Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1389: Robbing Red Flame Robe

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Chapter 138 Forced to Capture Red Flame Robe

"No, King Chiyan actually sent a letter to King Wuji and Anyou God."

Pei Feng's face changed greatly: "These two **** kings are extremely powerful and killing the sixth strongest man in the sky is as easy as cutting grass."

"If they arrive, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Senior Pei, the Promise King and the Dark Lord, I am afraid that I am fighting against the super strong."

Although Cheng Feng also looked dignified, he kept a strange calmness: "It will be a short while, and he should not be able to come."

"We have enough time to evacuate from here."

"It is possible, but we must hurry up."

Pei Feng is very frightened of the Promise King and the Dark Soul King: "In our righteous camp, there are already four of the six strongest men who have ascended to the sky, falling in the hands of the Promise King and the Dark Soul King."

"All of us together, I guess we can't stop one of them."

"Um." Cheng Feng nodded.

In fact, as early as when the Promise King Wang was awakened, Cheng Feng played against him.

At that time, Cheng Feng perfused the source of fire in Hell's black flames, and raised Xiu to the third level of ascending to the sky. He could only barely escape in his hands.

If the opponent releases his hands and feet, and truly attack Cheng Feng, within three or five strokes, Cheng Feng will die!

Therefore, Cheng Feng's gaze fixed, Huo Ran had a decision.

"Long Aotian, strengthen the Qiankun Promise again."

Cheng Feng commanded Long Aotian to say a word, and then looked at Pei Feng: "Senior Pei, you can solve those evil martial arts onlookers."

"When I finish, I leave here."

"Cheng Feng, hurry up."

After hearing the words, Pei Feng told him that his body turned into a black river and rushed to those evil martial arts soldiers.

As for Long Aotian, he turned his eyes and stared at Qiankun Wuji.

After a short observation, the five golden dragon claws poked quickly.

Let the earth-colored air wall siege the imitation body of the King of the Red Flame God, the brighter the color, the thickness increases.

"Cheng Feng, as well as the Dragon Clan Boys, will definitely blow you down after the gods get out of trouble!"

In the Qiankun Promise, King Chiyan saw this scene, and his eyes became blood red.

This is a manifestation of extreme resentment.

"King Yan God, you still have to say this after getting out of sleep."

Cheng Feng didn't take his mind seriously, and said indifferently: "As of now, you are just a prisoner, obediently waiting to be slaughtered!"

"Little animals, wanton!"

The God of Chiyan anger drank: "Don't you dare to say crazy words with your little tricks?"

However, Cheng Feng no longer talked, but was stunned.


In Qiankun Wuji array, the Chiyan robe worn by the King of Chiyan suddenly flew up.

Out of the control of the God of Chiyan, he flew towards Qiankun Wuji.

"What? My God's Red Flame Robe ..."

Seeing Chi Yanpao, he flew away from him inexplicably, and the King of Chi Yan was full of surprise.

You know, Chiyan Robe is a carry weapon of the King of Chiyan.

It is no exaggeration to call it flesh and blood.

Nowadays, it's out of control. It's almost unbelievable.

"Jack, come back to God!"

In shock, the movement of the King Chiyan was not slow at all.

Just hearing him burst into drink, the body's divine power rolled and evoked, condensing into a big divine hand, and grabbed at Chiyan Robe.

But the Chiyan Robe was very 'smart', and rolled sharply, forming a **** red arrow.

In a blink of an eye, the earth-colored gas wall was flying near.

At this moment, the earthy yellow gas wall suddenly cracked.

This crack is not big, but it is just enough to let the **** red arrow pass through the crack.

When the blood-red arrow reaches the crack, 咻 ~~~

Without a pause, he flew directly into the crack.

"Don't want to slip away!"

Seeing this, the king of Chiyan was angry in the eyes.

The body's six-star divine power boiled, making the big divine hand grasping Chiyan Robe faster and faster.

It was a big blood-red arrow that chased into the crack, and condensed Chiyanpao, and grabbed it in one hand.

Then pull back and grab the Chiyanpao back.

However, at this time.

Bang ~~~

In the crack in the earthy yellow air wall.

A half-black, half-white fire wave suddenly appeared, like a black and white giant Yue, banged on that great power.

Shattered the divine hand with a blast.

Under this condition, the **** red arrow turned into red yam robe suddenly got out of sleep.

With a bang, flying out of the infinite world!

"Hell's melanitis? Damn it!"

The great hand of God who seized Chiyan Robe was destroyed, and the King of Chiyan became mad.

Because the black and white fire wave is the **** black flame.

Not long ago, with the help of Long Aotian, Hell Heiyan broke away from the Red Light Net.

But it did not leave immediately, but lurked in the Qiankun Promise.

It wasn't until the Chiyan God King chased the ‘Betrayed’ Chiyan Robe that he appeared suddenly and gave the King Chiyan the King a blow.

"King Yan God, this is just a little gift I gave you!"

Earthy yellow gas wall, in cracks.

Hell Black Yan stared at the imitation body of the King of Red Flame with his black and white 'eyes': "After I have completely devoured the immortal true spirit of the Earth Spirit Flame, I will send you a gift.

As a result, Hell's Black Flame resembles the tide, and quickly retreats out of the Qiankun Promise Along the crack.

As it receded, the several-meter-wide crack quickly narrowed and closed.

King Chiyan hurried to hurry and failed to catch up with the last train.

Watching the crack disappear, Hell's black flames grow away.

At the same time his close weapon Chi Yan Robe.

This made him almost crazy, with red hair flying like cloth!

"Little beast, **** little beast!"

King Chiyan looked to Cheng Feng, hissing and roaring: "All of this, are you playing a ghost?"

"My God swears that you will be dead without a dead body!"

After the initial puzzlement, the king of Chiyan thought he wanted to understand everything.

The sudden betrayal of Chiyanpao and the dormant sniper of Heiyanyan were all done by Cheng Feng.

The purpose is to rob Chiyanpao.

The inferiority of Chiyan Shenwang is not bad.

All of this was indeed done by Cheng Feng.

Not long ago, when Cheng Feng was embroiled in the Chiyan Robe by the King of Chiyan, he had destroyed two **** incarnations of God of Chiyan with the Soul Seal.

But in fact, Cheng Feng not only bombarded the **** incarnation of Chiyan God King at that time.

Also in Chiyanpao, there were two ‘Soul Seals’.

These two powerful soul seals can temporarily suppress the Chiyan **** king's imitation body and control the Chiyan robe.

Let it be used for a short time.

Cheng Feng used one of these two soul marks.

The second way is to be unbearable.

It was only at this moment that Cheng Feng suddenly used it and took the Chiyan Robe from the Chiyan God King's hand and forced it over.

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