Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1367: Fusion

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Chapter 1367 The Way of Fusion

"Hell's Heiyan and Chiyan gods should be ahead."

Seeing the scene of spontaneous combustion of grass, Cheng Feng's expression was frozen.

Knowing that this was caused by the leak of fire energy from Hell's Heiyan fighting the imitation of the King of Chiyan.

Wait until Cheng Feng opens the eyes of the God of Fortune and looks up.

Suddenly, in the distant sky, the clouds disappeared rapidly.

The world is extremely dry, and the air is actually yellow and black under the horrible heat.

It seems to burn into coke, making people scalp can not help but numb!

Even Cheng Feng listened carefully, faintly able to hear Hell's irritable growl.

Obviously, the fighting was not smooth, and it was not optimistic.

"Hell black flames, hold on."

After observing the situation a bit, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and poured Hell's black inflammation into the source of fire in his body, all of which were urged.

Remove the restraint and return it to the body of Hell's Black Flame.

After doing this, Cheng Feng re-released his pace and flew forward slowly.

The further you go, the higher the temperature around you.

Jomo flew three or four hundred miles, and the ground became black.

All plants and flowers were burned into fly ash.

As for the river water, it was directly steamed to dryness. The fish's skin in the river cracked, and the water evaporated, turning into a skinny skeleton.

Even the air was burning. If I took a sip, all the internal organs seemed to be lit!

"Holding the grass, Hell's Heiyan and Chiyan gods are really scary."

Long Aotian's expression became serious, and he cursed, "I feel that the warriors who have cultivated below the heavens will arrive here and be burned alive!"

Long Aotian made no exaggeration in this regard.

Hell black flames that have devoured the earth's flames have completely entered the ranks of Wang Pin's different fires.

Even the strongest players in the world must shun three points.

One of the reasons why King Chiyan is suppressed at this moment is that King Chiyan is proficient in the way of fire.

The second is the immortal true spirit of Hell's Black Flame that has not yet annexed the earth's flame.

In this case, the Hellfire can only use a part of the fire energy formed by the fusion of the two super-different fires.

After Hell's Black Flame completely destroys the immortal true spirit of the earth's flame, it will be truly arrogant.

No one can match the power of nature!

Roar! !!

When Long Aotian yelled

Suddenly, a violent roar came.

The roar was so low and violent that his ears buzzed.

What's more terrifying is that the roar is also mixed with billowing fire waves, which come from hundreds of miles away from the front.

Along the way, it burned a void in the void.

Many clouds were wiped by the fire waves, instantly turned into water vapor, and disappeared.

"This is the voice of Hell."

Hearing the roar, Cheng Feng quickly raised his eyes and watched.

Opening the eyes of the God of Fortune, only a few hundred miles away, a black and white dragon was constantly tossing and roaring.

It's Hell.

In front of Hell's Heiyan, a young man with red hair stood.

The young man emitted red lights all over him, these red lights, very solid.

When they are intertwined, they form a large net, covering the black and white dragon transformed by Hell's Black Flame.

Hell can't break free even if Heiyan rampages.

"Red-haired youth?"

Long Aotian's twin eyes blinked, surprised: "That guy, is it a copy of the blood **** Chi Chiyan?"

"Yes, it's him."

Cheng Feng nodded: "This man is proficient in the way of flames and is naturally restrained from different fires."

"It is rumored that there were hundreds of different fires that they surrendered."

"Even Hell's black inflammation seems to be trapped by him, making it difficult to get out."

Chi Yan's imitation body means amazing.

The red light big net compiled by it looks very ordinary.

But **** heiyanyan was trapped inside, and he couldn't be broken even if helliyan hit madly.

Just hitting the red light net constantly deformed, but after the deformation, it quickly returned to its original shape.

It did not affect the red light network itself.

Instead, Hell's melanoma was consuming a lot of fire energy and became extremely irritable.

"Cheng Feng, if I read right, the red light net made by the King of Chiyan is a formation."

Long Aotian overlooked for a moment, and suddenly said, "This big net combines the way of flames and the way of formation, restrains the fire energy of **** black flame with the way of flame, and resolves the power of **** black flame with the way of formation. "

"A two-pronged approach immediately stopped Hell's melanoma, making it difficult for him to get out."

"A combination of the formation method and the flame method?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "So it is no wonder that a large net, but he can trap the black hell."

The way of the formation method is a very compatible 'way'.

It can be combined with many kinds of 'Tao' to form various fusions.

For example, Cheng Feng's martial arts shadow puppet method is a combination of array and martial arts.

This product is compatible with the power of two or even multiple types of "Tao".

The power has been increased several times, even dozens of times!

"Long Aotian, you are more proficient in array formation."

After understanding the origin of the red light net, Cheng Feng frowned and asked, "Can you have a way to break that red light net?"

"There are ways, but I don't recommend breaking them right away."


"Because **** black inflammation is trapped by the Red Light Net, but will there be no danger in the short term?"

Long Aotian said: "Secondly, let Hell's Heiyan temporarily entangle the King of Chiyan, so that we can have time to wait for reinforcements."

"At the same time, arrange the Qiankun Wuji array and entertain each other!"

"Well, it makes sense."

Cheng Feng nodded, then glanced at Tianyan Bracelet and said, "The place where we are at this moment should be Qianding Peak in the north of Heishui County."

"Most of the righteous strongest here are fighting against evil masters."

"There are only three strong men who can come to help."

"Destiny Division has passed the Tianyan array and passed the news to the three righteous strongmen."

"Estimated by the latest, it will arrive in half an hour."

"Half an hour? It's not too late."

Long Aotian groaned, "With the power of **** and black flames, there is no problem in persisting in the red light net for a day or two."

"Next, it's turn ..."

However, Long Aotian didn't finish talking.

The voice stuck in his mouth involuntarily.

Because at this time, the imitation body of the **** Chiyan who was manipulating the Red Light Net and besieged Hell's black flame.

Huo Ran stared over a pair of burning eyes.

"No, the imitation of King Chiyan seems to have found us!"

Long Aotian's body was tense when he saw the eyes of the imitation body of Chiyan God.

He shouted, his voice became a bit sharp.

As for Cheng Feng, his body was tight.

As if stared at by a super fierce beast, the body's 108 thousand pores suddenly tightened together.

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