Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1397: Heishui Bu Tian Gong VS Chi Yan Wuji

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Chapter 137 Heishui Bu Tian Gong VS Chi Yan Wuji

"Chi Yan Wuji, the sky palm!"

At the moment when the master of black water palace Pei Feng started.

In Qiankun Wuji array, the Chiyan **** king's imitation body coincided and launched an attack.

Just listening to him scream, his right hand was lifted, and a sudden blast slammed toward the thin earthy yellow gas wall.

Suddenly, the rolling power condensed into a giant red palm, hitting the earth-colored air wall.

At this moment.

The black beam of light emitted by Pei Feng's fingertips just penetrated the Qiankun Wuji array and reached the array.

Then, 嗤 ~~~

Shot on the palm print from the **** Chiyan.

The black beam of light shot by Pei Feng was very sharp.

When he hit the crimson giant palm, he actually pierced it directly like a thin sword.

In the blink of an eye, in the palm of the big red palm, in the snoring, a small hole with a thick thumb appeared.

The remaining black beam of light was directed down the small hole and shot into the head of the King of Chiyan!

"Break my god!"

But at this moment, the giant palm of the **** Chiyan imitated the body and held it together.

With the five fingers closed, the scarlet giant palm turned into a punch.

Its thickness has skyrocketed several times and its defense has skyrocketed.

Then he stiffly carried the puncture of the black beam of light and banged on the thin earthy yellow air wall.

The air wall trembled violently, protruding slightly outward.

The strong shock wave penetrated the earthy yellow air wall and slammed on Pei Feng.

Pei Fengzhen took a step back, and the first attack was forced to stop.

But Pei Feng's face was not irritated, but a smile appeared.


Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked with joy.

"Well, it works."

Pei Feng nodded with a smile: "I just performed the sixth layer of Hei Shui Bu Tian Gong, and made a tentative attack on the imitation body of the God of Red Flame."

"Sure enough, it can penetrate the flame power of the God of Red Flame."

"If Hei Shui Bu Tian Gong is raised to the seventh floor, it should be able to break the defense of the King of Chiyan and pose a threat to it."

"is it?"

Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "Then I asked senior Pei to use the black water flag to raise the black water to replenish Tiangong to the seventh floor, and launch the attack on the King of the Red Flame God."

"I and Long Aotian cooperated and tried to completely kill the King of Chiyan!"

"OK." Pei Feng nodded.

Then God urged, hum ~~~

The black water flag suspended above Pei Feng's head suddenly turned into a black ocean.

A large stream of Heihe flowed from it, and was poured on Pei Feng.

Make Pei Feng's body full of black waves, like a **** of the Black Sea, and the breath is so extreme!

"Black water makes up for Tiangong, kills the water!"

After the strength soared, Pei Feng once again performed the black water to supplement the sky.

Raising his right hand, his **** and forefinger moved closer together, hitting a black pillar of light toward the King of Chiyan in Qiankun Wuji array.

The black beam of light played by Pei Feng this time is very condensed, which is a lot stronger than the last beam of light.

In Qiankun Wuji array, the God of Red Flame saw the black light coming.

Immediately the divine power was triggered, and a punch was blown into the black light.

When the two met, the boxing power formed by the power of the six stars was a deep hole directly under the piercing of the black light.

Then it continued to penetrate deeper, penetrating from the other side of the punch.

If it wasn't for the King Chiyan, who was in danger, he ducked aside.

The black light after punching through the punches will hit the body of King Chiyan and pierce a blood hole.

"Half-level water attack martial arts?"

After avoiding the black light puncture, the King Chiyan's fake face changed slightly.

He felt the dark light, the terrifying power.

If you hit yourself sturdy, you will definitely cause great damage.

If you hit a vital part, you may even endanger your life!

"Black water makes up for Tiangong, kills the soldiers, kills the soldiers, kills the soldiers ..."

Just when the King Chiyan was imitating the body, he was surprised by the seventh layer of Black Water Bu Tian Gong.

Beyond Qiankun Wuji array, Pei Feng didn't pause.

I saw his hands raised, and his fingers continued to poke at the Chiyan God.

Along with that, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

The beams of black light immediately separated from the fingertips.

Shoot towards the imitation body of King Chiyan!

"Chi Yan Wuji, Chi Yan Quan."

Seeing dozens of black beams of light in succession, he shot at himself.

King Chiyan's face was frozen, and the majestic flame of his body evoked.

The next moment, the fierce and fierce flame punches blasted out from the Red Flame God Wang Quanfeng.

Explode the black beams of light that have come out.

But the black beam of light, like a lasing water column, punched the first half, and the second half immediately followed.

It's endless.

This made the King of the Flames sink, and he had to change his attack strategy.

Perform a martial arts skill and dodge while attacking.

Under this condition, Fang barely blocked Pei Feng's continuous attack.

"Black water supplements Tiangong, Wanshui condenses!"

In Qiankun Wuji array, the God of Red Flame Gang just breathed a sigh of relief.

Pei Feng suddenly intensified the offensive and exhibited a killing trick of Heshui Bu Tian Gong.

Suddenly, the black beam of light that scattered the assassination of King Chiyan's imitation body seemed to have some kind of summon.

Actually turned around and turned into a large net of black light, and imitated the body toward the King of Chiyan.


Seeing this, King Chiyan's face changed suddenly and he screamed, "Chiyan Wuji, God's power protects the body!"

Om ~~~

With the explosion of King Chiyan, a powerful flame of fire power burst out from King Chiyan.

The mountain shouted like a tsunami, and hurled towards the Quartet.

At that moment, the waves of fire in the sky were infinite.

The temperature rose in his breath to a scary level.

The horrible flame power hit the Qiankun Promise Array, shaking the entire array violently, giving the illusion of collapse.

In particular, in front of King Chiyan, the thin earth-colored air wall was protruding outward.

However, these horrible fire waves sprayed on the net formed by the black beam of light, but failed to disperse it.

It was just that it was impacted in the void, unable to cover the King of Chiyan.

At the same time, a harsh snoring sound was made, and the black beams of light forming the large net quickly became thinner and weaker under the impact of the fire waves.

Maybe it won't be long before it will be vaporized by the flame power and disappeared!

"Black water makes up for the power of the sky, the sea is boundless!"

At this moment, Pei Feng whispered.

The black water supplements Tiangong to the extreme.

Let the black ocean floating above his head water a dozen black rivers.

These black rivers were won by Pei Feng and poured into the large black light net.

The black light net that was getting thinner and weaker suddenly stopped getting weaker.

Ransheng resisted the imitation body of the God of Red Flame, the burning of the divine power!

Around the Grand Canyon, those righteous warriors who have not left see this.

Eyes were glared, and the sound of discussion was steaming.

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