Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1336: Shrink into inches

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Chapter 136 Shrinking Into an Inch

"King of Promise! The imitation of the Promise of God is watching me!"

Instantly stared at the Promise King, Cheng Feng's scalp numb: "Damn, what should I do now?"

"Cheng Feng, keep going!"

However, Zhu Qingshan's voice remained calm, saying, "I will block the imitation of the Promise King!"

"Fight it." Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately without hesitation, he continued to make use of thousands of miles.

Thousands of miles are shaped, but the sixth layer of the shadow method.

Once used, it is a thousand miles in a flash!

However, Cheng Feng used it at the moment, but suddenly lost effect.

Obviously, thousands of miles have been exhibited, but Cheng Feng himself is still standing.

If you have to say change, it is Cheng Feng that moved a few centimeters forward from where he stood before!

"Mad, what's going on?"

Cheng Feng's head was a little dim, for unknown reasons.

"Cheng Feng, this should be the Promise of Promise God."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "Blood God teaches the Promise King, and is proficient in space."

"The void is in his hands, and can be stretched, contracted, and united at will!"

"You have just performed thousands of miles, and the reason why it has no effect is like walking on the spot."

"Nine out of ten, the void in front of you, has been stretched by the Promise King."

Nalan Changsheng said: "So even though you travel thousands of miles in the void, in fact, you have only moved a few centimeters."

"Grass, it must be so!"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng quickly understood everything.

But at the same time, my heart was cold.

If the Promise King can stretch the void arbitrarily, then Cheng Feng has nowhere to run in his hands.

Even if you use the gold portal, teleport 100,000 miles at a time.

I'm afraid in the end, it just turned over on the other's palm!

"Cheng Feng, try your teleport martial arts again."

While Cheng Feng was in a panic, Zhu Qingshan's voice sounded: "This time, I will use the sword of the sword to break the infinite stretch of space by the Promise King."

"Shan Lord, the Promise King's stretching of the void, can he break it with the sword of the sword?"

Cheng Feng was a little worried.

Void is another way, esoteric.

Brute force alone is hard to break.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

Zhu Qingshan said: "After all, the Promise King at this moment is not the deity, but a fake body born of the iron wood **** tree."

"The ability to control the way of space is far less than one hundredth of the deity!"

"Okay, then try it." Cheng Feng nodded.

After taking a deep breath, the shadow could not be used for thousands of miles, and then it emerged again.

"Well, knowing that you can't do anything, but you're still struggling, it's stupid!"

At the top of the ironwood **** tree, the Promise King gave a cold hum.

Immediately after that huge pair of eyes turned, two beams of light immediately emerged from his eyes.

When the sight sweeps the void on all sides of the peak, all the void is suddenly stretched greatly.

When Cheng Feng used the shadow method to submerge into the void, it seemed to be moving fast.

In fact, it just stays there, not moving.

However, this picture changed immediately with the stabbing of Zhu Qing shirt.

I only saw that Zhu Qingshan retreated with the third protection of the Blood Gods with a sword, and his eyes became sharp and sharp.

Wait until the body is full of divine power, sink into the sword of the sword in his hand.

The She Jian sword suddenly shot a matchless sword.

This sword spirit is not only powerful and powerful, but also has an indescribable charm.

It seems that in the spirit of the sword, there are billions of blessings.

A sword stabbed, the world warmed, and the trees and plants were in spring!

And when this sword stabbed into the void stretched by the Promise King, the void immediately burst into light.

Like a frozen surface, it was broken by a stone.

The water waves instantly recirculated!

Under this condition, when the display of the Qian Li's shape was over, Cheng Feng suddenly appeared dozens of miles away.

"Successful, those voids stretched by the Promise King in front of Cheng Feng were broken by Brother Zhu!"

Hundreds of miles away, the only few people in the sword saw this scene, all of them looked happy.

As for Cheng Feng, he was also pleasantly surprised.

"Did the void stretch disappear?"

Cheng Feng glanced at the Promise King, and said joyfully, "It seems that the means of the Promise King is not insurmountable!"

Said, Cheng Feng was ready to perform a thousand miles.

However, Chen Taicang, the fourth guardian of the blood gods, suddenly looked at the Promise King.

"God King, our holy religion's plan in the earth dome continent has been pushed forward slowly because of Cheng Feng's birth."

Chen Taicang exclaimed: "If possible, please ask Lord God to give all his strength to kill this child here!"

"Are Cheng Feng? This is indeed something interesting."

After hearing that, the Promise King nodded: "There are many powerful causes and effects in this son's body, and there will be a lot of trouble after the beheading."

"But if you can pick the 'final fruit'!"

"Kill, and kill!"

After all, the eyes of the Promise King shot two huge beams again.

Sweeping across Cheng Feng's body, stretching the void to a great extent.

At the same time, he himself even lifted his feet and walked towards the direction where Cheng Feng was.

Obviously, the Promise King was moved by Chen Taicang.

Prepare to do it yourself, to kill Cheng Feng.

The Promise King is proficient in the way of space. He wants to kill people, which is very easy.

Shrinking the void and stepping out is tens of thousands of miles.

Cheng Feng couldn't even escape!

Moreover, there are as many as seven statues of the imitation body of the blood gods.

The three great Confucianists at Qianlong Academy couldn't make a move if they wanted to help.

Cheng Feng, it is really dangerous!

"She Jian Sword Technique, Guotai Min'an!"

At this moment, Zhu Qingshan's hand-held swordsmanship of the Qingshan Academy used the sword skill of Qianlong Academy Shushan.

This society has a broad and profound swordsmanship.

This sword technique is not only a set of sword skills, but also the compassion of countless Confucians to the world.

A sword stabbed, and the sword was so powerful that it lit up the night sky.

Let the Promise King be a little moved!

"She Jian Sword and She Jian Sword Technique?"

The footsteps of the Promise King stopped in the air and frowned, "I did not expect that in this barren land-dome continent, there were many people who were shocked and brilliant."

"This book mountain wishes the blue shirt, can actually use the copy of the sword of the sword of the community to show the sword of the community to such an extent."

"It is a peerless genius, and it will surely survive the Nine Heavens!"

"Unfortunately, I want to stop the king from killing people, but it's a bit worse!"

The words stopped, and the Wuji king paused and started again.

Suddenly, the distance between Cheng Feng and the King of Promise was compressed by an inexplicable force.

As if the step of the Promise King landed, he could reach Cheng Feng.

Fortunately at this time, the sword stabbed by Zhu Qingshan reached Cheng Feng's side.

The void that was greatly stretched by the Promise King was broken, so that Cheng Feng and Huo Ran were hundreds of miles away from the Promise God.

The huge crisis was resolved.

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