Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1402: Powerful Reincarnation Baizi Painting

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Chapter 1402 The Powerful Reincarnation Baizi Painting

"Four Super Tianjiao who have trained ten dragons?"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Ten dragon powers, hasn't there been one case in nearly ten thousand years?"

"How come when there are four people?"

Under normal circumstances, a warrior can only practice a maximum of six or seven dragons.

A warrior who can train eight dragons is already a genius.

It is a genius to be able to practice nine dragons.

Being able to practice nine and a half dragon powers is a rare wizard who has never encountered a thousand years.

As for the martial arts capable of training ten dragons, it has not appeared for ten thousand years.

I never thought that as Cheng Feng broke the limit and practiced ten dragon powers.

As if a chain effect had occurred, three Tianjiao who had practiced ten dragon powers appeared in succession.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, in the last 10,000 years, there has not been a peerless genius who has trained ten dragons."

Pei Feng said in a low voice: "The main reason is due to the exhaustion of the Qiqi continent."

"And in recent years, the dry spirit of the earth dome continent has slowly recovered."

"Exercising ten peerless geniuses has finally begun to appear."

"The spirit of the earth dome has dried up ..."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng's mind has a lot of associations: "The reason why the essence of the earth dome will dry up is probably related to the birth of 'fruits.'"

"Even those spirits are sucked away by the earth dome continent, giving birth to fruits."

"This led to a great change in the world, genius withered, and martial arts entered 'winter'."

"Until recently, the 'fruits' bred by the earth dome continent were about to ripen and no longer needed to absorb a lot of essence."

"That's why the world of upheaval began to pick up, and the martial arts genius burst out."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's heart was tense: "After the fruits of the earth dome continent mature, each of the super-giants lurking in the earth dome continent, who have planned for countless years, will start to pick fruits."

"At that time, I will enter the most dangerous moment and become a **** capable of picking fruit."

"Leave me ready ... no more!"

With insight into the reasons for the changes in the heavens and the earth in the earth dome, Cheng Feng had a sense of urgency.

Urgently want to promote Xiu Wei, increase the hole card.

In this way, the fruits bred by the continent, etc., have fully matured.

Only then can he have the strength to save his life from the plans of the major giants, and even get rid of the fate of being manipulated and be free!

"Senior Pei Feng, you said just now that we have four super-arrogant super arrogants who have developed ten dragon powers in our feathered dynasty."

After taking a deep breath and calming down the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Cheng Feng asked: "These four super Tianjiao, one of them is Brother Su Linsu, the other is the blue and white girl, the third should be me, and the fourth? ? "

"The fourth super genius who has developed ten dragon powers, in fact, you also know."

Pei Feng laughed as he performed the black water to make up for the Tiangong attack on the King of Chiyan.

"What? I know?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised, "Who is that man?"

"That man was your Qianlong Academy, the top super genius."

Pei Feng did not directly name the man, and deliberately sold Guanzi: "I once talked to Shu Shan Liang Luo Shi and called it a pair of poetry and painting!"

"Poetry and painting are perfect?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's eyes glared, and he was surprised: "The fourth man who has trained ten dragon powers is actually Baizi painting?"

About a year ago, Qianlong College had two super talents.

One is Shushan Liangluoshi, known as the Holy Poem.

The second is Yihai Baizi painting, known as painting fairy.

Since Pei Feng said the words "Double Poems and Paintings", nine out of ten refer to Baizi paintings.

"Yes, the fourth super Tianjiao who trained ten dragons is Baizi painting!"

Pei Feng nodded and admitted: "This Baizi painting is rumored to be one of the four gods of the Blood Gods, and the reincarnation of the God of Yin and Yang."

"This 'reincarnation' is not a ray of divine thought separated by the King of Yin and Yang."

"It is the deity of the King of the Yin and Yang, who has completely entered the earth dome continent and rebuilt it!"

"So the martial arts talent of Baizi painting is rare and unique in the world."

"Since it rebelled from Qianlong Academy, in less than a year, it has reached the peak of broken territory."

"You can even cross the robbery at any time and get into the heaven!"

"Among the four super arrogant of you, in terms of the great potential, Baizi painting is recognized as the number one!"

"Bai Zi painting, is actually the reincarnation of the King of Yin and Yang?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was really surprised.

In his opinion, Bai Zi's painting should be a **** of blood and yin and yang, separated from the ray of divine thought.

I never thought it turned out to be the reincarnation of the King of Yin and Yang.

You know, the **** of yin and yang has won the super super existence.

The ultimate goal of almost all martial arts soldiers is to survive the Ninth Heavenly Calamity, capture the good fortune, and become a great power of good fortune.

However, the king of the yin and yang has already reached this stage, but he has given up everything and reincarnation.

It's incredible!

"Cheng Feng, in fact, the reason for the reincarnation of the king of the yin and yang **** is said to be because his deity was hit hard in the battle of power."

When Cheng Feng was puzzled, Pei Feng's voice sounded: "Of course, the main reason is that the king of the yin and yang has great ambition and revenge!"

"He wants to be reincarnated in the dome continent and participate in a super plan with his deity."

"Once in that super plan, he can get a cup of puppet and he will be able to go further on the martial arts road."

"The lord of the yin and yang **** wants to participate in a super plan?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed, and he immediately knew the reason for the reincarnation and reincarnation.

Obviously in order to pick the 'fruits' bred from the continent.

It must be noted that the earth dome continent will have a great rejection to the warriors who are repaired beyond the seventh limit of ascending to the sky.

The power of nature is impossible to stay in the dome continent.

They want to pick the fruits, they can only pick them by selecting ‘agents’.

But this plan has great uncertainty.

Perhaps an accident will result in a shortfall and nothing.

In order to ensure foolproofness, the God of Yin and Yang directly abandoned everything and went to battle in person.

This great determination and perseverance can be described as unprecedented!

If the fruit can be finally picked up, then the king of the yin and yang will definitely rise up and become a peerless existence!

"Cheng Feng, in fact, mighty reincarnation may not be superior."

Seeing that Cheng Feng's face was a little dignified, Pei Feng's tone of voice turned: "If you are at this moment, fight a battle with Bai Zi, the reincarnation of the Yin and Yang **** king."

"I dare to pack tickets. The winner must be you!"


However, as soon as Pei Feng's words fell, a scolding sound suddenly sounded.

"Among the four great gods of the blood gods, the cultivation of the yin and yang gods is the weakest, but the potential is the greatest."

"Now reborn and rebuilt, how can Cheng Feng's small beasts compare?"

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