Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1353: Repair

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Chapter 1353 is Revised

Long Aotian is very interested in fishing.

Standing beside Cheng Feng, constantly inquiring about the specific details, and wanted to blend in.

There was no way to be entangled, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Long Aotian, you are sitting quietly, but it is actually the greatest help to me."

"Rely on, Ben Shao kindly helped you, but I haven't seen it yet."

Long Aotian frowned: "You know, 'fishing' is not as simple as you think."

"If the timing is not right, and you catch a super big fish, you will not only be unable to catch it, but you will get yourself into the river."

Long Aotian's words are true.

If Cheng Feng catches a seventh evil fighter who ascends to the sky.

The consequences are unthinkable!

"Listen to what you mean, do you have the means to solve this problem?"

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian.

"Of course."

Long Aotian said: "Ben Shao's practice may not be able to fight the masters who are six or seven heavy, but if you use the matrix method to temporarily trap the masters who are six or seven heavy, it is not a problem.

"If the‘ fish ’you catch is beyond your abilities, you just need to introduce it into an array I arranged, and the danger will be lifted immediately!”

"Can you make arrangements to trap the seventh strongest team in the sky?"

Wen Yan said that Cheng Feng had some doubts: "If this is the case, then you would have been arrested for a half-step in the heavens when you were in Shilipo?"

"Cheng Feng, my memory is gradually awakened with Xiu Wei."

Long Aotian said: "At that time, I had no power to bind chickens, and the memory of the formation method was in a dead state."

"Otherwise, wouldn't Ben Shaotang's Tianlong tribe be humiliated by a half-step ascent?"

"So ... it makes sense."

Cheng Feng nodded, and then said, "Long Aotian, I can share your specific plan with you in advance."

"But don't be surprised and show your feet."

"You know, the 'fish' we want to catch, but stare at us nearby."

"Oh? Where?"

Long Aotian's eyes lighted up, and then he looked up.

"..." Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

Next, Cheng Feng explained his plan to Long Aotian in general.

"Cheng Feng, you are crazy."

After listening to Long Aotian's eyes, the light in his eyes flashed: "Actually, he should use himself as a bait to seduce the evil master to kill him.

"But ... Ben Shao didn't like it!"

At this point, Long Aotian patted his chest and said, "Say, there is anything I need to do, despite mentioning."

"Ben Shao guarantees that you will do it properly."

"Long Aotian, there are two things you need to do."

Cheng Feng said: "First, quietly arrange a large array that can trap the seventh strongest man in the sky."

"Second, act as a bodyguard and don't let outsiders bother me."

"Those two things you need to do less?"

Long Aotian frowned: "This is too easy!"

"Long Aotian, these two things are not easy at all."

Cheng Feng said: "It can even be said that this is the key to the success of this fishing operation."

"If you can complete it successfully, I will give you a thousand drops of water of life after the matter is over."

"A thousand drops of water of life?"

Long Aotian's eyes lit up: "Haha, that's good."

"Both of these things, Ben Shao promises to do you a perfect job."

"Ah That's good."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "Now you pay attention to protect me, I will practice a little bit."


Long Aotian frowned: "Aren't you going to 'fish'? Why practice?"

"Long Aotian, I am a bait now."

Cheng Feng laughed: "As a bait, quietness can make fish bite."

"And when I'm practicing, I'm the quietest."

"Uh ... okay!"

Long Aotian was speechless.

As for Cheng Feng, he urged a dragon force to hang himself on a dragon claw of Long Aotian.

Then took out a few drops of water of life, sent it to the mouth to absorb and refine.

Cheng Feng's current cultivation direction is mainly in three aspects.

One is Long Li Xiuwei, the other is martial arts skills, and the third is new hole cards.

Cheng Feng's dragon power is currently more than 100,000 meters.

The original Longli Acupoint has reached the saturation state, and it will take some time before it can absorb the water of life for promotion.

However, under the power of that blood vein, Cheng Feng's Longli acupoints have been developed.

In this way, it is no problem to absorb some water of life.

Buzzing ~~~

With a few drops of life under the belly.

Cheng Feng's ten seas of turbulence suddenly caused a tumultuous wave.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's ten dragon powers began to grow rapidly.

One hundred and twenty-five thousand meters, one hundred and thirty thousand meters, one hundred and thirty-five thousand meters ...

"Fuck, the breath on Cheng Feng's body has begun to strengthen again!"

On the side of Cheng Feng, Long Aotian noticed that Cheng Feng's strength increased and his mouth twitched.

Cheng Feng feels a bit scary, and his strength is improving every moment.

Not only Long Aotian, but also in the void sandwich dozens of miles away from Cheng Feng.

Ao Xuantuo's eyelids fluttered and his scalp was a little numb.

"Mad, Cheng Feng's beasts are getting stronger again."

Ao Xuantuo bit his teeth and said, "No, I must urge Chen Taicang again."

"If you don't rush to kill this little beast, after a while, you won't be able to kill it!"

Just when Ao Xuan Tuo's heart was moving.

Cheng Feng is still working hard.

At this moment, the ten dragon powers have all reached 100,000 kilometers.

And it's growing.

So ten minutes later.

Boom ~~~

When Cheng Feng's ten dragon powers all reached 100,000 kilometers.

Cheng Feng's Longli acupoints only returned to saturation and stopped practicing.

"Huh, 100,000 kilometers!"

Cheng Feng exhaled and said with satisfaction: "The effect is not bad."

The ten dragon powers reached 1,080 kilometers, although the increase was not too great.

But also let Cheng Feng's strength quietly go up a step.

At this time, he would fight against the guardianship of the Xuan Ting. Even without the power of the bloodline, Cheng Feng could kill it.

"It seems that Ao Xuantuo has not taken any action."

After the end of Long Li's practice, Cheng Feng's gaze swept around.

I found that everything was normal, so I whispered: "Since this is the case, I will continue to cultivate."

"Fighting to move the gods and Emperor Cangshu can improve."

Walking is a skill of martial arts.

Cheng Feng has now practiced to the fourth layer, and the fifth and sixth layers have been prepared.

Want to cultivate, anytime.

As for Emperor Cangshu, there are five types.

Cheng Feng practiced to the third form. If he can practice the fourth form, he will add a killer.

At that time, Cheng Feng will be fearless against the sixth strongest man in the sky!

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