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Chapter 1407 Night Crest

After Tuoba Tao was rescued by Cheng Feng, he had completely got rid of Wan Junting's control.

However, Tuobatao's hatred was too deep and he wanted to get revenge.

So he sneaked into the blood gods alone, with the intention of reappearing for the dead family.

However, at that time, the connection between him and Cheng Feng was completely broken.

Until this moment, Cheng Feng learned the news through Pei Feng's mouth.

It was discovered that Tuobatao was once again controlled by Wan Yiting.

This made Cheng Feng's heart gossip and mixed, and for a long time there was no sound.

"Cheng Feng, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng was silent for a long time, Pei Feng asked.

"It's nothing, just a little curious about Tuoba and that fairy."

As soon as Cheng Feng shook his head, the complex emotions were thrown away, and he asked casually, "Senior Pei Feng, do you know that Tuoba and Wanxian's cultivation?

"Tuoba looks like a talented ancestor. It mainly depends on natural divine power to kill the enemy."

Pei Feng said: "As for Wan Yanting, she seems to be the pinnacle of broken territory, and she has developed nine dragon powers."

"Compared to others, it can only be considered average."

At this point, Pei Feng's tone turned and said: "Cheng Feng, in fact, I think you should know about the top ten killers in the killer world."

"You have inflicted great trauma on the evil faction recently."

"Nine times, you will be attacked fiercely by the evil faction."

"Especially a genius killer from Hell's Gate, who has named to cut off your first level."

"And that genius killer is ranked sixth among the top ten killers in the killer world!"

"The genius killer of Hellgate wants to kill me?"

Cheng Feng's eyes were cold: "Senior Pei Feng, what's that killer? How about repair?"

"do not know."

Pei Feng shook his head: "The news of the killer will not easily leak."

"Unless it is a famous killer, its age, height, looks, cultivation ... and so on are all a fog."

"For example, the top ten killers in the killer world have only one code and its corresponding record."

"Other than that, they don't even have a name."

"That killer from the gates of hell, codenamed‘ night owl ’.”

Pei Feng said: "The record was nine times assassination missions, nine times successful, and retired."

"One of them was assassinated, one of them ascended to the sky."

"The other person, although he is the first to ascend to the sky, but has the protection of two experts who are the fourth to ascend to the sky."

"But still silent, died in the hands of the night owl!"

"This night, there are some means."

Cheng Feng frowned, and said lightly, "However, he wanted to assassinate me, but there was not much possibility."

"Because not long ago, the three well-known judges in Hell's Gate had launched assassinations on me, but they finally returned!

"Even if the assassination method of this night owl is high, it cannot be higher than the three judges in Hell's Gate?"

"Cheng Feng, don't be careless."

But Pei Feng shook his head and said, "Actually, the three major judges in Hell's Gate are just three avatars."

"As for the three major judges of the real Hell Gate, but the existence of the arrogance of the sky, the earth dome continent cannot accommodate it."

"If it comes to you, don't say it's you, even the old antiques that are as heavy as they are, should be shocked!"

"What? The **** gate judge of the earth dome is just an incarnation outside?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was really surprised: "No wonder its strength is much weaker than rumored."

The so-called external avatar is actually a clone of the body.

Not long ago, the two heirs of the Hell Gate that Cheng Feng encountered were both clones of the judge's deity.

Therefore, with the help of the armor of war, plus the fifth turn of the dragon's golden body, he carried the attack.

Otherwise, the consequences are unexpected!

"Cheng Feng, the killer's assassination is invincible."

Pei Feng said: "Especially a real top killer, proficient in superb transfiguration, can disguise himself as anyone around the target.

"While the target is still guarding against the killer, the killer may have completed the assassination."

"Quiet, away."

"So, Cheng Feng, you need to pay more attention in the future."

Pei Feng cautioned: "Maybe a friend around you is disguised by a top killer."

"A sloppy idea will pay the price of life!"

"Thank you, Pei Feng, for reminding me. The younger people know."

Cheng Feng nodded in agreement.

The killer is good at stealth, lurking, easy-to-capacity, poisoning, and so on.

If it was attacked by him.

Broken Realm can also kill the strongest who climbed to heaven!

Speaking, suddenly.

A fierce fighting came from the west side of Qianding Peak.

Cheng Feng glanced up and found that on the west side of Qianding Peak, two middle-aged men with dark faces were besieging a young man with red hair.

These two middle-aged people, Xiu Wei reached the limit of Zulong level, shot very fiercely.

As for the red-haired young man under siege, Xiu Wei has just reached the Zulong level.

Under the siege of the two middle-aged people, danger was born.

If the red-haired young man ignites an orange-red flame and the temperature is extremely high, the two middle-aged people are very afraid.

I'm afraid it was already killed by the other party.

"That young man seems to be my red fire brother from Qianlong Academy's Water and Fire Hall."

Cheng Feng's eyes swept away the fighting sides, focusing on the red-haired youth for a moment.

Because this red-haired young man looks a lot like the top genius of Qianlong College's Water and Fire Hall.

"Brother Cheng Feng, please take your hands."

While Cheng Feng was observing, the red-haired young man turned his head and drank.

"You brother Brother Redfire?"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng frowned.

Ask as you leave for the battlefield.

"Yes, it's just red fire."

The red-haired young man replied, "Not long ago, I heard the wind and said you were in trouble."

"So I came here to help you."

"Unexpectedly, I encountered a miscellaneous volley by the evil faction!"

"Really? I'll help you get rid of these two evil clutter."

In speaking, Cheng Feng has already arrived on the battlefield.

Did not even take the magic sword, and directly displayed the imperial martial arts shattered fingers of the half-hook.


Only two sounds of breaking air sounded.

The next moment, the two top ancestors of the Zulong class exploded their heads.

Falling from the void, there is no sound.

"What? So strong?"

Seeing Cheng Feng raise his hand, he killed two top Zulong-level masters.

The red-haired young man was red-hot, and his eyes stared in surprise: "Brother Cheng Feng, I haven't seen you for more than half a year. You are so strong?"

"Brother Redfire, your strength has also grown a lot."

After killing two evil warriors at will, Cheng Feng's eyes stared at the red fire: "I remember when you were in Qianxue's secret realm, you just advanced to the broken realm."

"In a year, you have been an Zulong master."

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