Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1399: Three heads and six arms

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Chapter 139: Three Heads and Six Arms

It can be said that the King of Chiyan hated Cheng Feng.

From the moment of Chi Yanpao's capture, he reached the highest peak ever.

Can't wait for Cheng Feng to be utterly stabbed and swallowed.

It took a long time for him to fully escape from the deep-seated hatred.

Let yourself not think about Cheng Feng for the time being, don't think about Chi Yanpao who was taken away.

Under this condition, the King of Chiyan felt better.

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng used Chiyan Robe to attack King Chiyan.

Suddenly, the surging hatred, which was temporarily suppressed, erupted like a volcano.

Let the Chiyan **** king become angry and scorch, can not help but make a roar.

Immediately afterwards, all the flame magic in the body was detonated.

Raised his hands, condensed into two great hands.

As soon as he left and right, he slapped away at the Chiyan robe that entered Qiankun Promise.

"This imitation of the King of Flames seems a bit violent!"

Outside Qiankun Wuji array, Cheng Feng saw this scene, his face changed slightly.

Quickly convey the voice of the soul, reminding Hell Heiyan to be careful.

In the Qiankun Promise Formation, Hell's Heiyan didn't care, and pushed Chiyanpao.

Forced to split the momentum of Mount Tai, blasted away towards the King of Chiyan.

Ignore the two divine hands that slap left and right.

"Chi Yan Wuji, seal me!"

Seeing this, the King of Chiyan shouted, and the divine power in the body was even more violent.

At the same time, the speed of the powerful hand that slaps Chi Yanpao suddenly increased.

Bang ~~~

As if two Da Yues collided, they turned into black and white giant knives, cutting the Chi Yan robe of the King of Chi Yan, and sandwiched it between the hands.

However, the black and white giant sword transformed by Chiyanpao was pinched by the two great hands of the God of Chiyan.

But the overwhelming slashing power did not dissipate as a result.

call out!

I saw a black and white blaze of flame, suddenly detached from the clamped blade.

The next moment, he was severely chopped on top of the King of Chiyan.

Even before Chiyan Shenwang was cut by the flame knife, his arms curled up and blocked his head.

Still being forcefully slashed, the whole person cut back dozens of steps in a row.

A long, narrow knife mark on his arms suddenly appeared, rolling golden blood, and immediately splattered.

"Oh my God, the imitation of King Chiyan was actually injured!"

"The arms of Chi Yanpao, who was surrendered by Cheng Feng, cut off a narrow knife edge, and the blood was soaring."

"What happened after Chi Yanpao was surrendered by Cheng Feng?"

"Not only from blood red, but now black and white."

"Its power has produced a sea-shaking change, which is almost incredible!"

A hundred miles away, those righteous warriors saw this scene.

His eyes were as wide as the copper bell, almost falling out.

It's too shocking and too unexpected!

Originally, everyone thought that Cheng Feng would do nothing to the God of Shang Chiyan.

I never thought that as soon as this thought came out, Cheng Feng gave them a head start!

Just throwing a weapon hurt the King of Chiyan, and blood splattered!

Compared to the shock and puzzlement of everyone, the King of Chiyan was also full of doubts.

In his knowledge, he condensed two divine powers to attack each other.

The Chi Yan Robe must be caught by himself and can no longer produce lethality.

However, today's Chiyanpao is no longer the Chiyanpao of the past.

After Hell's Heiyan settled in the Chiyan Robe, his power increased by more than a star.

Chiyan God King imitates the body, and still looks at Chiyan Robe from the past.

Lost, already destined!

"Little beasts, how dare you hurt your god?"

Seeing blood for the first time, the God of Chiyan was furious.

He spurred his divine power to quickly stop bleeding and repair the knife marks on his arm.

With both hands, he couldn't wait to lift it up, and was ready to pinch Chiyan's robe in front of himself.

Re-immersed in his own divine thoughts and regained control of the Chiyan Robe.

However, wait for him to take action.

Om ~~~

Pei Feng's large net of black light condensed with black water to make up for the power of heaven has been enveloped, covering him.

It turned out that just now, the imitation body of the King of Chiyan was under anger, but he temporarily left the black light net to deal with Chiyanpao.

Under this condition, the black light net that was suppressed to the extreme was relieved immediately.

Then suddenly broke out, hit the king of Chi Yan was caught off guard.


Covered by the large black net, the imitation body of the Chiyan **** made a scream of rage.

It turns out that each of the black beams of light that make up a large black net is terrifying and highly corrosive.

When he covered King Chiyan God at once, dozens of blood troughs were corroded directly on the body of King Chiyan.

The flesh was melted and the bones were exposed!

Fortunately, this is the superpower such as King Chiyan.

If you change to ordinary people, you must die on the spot!

However, even so, the imitation of King Chiyan was traumatized.

Hurry to trigger the flame power in the body, hum ~~~

The large black light net that was retracted into the body stiffened up.

Under this circumstance, the King of Chiyan was more comfortable.

However, it didn't wait for the Chiyan **** Wang to relax.


In the sky, the Chiyan Robe that was pinched by the great hand of the God of Red Flame God suddenly burst open the pinch of the great hand of God.

Later, the black and white giant sword turned into a red-yellow robe was tossed and pulled ~~~

The two divine hands were chopped on the spot.

Then, the blade of the black and white giant sword was squared.

Immediately from the top down, he slashed away to the King of Chiyan!

"Abominable, abominable!"

House seemingly endless rain.

The King of Chiyan had just been frustrated one after another, but Chiyanpao beheaded him at this moment.

Suddenly, he was pushed to despair.

"Chi Yan Wuji, three heads and six arms!"

The crisis was approaching, and the King of Chiyan fightd.

Use his strongest style of peerlessness.


With the King Chiyan's move, a violent flame of God's power spewed out of his body.

Then, two heads actually grew on both sides of his head.

These two heads are not humans at all.

A skinny bone with sunken eyes, like two black holes.

When he grew out, his dry mouth opened, and a green flame burst out.

He rushed towards the large black light covering himself.

The tendency to shrink the black light network is greatly reduced.

The other head is a dog's head.

This dog's head was fierce, and when it grew, it also burst out a flame and rushed to the black light net.

And at the same time, the king of Chiyan himself spit out a crimson flame from his mouth and rushed towards the black light net.

When these three flames hit the Heiguang Great Net all at once, the contraction of the Heiguang Great Net was forcibly supported to prevent it from hurting itself.

And just on the shoulder of King Chiyan, there were three heads.

Up and down his two arms, they each have two arms.

So together, there are six arms.

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