Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1365: Hell's Black Flame

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Chapter 165 Hell Black Flame Change

When the heart of space was merged into the dome continent by Ao Xuantuo.

In an instant, between Cheng Feng and Ao Xuantuo, a natural moment appeared out of thin air.

This sounds like a few hundred meters.

But the real span is no less than tens of thousands of miles, even hundreds of thousands of miles.

Cheng Feng takes a lot of time to transmit even if he uses a transmission array.

In this case, Aoxuan Tuo turned the tide and turned the danger by this means!

"Fuck, the heart of space can still be used this way?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian was a little depressed and unhappy: "Cheng Feng, in this way, all your previous efforts will be wasted."

"In the end, after all, Aoxuan Tuo will slip away!"

"Huh, Ao Xuan Tuo might be able to slip away."

Cheng Feng's face was not very good-looking, and his voice was low. "However, he needs to leave something behind."

"When he meets him next time, it will be his death!"

"Oh, what?"

"Heart of space."

Cheng Fengdao: "Aoxuan Tuo pushed the heart of space to the extreme, temporarily inlaid in the dome continent."

"The heart of this space, although it is the object of Ao Xuan Tuo, I bombard it with the Soul Seal."

"It doesn't take long to shake it up for your own use."

"Really? That's pretty much the same."

Long Aotian nodded: "At least some interest was recovered."

The heart of space is a treasure born in the vast starry sea, and it is infinitely useful.

Even the saints who created the realm were quite envious.

In order to get the heart of this space, Ao Xuantuo has been guarding Xinghai for decades.

If Cheng Feng can get it, it will not only recover some interest, it will be more valuable than killing Ao Xuantuo directly.

"Soul print, bang me!"

Cheng Feng is very decisive.

After the idea was settled, the Soul Seal was triggered directly and began to bombard the world formed by the Heart of Space.

Boom boom ~~~

Cheng Feng's Soul Soul Seal at this time has far surpassed the past and reached the level of the Soul Soul Seal.

When it was exhibited, it exploded in the heart of space, like a giant Yue hitting.

With each click, the heart of space trembled, as if to collapse.

"Cheng Feng, a small beast, has so many means!"

On the other side of the heart of space, Ao Xuan Tuo originally wanted to stay in place and absorb ‘God Crystal’ to supplement his divine power.

Wait until the divine power is enough, then put away the heart of space and continue to run.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was proficient in the soul seal, and under continuous bombardment, the heart of space quickly produced a collapsed image.

This made Nao Xuantuo depressed to vomit blood, red eyes, staring at Cheng Feng severely.

Eventually gritted his teeth, he gave up the heart of space and flew away.

"Aoxuan Tuo, you can't escape."

As for Cheng Feng, he swept Ao Xuantuo coldly and whispered, "The next time I meet, I will send you to reunite with Xiao Yun!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng converged and urged the Soul Seal to the extreme.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The giant seal is like a mountain, constantly bombarding the world transformed by the heart of space.

After about a thousand times like this, wow!

The heart of Yokohama's space in front of Cheng Feng suddenly collapsed and turned into the size of a baby's fist.

Then, I want to fly away.

"Leave me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng flashed and grabbed it in his hands.

Wait until the town's soul mark is triggered, and erase the god's thoughts that Ao Xuantuo imprinted on the heart of space, and then leave his own soul.

Suddenly, the heart of space was honest.

Obediently lying in Cheng Feng's palms, chattering and beating.

"Is this the heart of space?"

After Cheng Feng surrendered to the heart of space, Long Aotian immediately gathered up, and his eyes lightened: "It is rumored that this object is a treasure of space and has many wonderful uses."

"The most basic effect is positioning in the void."

"With this thing, you don't have to worry about getting lost in the vast void."

"For the warriors above the peak of Broken Realm, it is a treasure not to be missed."

"Really? Let me try."

Cheng Feng raised a brow, and immediately evoked the spirit, and slightly sensed the heart of space.

Suddenly, a mysterious feeling hit my heart.

It seems that the world has suddenly shrunk and can be seen through and seen through at a glance.

In one thought, the whole world was covered.

Not only that, as Cheng Feng integrated the spirit into the heart of space, he had a very clear sense of the void passages around him.

Wherever you want to go, you can connect to the Void Channel in the corresponding direction with just one thought.

In a blink of an eye, you can reach your destination.

"Curious feeling."

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Also, this seems to be one of the most basic functions of the heart of space."

"It's no wonder that this thing cares about even the saints who have transformed the realm."

The heart of space is a treasure bred from the void. It has many wonderful uses, and it takes time to dig slowly.

For example, it is incorporated into the body and practiced as the seventh layer of the shadow puppet method.

However, these are the latter words. Cheng Feng converged his thoughts after a brief outlook.

Then he put away the heart of space and raised his eyes to see where Aoxuan Tuo left.

But nothing was found, apparently fleeing.

"It seems that my 'fishing' plan has huge loopholes!"

Looking at the empty sky, Cheng Feng whispered, "It's a good plan to use yourself as a bait to attract 'fish'."

"But if you don't have enough strength, it's nothing!"

"For example, this time, I just couldn't kill Ao Xuan Tuo alone."

"If I come to four or five masters who are fellow initiates with Ao Xuantuo at once, wouldn't I be eaten by the 'fish'?

Cheng Feng groaned: "So, the fishing plan must be changed."

"To continue, at least one or two helpers are needed."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng is planning to modify the 'fishing plan'.

Suddenly, the source of fire that Hell's black flames poured into his body became inexplicable.

As if he had been called by the body, he had to rush out of Cheng Feng's body.

"Not right."

Cheng Feng's brow froze: "The origin of the fire in Hell's Heiyan is so restless, nine out of ten is that Hell's Heiyan is in trouble."

Not long ago, Cheng Feng pierced through the huge conspiracy of the Blood Gods.

Tiemu Chaoge releases one of the eight powerful mimics bred by the Temu **** tree, and the mimic of the Chiyan god.

Forced helpless, Cheng Feng had no choice but to ask Heli Heiyan to resist.

The imitation body of the King Chiyan, although far from being mature, was on the sixth stage.

However, the combat power is strong, but it is the seventh peerless existence.

Moreover, the God of Red Flame is proficient in the way of flames, and is naturally restrained from Hell and Black Flame.

Under this situation, Hell's Hei Yan has not yet started a war and is already in a disadvantage.

At this point, a small part of the source of the fire that **** melanoma stays in Cheng Feng's body is fiercely agitated, and it must be that **** melanoma is in trouble.

"Hell's black inflammation, I'm afraid it's in danger."

Cheng Feng's face was dignified: "Perhaps, I should go there myself!"

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