Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1340: Dragon force surges 100,000 meters

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Chapter 1340: Dragon Force Surges One Hundred Thousand Meters

68,500 meters, 69,900 meters, 69,500 meters ...

Watching the ten dragon powers in his body soared at a scary rate.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the 70,000-meter mark and then broke through in one fell swoop.

This made Cheng Feng's emotions extremely excited.

Even though Cheng Feng tried his best to restrain, his body was slightly trembling.

"It's 70,000 meters. My ten dragon powers have broken through the 70,000 meters."

Cheng Feng whispered in a whisper: "At this rate, it will not be a problem to break the historical record of 100,000 meters, or even the historical record of 12,960 meters set by the Emperor Tianfu.

Among all the warriors in broken territory, the longest record of Long Li was created more than 100,000 years ago by the Emperor Tianfu.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to break.

Today, Cheng Feng has the hope of breaking the historical record.

However, the longer the length of the dragon force, the more difficult it is to improve.

The energy consumed by heaven and earth has also increased.

For example, at the beginning, Cheng Feng's dragon power increased by ten meters, perhaps only one thousandth of a drop of water of life.

But after 70,000 meters, it is estimated that one percent of the water of life is needed.

The resources consumed have increased by 100 times!

"The consumption of cultivation resources is nothing."

Cheng Feng whispered: "In my hand, there are more than 100,000 drops of water of life. I don't believe you can absorb all the light!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng took out a few drops of water of life and threw it into his mouth.

Then he turned his gaze and looked at Xuemai Xueqiao.

Cheng Feng's Blood Vein Acupuncture is the most mysterious acupoint.

This acupoint condenses Cheng Feng's most powerful blood power.

Unfortunately, since the awakening, he has been occupied by Nalan Longevity.

A piece of corpse was immersed in the acupuncture point of intent, with the intention of re-energizing with the help of Cheng Feng's blood.

However, such a long time passed without any reaction.

For example, at this moment, almost half of the water of life taken by Cheng Feng was absorbed by Xuemai Acupoint.

Speaking of change, Dingdian didn't.

As if in Cheng Feng's Blood Vein Aura, there is a super giant dormant.

Anything that enters the Blood Vein Aura will only be swallowed up!

"Uncle Naland, who lives in my body, is a real worry."

Cheng Feng secretly said, "If he doesn't have evil feelings towards me, it's okay. With the grace of remaking, I can absorb as much blood as possible."

"If there is something else in my heart, it will be the biggest disaster of my life ..."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's heart twisted.

Then Cheng Feng took a deep breath and forced these complex thoughts to suppress his heart.

Then he sank down and continued to take the water of life to nourish the six martial spirits and ten dragon powers.

time flies.

I don't know how long it has passed, a bright light appeared on the sky.

Cheng Feng knew immediately that the new year had begun and it was the morning of the first day of the new year.

At this time, Cheng Feng had taken about 100 drops of water of life.

Not only makes the body transparent, comfortable and full.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's six martial arts souls, three of them warmed up to the limit of the awakening period, fell into a deep sleep.

Once you wake up from your deep sleep, you will officially enter the metamorphosis period.

The other three martial spirits have all reached the high level of awakening, and are sprinting towards complete awakening.

As for Cheng Feng's ten dragon powers, they all reached 99,999 meters.

When Chaoyang first rose, Cheng Feng's mind flashed.

Boom ~~~

Ten dragon powers suddenly broke through the 100,000-meter mark!

"One thousand and one meters!"

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Nice, really good."

"After Longli reached 100,000 meters, it really is different from the past."

"Not only has the strength skyrocketed, the spirit has also reached its peak."

"I feel that punching out at this moment is enough to knock two or three masters alive!"

The ten dragon powers all reach 100,000 meters, which is indeed no small feat.

When these ten dragons are twisted into one, they definitely have the power of collapse.

This is the first case in nearly tens of thousands of years.

"Huh, my Long Li cultivation can come to an end for now."

After a while, Cheng Feng calmed his excitement and whispered, "Although there are still 100,000 drops left in the water of life."

"But my Longli acupoints have temporarily reached saturation."

"Continue to take the water of life, it may not be a good thing!"

The so-called small nourishing health, big nourishing the body.

Dabuzhiwu is good, but if you overdo it, it will only have an adverse effect.

Wait for Cheng Feng's Longli acupoints, and after a little slow, then water it with water of life.

Perhaps it would be possible to advance the ten dragon powers to more than 129,600 meters in one fell swoop.

In order to break the historical record created by the Emperor of Heavenly Burial, a new record was created!

With the decision, Cheng Feng was about to move his muscles.

Suddenly, a voice came from the Soul Ring.

"Cheng Feng, what's going on outside? Are you finished?"

"When it's done, release Ben Shao as soon as possible, and I'm almost suffocated."

Hearing this voice, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled.

You do n’t need to know, it ’s definitely Long Aotian.

"Long Aotian is really impatient."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I only stayed one night in the Nether Pot, and I couldn't stand it."

"Well, let you out and let your mother breathe."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng took out the void pot.

Wait until you can open the plug, 咻 ~~~

A five-pronged golden dragon suddenly flew out of the void pot, and it was Long Aotian.

On the back of Long Aotian, stood a weak woman, Cheng Xue's mother Jiang Xue.

"Cheng Feng, you escaped from the attack of the ironwood **** tree."

As soon as he emerged from the Nether Pot, Long Aotian asked impatiently: "Yes, did you accidentally take some of the source of life when you ran away?"

"Fuck, you are too inhumane?"

Cheng Feng's face turned black: "When I met, I didn't ask me if I was injured. I asked the source of life first?"

"Cheng Feng, why don't you stand here intact and still need to ask?"

Long Aotian said with a grin: "Besides, with your slyness, even the strongest men who are as high as six or seven will be able to slip away without damage."

"So, you don't have to worry about your safety!"

"Uh ..." Cheng Feng was speechless.

"Haha ~~~"

Seeing this, Long Aotian smiled proudly and immediately urged: "Hurry up and divide half of the origin of the life I found."

"You know, the reason why you can sneak into the Ironwood family this time, but I made a great effort."

"Go away, I have no source of life."

"Hum, who do you coax?"

Long Aotian sucked his nose and said, "You still have a strong breath of the origin of life on your body. Think about the benefits of being alone!"

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