal was issued.

Immediately, 嗤 ~~~

An iron sword suddenly appeared on Cheng Feng's side.

Like a blast of wind, it hit Cheng Feng's neck.

This iron sword is very sharp, even if Cheng Feng is wearing the armor of war, it is extremely dangerous.

Even Cheng Feng had a feeling that this sword could cut his head across the armor of war!

"Damn killer, she hid in the dark and put a cold arrow."

Cheng Feng was cold, and in a whisper, he lifted the Devil Sword to block the iron sword from the thorn.

"Cheng Feng, you just have to kill Tiemu Chaoge."

Just then, a gentle voice sounded, "As for the killer who kills the temple, I will solve it."

This voice, once before, is exactly what Zhu Shanshan wishes.

"Okay." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the slayer knife that he lifted up re-locked Tiemu Chaoge.

As for the iron sword that assassinated him, he ignored it and left it to his neck.

"The boy Cheng Feng is so proud of himself."

Seeing this scene, the killing temple and the emperor showed a cruel smile: "I actually intended to use a set of armor to carry the emperor's" drinking sword "!

"Hey, I want you ..."

However, the clamor for killing the temple and the emperor has not ended.

噌 ~~~

A sword from the west filled the sky in an instant.

Stay down, oh!

Mantian Jianguang passed through the body that killed the temple and the emperor, and a burst of silver blood burst out.


Pierced by Wan Jian, the killer had not died yet, and angrily shouted, "I wish the blue shirt, **** the blue shirt!"

"Sooner or later, the emperor will take your boss and repay today's gift!"

The words didn't end, and the emperor who killed the temple fell into the void and disappeared in a blink.

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