Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1393: Invisible killer

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Chapter 1393 Invisible Murder

Around the Grand Canyon, a large number of warriors were originally gathered.

However, all the evil warriors have been slaughtered by Pei Feng, leaving only the right way warriors.

When these righteous warriors saw the vision caused by Chiyanpao, they all showed shock.

The heated argument sounded like boiling water.

"No, the black and white and red things are not dark clouds."

"It is the weapon of King Chiyan, called Chiyanpao."

"This Chiyan Robe was just taken away by Cheng Feng. At this moment, it should be resisting Cheng Feng and wanting to return to the King of Chiyan again."

Looking out into the sky, someone sees the clue.

When the man said what was going on, he immediately exclaimed many people.

"What? Chiyanpao?"

"Doesn't this mean that Cheng Feng not only imitated the Chiyan **** king and was trapped in a super array."

"And also took away the personal weapons of King Chiyan?"

"How strong is Cheng Feng?"

"Is he still human !?"

As everyone knew the truth, surprised eyes almost fell out.

Mouth wide, unable to close for a long time.

At this time, Qiankun was out of bounds.

Cheng Feng's hands rose up with blue tendons, and the golden light of Emperor of War broke out.

The strength of the whole body has reached its extreme.

Even both hands were slightly demonized, and the power was rolling.

Even so, the Chi Yanpao caught in Cheng Feng's hands was shaking madly.

With great strength, Cheng Feng was almost dragged up into the sky.

"Cheng Feng, since you can't catch it, let it go temporarily."

Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Anyway, in Chiyan Robe, not only is there a soul mark left by you, but also Hell's black inflammation, it is impossible to lose control."

"Wait until Hell's Heiyan, surrender the Chiming blaze in Chiyan's robe, and he will return to your hands."

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

Then let go and let it go ~~~

The Chiyan Robe immediately flew away.

It turned into a blood-red curtain covering the sun and flying around the sky.

The entire population of Heishui County was horrified.

I thought Cangtian was angry, and the sky would turn black and clear.

As for some strong blood gods who know the inside story, their faces have changed greatly.

"Chi Yanpao, it is actually Chi Yanpao!"

"What happened? Chiyanpao, but Lord Chiyan's personal weapon, how is it out of control now?"

"Mr. God, God ... what happened !?"

Are fighting fiercely with the right path, many evil masters see the red flame robes flying across the sky, each of them set off a skyrocket.

Thought that the King of the Flames had a problem and his mood was suddenly disturbed.

Under this condition, the right-hand master immediately seized the opportunity and furiously counterattacked.

Many sect warriors were severely wounded, and even several sect warriors were directly killed and killed on the spot.



"It looks like Chi Yan is really in big trouble!"

Qianlong County, somewhere, a young man with deep eyes glanced at the Chiyan robe that stirred the wind and clouds, and looked calmly.

Step out immediately, hum ~~~

The void under his feet was directly compressed and reduced in a large area.

Obviously it is only a small step, but it seems to span thousands of miles.

Step by step, you need to reach Heishui County from Qianlong County.

"King Wuji, you still stay here for me!"

However, just as the eyes are deep, the footsteps are about to fall.

A ray of sword light flew in, and the eyes of the stab drew deep into the feet of the youth.

Directing his eyes deep into the compressed void beneath the youth's feet, he stung sharply.

As a result, the eyes were deep in the youth, and the intention to go to Heishui County to help the King of Chiyan was defeated.

This young man with deep eyes is truly the Promise King.

At the same time, Yongyeon-gun.

A young man who was killed in the cold and cold, also saw the Chiyan Robe flashing from the sky.

As soon as his face was cold, he would rush to Heishui County.

But at this time, a great Confucianist from Qianlong Academy, plus Longyuan Blood Dragon, the strongest of Longyuan Pavilion, arrived.

Together, the young man was forcibly entangled.

And this young man is a copy of the dark **** king, one of the four **** kings of blood gods.

Then when the Promise King and the Dark Lord God were all stopped by the righteous strong.

In the vast void, the elder blood demon's face was low.

"Damn Cheng Feng, actually trapped the King of Chiyan."

The blood demon elder whispered: "The Promise King and the Dark Demon King are ready to help, but they are entangled by the righteous strong and cannot escape."

"That being the case, then I'll invite out a blood **** beast to completely kill this scourge."

"Elder Blood Demon, haven't all the eight blood beasts awakened by the Holy Spirit sent out to fight?"

At this time, a voice sounded: "Elder, do you want to change the battle plan and recall the blood **** beast to deal with Cheng Feng specifically?"

"of course not."

The blood demon elder said coldly: "Actually everyone didn't know. I have awakened a total of twelve blood gods."

"In order to cover people's eyes, they were intentionally said to be eight, and four were hidden."

"It was intended to be used during the decisive battle to lock in the victory."

"But if we can kill the scourge of Cheng Feng and rescue the King of Red Flame God."

"It's not a loss to expose this news in advance!"

The blood **** beast is a kind of bloodthirsty beast specially cultivated by the blood **** religion.

This ferocious beast is very cruel and bloodthirsty, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Each head is enough to easily crush a sixth ascendant.

In order to kill Cheng Feng, the blood demon elder used a blood **** beast.

However, the blood demon elders are not enough.

He groaned for a moment, and then suddenly said to himself: "This small animal, Cheng Feng, is extremely cunning, and he often escapes from the mortal situation."

"In order to avoid accidents, I still inform Hell Gate and Kill the Temple."

"Let them send top killers to cooperate with the Blood God Beast."

"Be sure to kill that little beast!"


Heishui County, Qianding Peak, near the Grand Canyon.

Cheng Feng knew nothing about this.

At this moment, he raised his eyes and looked at the red flame robes flying in the sky, and his face showed a touch of joy.

"Quick, it is estimated that it won't be long before Chiming Jihuo will be completely surrendered by Hell's melanoma."

In the sky, I saw the flying red flame robe, the black and white color on it had already exceeded half.

Wait until the entire Chiyan Robe is filled with black and white.

The Chiyan Robe will be completely controlled by Hell and Heiyan, becoming Cheng Feng's super hole card.

"Little beast, **** little beast!"

In the Qiankun Wuji array, the God of Chi Yan looked at Chi Yan Robe with anger in his eyes.

The force that bombarded the infinite pole array became even more fierce.

However, this does nothing at all.

No threat to Cheng Feng.

Even outside of Qiankun Wuji, Cheng Feng did not even look at the angry King Chiyan.

Withdrawing his eyes from the horizon, he began to sort out his cultivation and adjust his state.

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