Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1383: The pit has been dug

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Chapter 138: The pit has been dug

"My God, the sky is pierced by that red-haired young man."

"If such terrible attack power hits the ground, wouldn't the ground be directly collapsed?"

"Too strong, too strong!"

When you see the pillar of flame light, the picture of critical strike Cheng Feng.

The soldiers present were all shivering and scalp tingling for a while.

Because they clearly saw that Cangtian was pierced by a large hole several miles away from that pillar of flame.

Through the cave, you can even see the stars outside the sky.

It's completely beyond their understanding.

After a long time, someone suddenly awakened.

"King Yan God, that red-haired young man seems to be one of the four gods of the Blood Gods!"

With this person's word, the scene suddenly fry.

"What, that red-haired young man is actually the God of Chiyan the Blood God?"

"It is rumored that Qianlong County's first ironwood family, in secret, colluded with the blood gods and cultivated eight imitation creatures with great fortune.

"Is this one of the Chiyan gods one of them?"

In the discussion, the people quickly guessed the origin of the King of Chiyan, and they quickly guessed one.

The shock in my heart grew stronger.

And at this time, in the sky.

The turbulent Heihe River transformed by the master of the Black Water Palace, Pei Feng, hit the pillar of flame of light fired by the imitation body of King Chiyan.

Suddenly, the snoring sound of toothache resounded.

Massive rivers of water were burned by the pillars of flame and quickly vaporized, rising to the sky, forming a huge white cloud.

From a distance, it looks like a giant is using Tianhe to temper a red iron rod.

This scene lasted for more than ten seconds, and it ended with the God of Red Flame stopping the fire divine power.

"Oh my god, the Chiyan Lord finally stopped attacking."

"Fortunately, the old man in black robes intercepted and resolved the attack of the God of Red Flame."

"Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Seeing this terrifying picture, the crowd could not be calm for a long time.

Talking while flying towards the distance.

"The old man in black robes seems to be the contemporary palace master of the first-class Zongmen Heishui Palace.

"Hei Shui Gong specializes in water attribute martial arts, water overcomes fire, so it blocked the fierce power of the King of Chiyan."

"As for the person with the golden armor hit by the pillar of flame, I am afraid it is more ferocious!"

What everyone said was a person with gold armor, obviously referring to Cheng Feng.

Just now, Cheng Feng was hit by the pillar of flame and light hit by the King of Chiyan, and the whole person flipped out and flew out. The scene was extremely tragic.

No one believes that under such horrific attacks, Cheng Feng could survive.

Even the master of the Black Water Palace, Pei Feng, was dull, and felt that Cheng Feng would be seriously injured if he did not die.

So after dissolving the remaining power of the pillar of flame light, quickly turned to ask.

"Cheng Feng, are you okay?"

"Hey, Cheng Feng's little animal is dead!"

Before Cheng Feng answered, King Chiyan's imitation body sneered: "God hit, but shot with all his strength."

"Even if a sixth assaulter reaches the sky, he will still be hit hard."

"The peak of Cheng Fengcai's broken territory is bound to die!"

However, the voice of the King of Chiyan just came to an end.

咻 ~~~

A golden figure flew from a hundred miles away.

When he got his body steady, he turned into Cheng Feng wearing the armor of war.

"King Chiyan, I'm afraid to let you down."

Stopping in the void, Cheng Feng turned his head and swept away the King of Chiyan, calmly saying: "Not only did I not die, but I was three points better than before!"

"What, you ..."

Seeing Cheng Feng intact, Chiyan Shenwang's eyes glared and almost fell out.

Shocked: "Impossible, this is impossible!"

"God hit with all his strength, and the sixth-highest master in the sky must die."

"How could you be alive? How could it be !?"

Too shocked, too surprised!

It was thought that Cheng Feng had suffered a full blow from himself and must not be disabled.

Never thought that Cheng Feng was innocuous, which violated the normal truth at all!

He wouldn't believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes.

At the same time, Pei Feng, the master of the Heishui Palace, was stunned.

Although he looked at Cheng Feng high enough.

But now, he still looks down on too much.

Hardly hit the Chiyan King with a full blow without injury, even he couldn't do it.

Compared to Chiyan God King and Pei Feng, those warriors who fled were actually more surprised.

"Cheng Feng? The person with the golden armor is actually Cheng Feng? The Cheng Feng at Qianlong Academy's Knife Tower Peak?"

"My God, how long haven't I seen this yet, Cheng Feng has become so powerful?"

"Yeah, it's incredible!"

At this moment, all the warriors' heads were buzzing and buzzing, such as being hit by a hammer.

You know, Cheng Feng hasn't even been in a year since his rise.

But at this moment, it can already compete with such peerless existence as the imitation body of King Chiyan.

Such a terrible speed of advancement, I am afraid that more than 100,000 years ago, the heavenly burial emperor was resurrected, and he would have to sigh.

Could it be said that today, today, will there be a second Emperor of Heavenly Burial?

However, Cheng Feng did not care about the shock of the crowd.

I saw him standing in the void, with his ears slightly raised, as if listening to something.

After listening, the corners of the mouth suddenly lifted slightly.

Then, he stared at the imitation of King Chiyan.

"King Yan God, you have repeatedly attacked me before."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "Next, it's my turn to fight back one or two!"

"Fight back?"

Upon hearing this, the imitation body of the King Chiyan immediately awakened from shock.

His face sank, and he yelled, "You want to fight back against God?"

Although Cheng Feng's strength was beyond his expectations.

But wanting to deal with himself, the King of Chiyan felt that it was more than a star.

However, the voice of King Chiyan just came to an end.

Wow ~~~

The red flame robe that shrouded the red light net was suddenly raised inexplicably.

Then, it turned out to be a fierce volume, like a super blood knife, severely chopped on Hongguang University.

Cut the red net into a huge crack.

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this, Pei Feng, the master of the Black Water Palace, had his eyes wider than the bull's eyes.

The Chiyan Robe was obviously the treasure of the King of Chiyan. At this time, he turned his head and stabbed the knife to the King of Chiyan.

It is inexplicable and incomprehensible.

Compared to Pei Feng's surprise, the King of Chiyan was even more furious.

Looking at Chiyanpao, his body was shaking.

But in shock, the God of Chiyan turned his mind sharply, and soon thought of a possibility.

"Little beast, have you tampered with the god's red flame robe?"

As the treasure of the God of Chiyan, the Chiyan Robe can never be defeated inexplicably.

The appearance of the knife behind his appearance must have been tampered with.

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