Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1376: Bombing God Incarnation

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Chapter 1376 Blast Killing God Incarnation

"The new emperor fire, the **** destroyed you!"

After being touched the bottom line one after another, the God of Chiyan was really angry.

Actually, a killing heart was born, and the new emperor's fire was to be destroyed.

"Little guy, don't just care about eating, watch out."

Seeing the Chiyan **** king killing his heart, Cheng Feng hurriedly reminded the new emperor of fire.

After all, the King Chiyan is an expert who plays with fire, and has also cultivated an emperor fire himself.

In his hands, there may be some means to restrain the imperial fire.

If the new emperor fire is accidentally caught, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, the new emperor fire did not care.

I saw the little fellow Yu Youyou's digestion and swallowed the Chiming God King after digesting the Chiming extreme fire.

The next moment, he flew to another vein filled with Chiming fire, ready to continue eating.

"Little emperor fire, look for death!"

Seeing the new emperor fire so despise himself, the King of Chiyan was even more angry.

With a sigh of anger, King Chiyan raised his right hand and patted him at the fire of the new emperor.

This palm shot by King Chiyan looks sparse and ordinary.

But Cheng Feng frowned when he saw it.

From this palm, he felt a strong soul power.

"Uncle Nalan, the palm of God Chiyan, seems to be a martial art that specializes in human spirits."

Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "Once hit by this palm, even the ascendant ascends to the heavens, they will break their minds and fall on the spot."

"Yes, the master of the Chiyan god's hand is a magical technique."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "Its effect is similar to your requiem."

"Newborn Emperor Fire is a heterogeneous creature that is very resistant to ordinary attacks."

"Only the spirit technique can blast its immortal true spirit and kill it completely!"

The immortal soul is equivalent to the soul of a different fire.

The new emperor's fire had just broken its shell, and the immortal spirit was still weak.

If you encounter a king of Chiyan who specializes in the palm of the soul.

It would n’t be dead, but it would be badly hurt.

After discovering this situation, Cheng Feng's face sank and he became worried.

But at this moment, Nalan's long voice sounded.

"Cheng Feng, the soul and soul technique of the King of Chiyan, can be resolved with the Soul Seal."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Because the township mark I passed on to you is also a magical spirit technique, and the level is still far above the magical spirit of the king of the red flame.

"If you use it to block the spirit attack of the King of the Red Flame, you should be able to easily block it."

"Oh, that relationship is good!"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes were bright.

Immediately, without saying a word, she performed the fifth step of God's Walk and flew towards the King of Chiyan.

And during the flight, Zhen Zhen Yin Huo Ran cast out.

Across the distance, he slaps the papal print of the new emperor's fire toward the King of Red Flame.

Bang ~~~

When the town soul mark hits the palm print of the **** of the king of flames.

An invisible wave suddenly spread to the Quartet.

Then, the Soul of the Soul and the Chiyan King's palm strength were both invisible.

Depending on the situation, Cheng Feng and the two seemed to be evenly divided, and no one took advantage.

However, at this time.


A stinging growl erupted suddenly from the king of Chiyan.

At the next moment, the Red Flame God King formed by the flames was actually covered with cracks quickly.

Then it exploded and broke into loquat powder!

"Uh ... what happened?"

Seeing this sudden scene, Cheng Feng couldn't help but be on the spot.

I did not expect that I used the Soul Soul Seal to strike the King of Chiyan.

The divine Chiyan God King directly exploded.

Somehow inexplicable!

"Cheng Feng, you smashed the **** incarnation of a **** Chiyan."

When Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

It turned out that the broken Chiyan God King just now is an imitation of God God's imitation body.

This incarnation of the divine thought was only used to perform a magical soul technique to attack the new emperor fire.

Coincidentally, Cheng Feng is also proficient in a soul and soul technique.

The level of the Soul Soul Seal is much higher than that of the Soul Soul technique cast by the King of Chiyan.

Therefore, when the Soul of the Soul hits the Soul and Spirit technique performed by the incarnation of the God of Chiyan.

Not only did the sacred soul technique be smashed, but also the incarnation of the God of Red Flame King was also blasted into scum!

"What? Zhenhunyin is so strong?"

Hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng's heart twitched into a stormy sea.

Unexpectedly, the reason why the incarnation of the God of Chiyan was broken was actually caused by the bombardment of the soul seal.

And when Cheng Feng was shocked.

Outside the Chiyan Robe, the imitation of the God of Chiyan was raging.

"Abominable, abominable!"

The God of Chiyan hissed and snarled, "Fuck Cheng Feng, who dared to destroy the **** incarnation of God."

"If this time the **** does not crush you, your god's name will be written upside down!"

The Chiyan **** king imitated the body language, and from his body, he actually got out of a 'chiyan **** king' again.

This is obviously another divine incarnation of Chiyan.

Then, he flew into Chiyan Robe.

At this time, thousands of miles and thousands of miles away.

Long Aotian has been nervous since Cheng Feng was taken away by Chi Yanpao.

Afraid of Cheng Feng's accident, his heart was extremely tormented.

When hearing the words of King Chiyan's imitation body, a heart was immediately released.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Long Aotian laughed cheerfully: "It's all right, Cheng Feng is all right!"

"Okay, well, this young man can finally rest assured that Qiankun Promise will be laid out."

"After Cheng Feng came out of Chiyan Robe, he would calculate the ledger with Chiyan God King to imitate the body!"


at the same time.

The Hell-Heiyan who was imitated by the King of Chiyan and trapped in the red light net was Changsong's breath.

"Cheng Feng is all right, all right."

Hell's Heiyan whispered: "Give me a few more hours, and wait for me to destroy one third of the immortal true spirit of Earth Flame."

"By then, this aurora array can no longer trap me!"


Chi Yan Robe.

After Cheng Feng knew the cause of death of the God of Incarnation of Chiyan God, it took a long time for him to calm down.

Then, he swept away the fire of the new emperor and greeted him, letting him continue to devour the Chiming fire.

The new emperor did not know that he had just walked around the gate of the ghost just now.

After getting Cheng Feng's order, his wings flew and flew to the next vein.

Just then, a wave of fire condensed in the sky.

At the next moment, another flame king of flame red flames condensed and formed.

His eyes stared at Cheng Feng, full of deep anger.

"Cheng Feng, you dare to destroy an incarnation of God."

King Chiyan snarled: "This time, if this **** does not set you down, he will not swear!"

King Chiyan was really angry this time.

I want him to be a mighty creature, even if it is just a fake at this moment, it is the existence of the warriors in the world.

However, he continued to eat at Cheng Feng's hands.

It almost touched the bottom line of the God of Chiyan. Without killing Cheng Feng, it is hard to dispel the anger of his heart.

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