Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1381: Heishui Palace

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Chapter 138: The Lord of the Black Water Palace

"What did Cheng Feng do? He made Chi Yan the **** so angry?"

In the red net, the head of Hell's melanitis was cyanotic.

Because without its source of fire injection and promotion cultivation, Cheng Fengdingtian can also compete with a fifth master who ascends to heaven.

But the imitation body of the King of Chiyan is more than just a fifth ascendant who can reach the sky?

However, this kind of existence, but completely stunned by Cheng Feng, roaring again and again, it is incredible!

At this moment, not only Long Aotian is puzzled by the Hell.

Deep in the vault that day, an old man in a black robe who was rushing around was equally stunned.

"What's happening here?"

The old man in black robes is one of the three righteous strong men who helped Cheng Feng this time.

Heishui Palace from the first class gate is the contemporary palace master of Heishui Palace.

When receiving the order from the Destiny Division, the black water palace student was afraid that Cheng Feng would be in danger and immediately rushed to him.

I never thought that when he arrived, he saw a picture that was completely contrary to his imagination.

This made him stare, thinking he saw an illusion.

At the time of the Lord of the Blackwater Palace shocked.

Over the Qianding Peak, the King Chiyan imitation took a deep breath and stopped roaring.

Then his eyes narrowed, and he no longer differentiated into the incarnation of Shennian, and entered Cheng Feng's robe to attack Cheng Feng.

Instead, he reached out and grabbed Chi Yanpao, shaking with violent force.


The Chiyan robe rolled up like a pocket was immediately shaken away by the King of Chiyan.

Immediately, Cheng Feng, who was inside the Chiyan Robe, ransacked Chiming's extreme fire with a sealed fire bottle, was immediately thrown out.

At the same time, the newborn Emperor's fire, which had a round belly, was also thrown out.

"Oh, finally you can't carry it, have you let me out?"

Was thrown out of Chiyan Robe, Cheng Feng Long Li urged, and immediately stabilized his figure.

The eyes swept away the imitation body of the King of Chiyan, with a sneer on his face.

Obviously, Chiyan Shenwang's imitation body deeply noticed that the incarnation of Chiyan by the incarnation of God's mind was not Cheng Feng's opponent at all.

Continue to trap Cheng Feng in the Chiyan robe, which is tantamount to asking for trouble.

A large number of Chiming polar fires were offered in vain, and Cheng Feng and the new emperor fire were searched.

Might as well send it out of Chiyanpao and think of another way.

"Small beast, God does look down upon you."

The imitation of King Chiyan, now completely calmed down.

He glanced at Cheng Feng with a cold eye, and said coldly, "But the **** wants to kill you, it is still easy!"

The words of King Chiyan were not exaggerated.

If he let go of his hands and feet, he would attack Cheng Feng exclusively.

Cheng Feng really could not escape!

"King Yan God, you have the power to kill me."

However, Cheng Feng calmly said, "But the question is, can you make it?"

"You know, **** black inflammation is not a display."

"Besides, my reinforcements have arrived. Who will kill anyone next? Let's see."

While speaking, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and swept towards the West.

I saw an old man in black robes, turning into a galloping black river, rushing.

It is the contemporary palace master of Heishui Palace.

"You guys, you have enough to eat and drink, it's time to go back to sleep."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng looked at the newborn emperor with a round belly.

After saying hello, the spirit rushed and sent it into a soul ring.

After all, the new emperor fire is too sensitive, and the less people know, the better.

Lest it be perceived by the sole emperor, the consequences would be disastrous.

Just picked up the fire of the new emperor

On the horizon, the **** river rushes.

Immediately afterwards, he became an old man in a black robe.

"But senior Pei Feng from Heishui Palace?"

Seeing the old man in black robe, Cheng Feng bowed down and said hello.

"The old man is Pei Feng."

The old man in a black robe nodded, and then asked, "Presumably you are Cheng Feng, right?"

"Your name, my husband is like a thunderbolt. See you today, and she is indeed a talent!"

"The seniors are overwhelming." Cheng Feng smiled humblely.

"Before that, I really doubted you."

Pei Feng, the host of the Blackwater Palace, laughed: "At that time, people thought that everyone was too exaggerated, and a small young man, how could it be such a 'pervert'?

"But at this moment, I have no doubt in my mind."

"You Cheng Feng are fully worthy of the title of the first person of the younger generation of Yuhua Shenchao!"

Obviously, Pei Feng was completely convinced by Cheng Feng.

Despite the battle between Cheng Feng and the imitation body of the King of Chiyan, Pei Feng did not see it.

But just by looking at the angry expression of the imitation body of King Chiyan, you can guess one or two.

"Senior Pei, you are really awesome."

After hearing Pei Feng's compliment, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, and then the topic turned around, and asked, "Senior Pei, did you not send a message before that it took at least half an hour to arrive?"

"How come so much in advance?"

Cheng Feng's battle with the imitation body of King Chiyan looked very long.

Actually, it's only about ten minutes.

"Half an hour, that's just a conservative estimate so that you can be mentally prepared."

Pei Feng said: "Now I arrived early, and I was just caught off guard by hitting the copy of King Chiyan."

"Your arrival is indeed a big surprise for the juniors."

Cheng Feng nodded suddenly, and then said, "Next, let's join hands and‘ enter 'the Chiyan God. ”

"Haha ~~~"

Pei Feng laughed and said, "It's just what I want!"

While speaking, Pei Feng's divine power triggered, and a large black river rushed out of his head.

At the same time, Cheng Feng put away the sealed fire bottle and lifted the sword.

The fourth style of Emperor Cang sword began to brew.

"Cheng Feng, sooner or later, God will break you to pieces!"

In the sky, the imitation body of the King Chiyan saw this, his eyes flashed for a moment.

Then came a rude remark, dragged Hell's Hei Yan, and flew towards the north.

"Grass, what's the matter?"

"The imitation body of the divine King Chiyan, actually ... escaped?"

Seeing the scene where the King of Chiyan fled north, Cheng Feng all had their heads cyanotic.

But in fact, it is a wise move for the Chiyan God King to choose to run away at this time.

Because the King Chiyan's imitation body is strong, his combat power is comparable to the seventh strongest person in the sky.

However, after all, there are too many constraints, and Cheng Feng's strength is not weak, and more powerful players are coming.

Continue to stay and fight, it will only get you into trouble.

And the Chiyan God King experienced old and hot, and quickly learned about this situation.

Crash right away, turn around and run away!

"Escape, Chiyan King's imitation body really escaped!"

After a while, Cheng Feng and Pei Feng reacted.

"Cheng Feng, what do you do next?"

Taking several deep breaths in a row, Pei Feng calmed the shock in his heart.

Looking at Cheng Feng, he asked.

"Chasing, we must intercept the King of Chiyan."

Cheng Feng said flatly: "My friend and I have just prepared a table for a big meal. We must let the King Chiyan mimic the body to try it."

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