Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1404: Saber Sword Body Success

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Chapter 144 The Complete Success

"Cheng Feng, your plan is very feasible."

Upon hearing Cheng Feng's words, Pei Feng's eyes brightened and he said: "If it can be successfully implemented, it will attract a large number of blood gods and martial arts."

"This is decisive for the victory and defeat of the whole battle of righteousness and evil!"

"Really? Then I try to hold back as many evil warriors as possible."

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Contribute a force for the whole battle of righteousness and evil!"

With that said, Cheng Feng's gaze was looking at those martial artists who hadn't left yet.

"Friends, I'm Cheng Feng from Qianlong College."

Cheng Feng clenched his fists in both hands and exclaimed: "Presumably everyone has already seen it. I joined forces with Pei Feng's predecessor in Heishui Palace, temporarily trapping the Red God of Blood God.

"But this Chiyan **** king is very arrogant and cannot be killed at all."

"We can only do it, barely trap it."

"In order not to let the masters of the evil faction know the situation, come here to rescue this Chiyan **** king."

"Here, Cheng Feng hopes that friends can contribute a force to drag the evil warriors who intend to approach here as far as possible."

"Under such circumstances, my senior and Pei Feng could keep the King of Chiyan all the time and prevent them from participating in the war."

"Then let the victory of this war belong to my right path!"

Cheng Feng's remarks were eloquent and clear.

After listening to the righteous martial arts present, they were moved.

Then the blood warmed up, Long Li ignited, and scattered around.

"Cheng Feng, how can I not listen to your words!"

While performing black water to supplement Tiangong, Pei Feng frowned. "It feels like I'm saying the opposite?"

"Senior Pei Feng, I said it on purpose."

Cheng Feng grinned: "Because of these righteous warriors, there are actually a lot of evil spies lurking."

"If I am full of confidence, after the evil faction gets the news, I'm afraid I won't dare to come."

"Only when I say the opposite, the evil faction will hear the wind and come and 'send to death!'"

"Oh? Somewhat interesting."

After listening to Cheng Feng's explanation, Pei Feng nodded suddenly.

For Cheng Feng, look a little higher.

After the righteous warrior left, there was a lot of quiet around.

Cheng Feng glanced at the repressed imitation body of the **** Chiyan and Long Aotian who was setting up the second Qianku Promise.

Then he sat down cross-legged and adjusted his condition, waiting for the evil martial arts to come to the door.

"My current practice is temporarily reaching a bottleneck period."

Cheng Feng thought: "It is almost impossible for Xiuwei to have a big explosion, and it can only grow slowly."

"Secondly in martial arts, my sword intention has advanced to the ninth stage, which is just the last layer of cultivating the knives.

"After the training, we can make the defense of the sword cover to a higher level."

"At the same time, there is also a shadow trick method. I got a semi-finished space heart from Aoxuan Tuo."

"If used properly, it may be able to practice the seventh layer of the shadow method-the shape of a thousand miles."

"By then, in a single thought, you can travel thousands of miles away."

The mad sword and domineering body skills are the only martial arts skills created by the sword.

Sword intention can be tempered into a layer of knife protection film to protect the warriors personally.

This martial art has a total of nine floors. Cheng Feng has practiced the first eight floors.

Now the sword intention has reached the ninth level, which can just be cultivated.

As for the seventh layer of the Shadow Technique, it is a martial art in conception, which must be practiced with the heart of space.

Originally Cheng Feng thought that the heart of space was very rare and he could not get it in the short term.

I never thought that I actually got one in Ao Xuantuo's hands.

Although it is only a semi-finished product, it should not be a problem to cultivate the seventh layer of the shadow puppet method.

"I used to run around and didn't have time to practice."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Now that you have time, you might as well practice it."

After speaking, Cheng Feng recalled the ninth layer of knives' tactics.

After he had thoroughly figured it out, he did not hesitate to cultivate immediately.

Crazy sword and power, the level is not high.

The main difficulty of cultivation is that the cultivator's intention is to keep up.

Cheng Feng's sword nowadays has completely reached the ninth stage.

The ninth layer of cultivating mad sword and tyrant power is a natural one, without any difficulty.


About half an hour or so, hum ~~~

A sharp knife emanated from Cheng Feng's body.

After Cheng Feng sighed, the knife suddenly condensed and compressed.

In the blink of an eye, it formed a layer of invisible film, which was clinging to Cheng Feng's skin.

"Is the ninth level of mad sword and body power already practiced?"

After the film formed by the knife was affixed to himself, Cheng Feng felt as if he was wearing an invisible armor.

The wind blows the sun, and everything is blocked from the body, unable to stand close.

"Looks like the last level of mad sword fighter, I really practiced it."

After slightly moving his body, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "I just don't know, how powerful it is!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng's eyes swept away, and he wanted to find someone to test.

Originally, Cheng Feng selected Long Aotian, and wanted Long Aotian to suspend the formation to attack himself, and test the power of the ninth layer of mad sword and domination.

But as his eyes swept across the west side of Qianding Peak, a dry river valley suddenly had new goals.

"It was so sleepy that someone came to give the pillow."

It turned out that in the dry valley, two evil masters actually appeared.

These two evil masters, Xiu Wei reached the heaven.

It should have just arrived, in the valley, watching Cheng Feng's position.

But wait for them to see why.

唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng exhibited the shadow puppet method and appeared directly in front of them.

"No, we were discovered by Cheng Feng."

When the void shook, Cheng Feng appeared.

The two ascendant martial artists, their faces changed together.

Shouting, there was no hesitation, one person roused a divine power, and punched Cheng Feng.

The other person took the sword in his hand and stabbed a sword at Cheng Feng.

However, in the face of the fierce attacks of the two ascension warriors.

Cheng Feng, as if he had not seen it, did not fight back or dodge.

It just triggered the mad sword and domineering power to the limit, and then stood straight in front of the two ascension warriors, and let them attack.

"What happened? Why didn't Cheng Feng fight back or dodge?"

"Is it because my head is so funny, I want to carry our brother's attack with my flesh?"

Seeing this scene, the sword ascendant warrior stared with unbelievable expression.

"It's possible to kill yourself!"

The ascendant ascended the heavens with a smile on his face and laughed: "Haha, it's just cheap for us!"

In the laughter, the ascendant warrior who made a fist blasted Cheng Feng's heart with a smirk.

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