Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1338: Town-level Powerhouse

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Chapter 1338 Chapter Town-level Powerhouse

"Want to escape? Not so easy!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's display of thousands of miles disappearing, the cold light flashed in the eyes of Promise God.

I saw him step out, wow ~~~

The vast void quickly retreated at his feet, and in a blink of an eye, he had to rush to Cheng Feng.

But at this time, Zhu Qingshan had broken the void stretch of the Promise King.

Then, immediately a sword stabbed.

Forcibly stopped the king of the Promise.

However, the blood gods can have seven powerful imitations.

When the Promise King was blocked by Zhu Qing shirt, one of the other six enlightened imitation creatures could take a step forward.

Waiting for one palm to slap into the void, a faint palm strength, immediately like a big wave.

Penetrating through the void, swept away towards Cheng Feng during the flight.

Even if Cheng Feng displayed a thousand miles, he could not escape the dark, slap of palm.

"It is the King of Darkness, a master who has been trained to the extreme fierce existence!"

Seeing this powerful imitation body, the only one who waited for his face changed dramatically.

Recognized, this man is one of the four gods of the blood gods, the imitation of the dark **** king.

If Cheng Feng is photographed by this person's palm, even if he wears the armor of war and the fifth turn of the dragon body, it will inevitably die!

"Is an avatar of the Dark Lord God?"

At this moment, the blood dragon's huge dragon's body was horizontal, and said, "The dragon will weigh you!"

The words did not fall, the blood dragon's huge dragon body had been thrown up, shattered the heavy void, and was printed on the surging dark and dark palm strength.

Cut off that swollen palm, stiffly!

"Cheng Feng this son, or to Ben Yanjun to solve it."

Zhu Qing shirt and blood dragon shot, stopped the Promise King and the Dark God King.

But Cheng Feng's danger did not end.

Cheng Feng has just fled a thousand miles away, and the remaining five powerful imitations have left, and one more walks out.

This mighty imitation was wearing a ghostly black robe and his face was cold and ruthless.

It is an ironwood **** tree, a imitation body bred from the death of Yan Jun, one of the two great Yan Jun in Hell's Gate.

This kills Yan Jun, but it is far-reaching.

Outside the dome continent, it can be called a death-like existence.

Whenever this person is mentioned, the color of all talks.

Because as long as being killed by Yan Jun, not to mention the existence of the ascent to heaven, even the power to create the realm may fall!

It is even rumored that there are a total of three deities in existence and died in the hands of this person.

Created the gate of hell, the fierce power of the super killer organization!

At this moment, Yan Jun, a life-threatening man, is still a trivial matter, although he is just a fake.

It is one of the most dangerous beings among the seven powerful imitations.

"No, that's one of the two Yan Jun's killing Yan Jun!"

Seeing the killing of Yan Jun, the only one who saw the face of the sword changed dramatically.

Then, they looked at the three Qianlong Academy masters and asked for help.

"Senior Ji, please rescue Cheng Feng!"

In fact, there is no need for a knife to wait for someone to ask, the three great Confucians have already acted.

I saw the three great Confucianists swayed the mighty righteousness in their bodies.

The next moment, the three reached out at the same time and grabbed the large pen.

Waiting so hard to shake it, he actually wrote a huge text in the air-town!

As this town character takes shape, hum ~~~

The overwhelming power suddenly gathered in the sky.

Then, like tens of thousands of big Yues, they repressed to kill Yan Jun.

And at the same time, tearing ~~~

In front of Cheng Feng, the void was penetrated by two forces.

Then, there were two powerful men who were so deep in the sea that they emerged from the void of the collision.

The two were wearing bright yellow royal beasts.

It is the two strong aids that came from the imperial palace of the Emperor God, and are the two royal offerings of the Emperor Royal.

Xiuwei has reached the seventh weight of ascending the sky, which is a town-level powerhouse to suppress the feathered gods!

"The comer is Fang Mingyang and Fang Qisheng."

Gaze swept away, and the only one who waited for the knife immediately rejoiced: "Haha, this time Cheng Feng has been saved!"

Fang Mingyang and Fang Qisheng were both quite straightforward.

As soon as he arrived, he said nothing to Yan Jun, who had lost his life.

However, one side of the blood gods can kill more than Yan Jun alone.

In addition to the Promise King and the Dark Lord God, there are four powerful imitations left.

At this time, they all started to jointly kill Yan Jun, and arrogantly killed two Fang Qisheng and the three great Confucians of Qianlong College.

In this way, Cheng Feng immediately got a chance.

For thousands of miles in a row, it has been far away from the battlefield.

"Hoo ~~~"

Above an unknown piece of grass, Cheng Feng exhaled: "Finally we got rid of the killing of those horrible guys."

Cheng Feng was exhausted at this time.

But there was a sense of crisis in my heart, but I still couldn't get away.

Keep his nerves tight.

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid your crisis has not been resolved."

At this moment, Nalan's voice sounded: "On your body, you have locked several gods' thoughts, all of which are imitations of the powerful body."

"At the same time, the eighth guardian of the blood gods, Ao Xuantuo, the two heirs of the **** gate, will not give up hunting you."

"Perhaps a slackness, the danger is here!"

The enemies Cheng Feng faced this time were all too powerful, far beyond his scope of strength.

If there are gangsters in hell, they can barely resist one or two.

Now Hell, Heiyan is fighting with the God of Chiyan, and Cheng Feng is weak and pathetic.

Any powerful imitated body to catch up will be enough to kill him!

"Uncle Nalan, how many powerful imitations have left me with God?"

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and asked.

"There should be four."

Nalan Changsheng said: "One is the King of Chiyan, the other is King of the Promise, the third is King of the Dark God, and the fourth is to kill Yan Jun."

"Mad, every one is terrible!"

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth: "especially the Promise King, who is proficient in space, and it's almost a matter of minutes to catch up with me."

"So, I must quickly destroy the thoughts left by him."

"Otherwise, the consequences are endless!"

"Well, there's Yan Jun, another killer."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The killer Yan Jun of Hell Gate is good at tracking and killing."

"If it is followed by him and launched an assault, it will be even more terrible than the Promise King!"

"Uncle Nalan, God of Promise Promise is very strong."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Ordinary means, can't be destroyed at all!"

With the plan, Cheng Feng acted immediately.

After finding out the divine thoughts left by the Promise King, he immediately bombarded with dragon power, slashed with his sword, and punched with punches ...

However, none of these methods worked and they were indestructible!

"Cheng Feng, use the soul mark."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Your soul seal has been cultivated to the level of giant seal."

"Destroying a ray of divine thought left by a powerful mimic should not be a problem!"

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