Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1378: Enchant

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Chapter 138 Demonization

Cheng Feng just made up his mind.

Behind him, the big palm of the sky was already pressing like a sky.

Although Cheng Feng stepped on the fifth floor, it was triggered to the extreme.

The distance between that big palm and him was shrinking at a scary rate.

Perhaps it would take a second or two, and Cheng Feng would be hit by that huge palm.

"Damn, it's over."

Cheng Feng's face was dignified: "I wouldn't have been so dangerous unless the Chiyan Robe had isolated the void and could not use the Shadow Method."

It turned out that in the Red Flame Robe, the Void Channel was blocked, and the Shadow Method could not be used.

No wonder Cheng Feng had not used it before.

"What to do? What to do?"

As the crisis approached, Cheng Feng said in a deep voice: "My current flight speed has reached its limit."

"Unless the water of life is swallowed again, the speed is forcibly increased by the power of the instant burst of the water of life."

"But this only solves the urgent need and cannot be used for a long time."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't wait to escape the killing of the giant palm, I would have been killed by the explosive force of the water of life."

"Cheng Feng, can your martial spirit power work?"

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng reminded.

"Wuhun? It's too far away."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "There are a total of six types of martial arts souls. The destiny martial arts soul, the bow martial arts soul, and the undead martial arts soul are all fully awakened."

"Only Bingwu Soul, Beast Wu Soul, and Sword Wu Soul have entered the metamorphosis period."

"But at this moment, they are still in the sleeping stage of metamorphosis.

"Since you can't dodge by speed, use martial arts to fight back."

Nalan Changsheng said: "You can use the fourth style of Emperor Cangshu to at least reduce the bombardment of this huge palm by three points."

"At that time, it will be easier to use the fifth layer of God of War Armor + Step Walk."

"Uncle Naland, I'm afraid this won't work."

Cheng Feng smiled bitterly: "I'm in Chiyanpao now. I can't get here through the Chiyanpao I borrowed."

"The third and fourth styles of Emperor Cangshu are simply not useful."

"Uh, if that's the case, you're in trouble!"

You cannot use the Shadow Puppet method, you cannot use the power of Wuhun, and you cannot use the fourth style of Emperor Cangdao.

Under these constraints, Cheng Feng directly fell into the lowest valley in his lifetime.

Under this circumstance, Cheng Feng wanted to avoid the huge palm of the God of Chiyan, which was almost impossible.

Just then, Cheng Feng's eyes were fierce.

"Uncle Naland, for the sake of today, I can only use the Summoner Knife."

"Summoner Blade?"

Nalan Changsheng frowned: "Although this martial art is powerful, you have only practiced the first three styles of knife skills. How can you help you get out of the predicament?"

"Uncle Nalan, I mean, use the magic sword to make the body magic."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth and said, "If it is not enough, then you can practice the summoning sword directly to determine the fourth layer of exercises."

Summoning the sword is an unpredictable martial art.

Cheng Feng was obtained from a secret palace left by Dao Mo Xia Jiang and marked with an imperial sword.

But in fact, it is far more simple than the Emperor.

Especially behind this martial art, there is also the power of the demon world, which makes this martial art seem even more strange.

In order not to be connected with the power of the demon world, a 'cause and effect' is formed.

After Cheng Feng practiced this martial art to the third form, he never practiced.

Originally Cheng Feng's plan was that he was not going to practice the follow-up moves of this knife technique in this life.

But in order to resolve the current crisis, we can only break the ring.

"Cheng Feng, the summoning sword's decisive method, I feel conspiracy."

Nalan Changsheng frowned. "You managed to calm down and stop practicing. If you start again, you will sink into it."

"It will be hard to think of it again at that time!"

Summoning the sword is not a simple knife skill.

It is divided into two parts, one is the sword technique and the other is the physical exercise technique.

Two sets of martial arts complement each other and one is indispensable.

If you want to practice a certain knife skill, you must first practice the corresponding layer of exercises.

For example, if Cheng Feng wants to practice the fourth form of the summoning sword, he must first practice the fourth-level exercise method.

In fact, this is a trap, a trap dazzling in front of you.

It can be said that the method of summoning swords is a process of gradually transforming a person into a 'magic'.

When the cultivator completed the eighteen-layer physical exercises of the Sword of the Demon, the cultivator was completely demonized and became a demon head!

Cheng Feng saw through this trap and stopped practicing.

"Uncle Naland, so far, I can't take care of that much."

Cheng Feng knew the threat of Summoning the Sword, but the situation forced him to bite his teeth: "Anyway, I have opened my head and planted a 'cause and effect' with the Swordsman.

"After the current crisis has passed, it is not too late to find a way to resolve the hidden dangers of summoning the sword."

"The current situation can only be the case."

Nalan sighed and didn't dissuade him.

Because the situation was critical at this time, there was no time for Cheng Feng to come up with a best of both worlds.

Can only bite the bullet and break through the barrier in front of me.

Cheng Feng is capable and straightforward. After the idea is settled, he immediately displays the third layer of the Sword of Desire.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's eyes became fierce and violent, and his skin squirmed around, condensing black patches of scale.

Especially with one hand, it became thicker and longer, and the nails rose by two or three inches.

Sharp as a knife, rubbing against the armor of war, making a snoring sound.

Obviously, this is the manifestation of Cheng Feng's body demonization.

The whole person changed greatly, like a monster.

If it is seen by outsiders, it will definitely be treated as a 'monster' and be killed directly.

The enchanted state of the non-process peak has almost never been shown to outsiders.

Even when in danger, they insist on not using it.

I am afraid that I am obsessed with the feeling of demonization, and thus fall into the magic path, unable to extricate myself.

If the situation is not critical, Cheng Feng will not be demonized.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng was wearing the armor of war at this time, and was not visible to outsiders in a demonized state.


After being demonized, Cheng Feng not only changed greatly.

Even his temperament became a bit cruel, and his voice became deep and hoarse.

It's as if the broken iron pieces are rubbing against each other, which is very harsh.

But at the same time, an overwhelming force burst into Cheng Feng's body.

The speed at which Cheng Feng has reached its limit has soared sharply.

"The speed of Cheng Feng's small beast can actually increase?"

Thousands of miles away, the **** incarnation of the Chiyan **** brow raised his eyebrows: "However, even if your flight speed doubles again, you still don't want to escape the attack of your own god."

During his speech, the **** of Chiyan's divine incarnation pushed in the palm of his hand.


The speed of that huge palm that struck Cheng Feng instantly increased.

Close to Cheng Feng!

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