Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1409: All fakes

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Chapter 1409 is All Fake

"Once I catch up with the false red fire, he will inevitably die."

Cheng Feng said: "But before you do it, you have killed the fake red fire in one step."

Hearing this, Chihuo frowned: "Did I kill the fake Chihuo, which is also wrong?"

"Kill the fake red fire, which is certainly true."

Cheng Feng said: "But the key is, did you really kill the fake red fire?"

"How do I feel, that fake red fire that should be burned by your Jiugong orange fire into coke, and breathing?"

"What? It's impossible!"

Hearing the words, Red Fire was startled: "Under my 9th house orange fire, the fake Red Fire must have died completely."

"Oh, talk about the orange fire in the Ninth Palace."

Cheng Feng interfaced: "Your second flaw is this nine-house orange fire."

"What's wrong with my 9th house orange fire?"

"Your 9th house orange fire is indeed the 9th house orange fire. This is true."

Cheng Feng said: "But the problem is, your nine-pronged orange fire is too 'new'."

"Too new?" The red fire was puzzled.

"Yes, it's too new."

Cheng Feng explained: "If I didn't guess wrong, the Nine-House Orange Fire in your hands should be quickly matured with a seedling of the Nine-House Orange Fire. The time should not exceed three days.

"But Brother Jiuhuo's Jiugong Orange Fire is the youngest one year or more."

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

After hearing this, Chihuo's face was indignant: "Spiritual fire, even with age? It's nonsense."

"I have played with fire for years and have never heard of it."

"You haven't heard of it, it's because you are not red fire."

Cheng Feng said coldly, "If you are really Brother Redfire, you will never say such ignorance."

After speaking, Cheng Feng had already raised his palm, and his index finger was close to the middle finger.

Emperor-level martial arts shattered fingers, and Huo Ran began to brew.

"Abominable, even this can be considered a flaw!"

Seeing this scene, the red fire suddenly couldn't bear it.

When his face changed, he took a small bottle from his arms and threw it to Cheng Feng.

Then the whole person turned into a sharp sword, 嗤 ~~~

Cut through layers of void, and blasted away quickly.

"Sure enough ... there is a problem!"

Seeing this, the cold color in Cheng Feng's eyes condensed into ice.

Fingers close together poke to the horizon, 咻咻 ~~

Two dark fingers, shot at the red fire that fled.

But at this moment, the small bottle thrown by the red fire exploded, and a large powder was sprayed from it.

This powder is colorless, odorless and extremely diffusive.

When the small bottle exploded, it immediately shrouded in Cheng Feng like a huge wave.

"No, this is some kind of poison!"

Seeing the transparent powder, Cheng Feng did not dare to neglect, and immediately evoked the rolling power, condensing a one-meter-long dragon power shield, covering himself.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also applied the ninth layer of the newly-formed knives and tyrannical body skills, condensing the ninth-level knives into a layer of knives, and attached them to his body.

Then the remaining knife intention erupted, 嗤 ~~~

The heavy transparent poison was cut open, and the whole person burst out.

However, even so.

When Cheng Feng rushed out of the enveloping area of ​​the poison powder, the shield formed by that dragon force was also eroded.

Its color has changed, and it has turned into a terrible green.

The poisonous intention was to follow Long Li and infiltrate into Cheng Feng's Long Li acupoints to completely kill Cheng Feng.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng has a second layer of defense.

When the poisonous powder is close to the knife protection film, hum ~~~

The blade shield trembled, shaking all the poisonous powder close by.

Do not let a trace of poisonous powder enter your body.

"Counterfeit goods, you can't escape!"

After rushing out of the poisonous powder area, Cheng Feng raised his eyes.

I found that the fake red fire had actually escaped more than a hundred miles.

These speeds, even the top three or four masters, are hard to catch up with.

But Cheng Feng did not look at all.

I saw his dragon force triggering, showing thousands of miles of 遁 shape, 唰 ~~~

The whole person disappeared in a daze.

The next moment, in front of the fake red fire, there was a wave in the void.

Then a black knife protruded from the void.

I shot a cold and bright sword light and went straight to the fake red fire!

"Teleport martial arts?"

He was fleeing wildly, and suddenly a knife slashed ahead.

This made the fake red fire look miserable and scolded: "Isn't the intelligence saying that Cheng Feng's teleport martial arts can only teleport hundreds of miles at a time?"

"How come you teleported nearly two hundred miles at once?"

The information obtained from the fake red fire is obviously outdated.

Cheng Feng has now practiced the sixth layer of the Shadow Method, which in a moment is enough to travel thousands of miles.

The fake red fire miscalculated the distance, and was suddenly blocked by Cheng Feng.

Can only quickly lift up the long sword in his hand, blocking the knife light cut off by Cheng Feng.

The knife light cut by Cheng Feng is very tyrannical, and only the light from outside makes the void shatter.

Huh! When Daoguang hit the sword.

The face of the fake red fire changed suddenly, the hand holding the sword trembled violently, the palm split open instantly, and blood spewed outward.

The whole person was flying backwards under the impact of a powerful force.

The man had not yet landed, his throat was sweet, and blood had leaked from the corners of his mouth.

"Good, Cheng Feng is even stronger than rumored!"

"I will fight against him, I will die!"

After just playing a trick with Cheng Feng, the fake red fire realized that he was far from Cheng Feng's opponent.

Therefore, he did not dare to neglect at all, and when he was flying horizontally, he suddenly twisted his body.

Turn the escape position and run away to the other side.

However, Cheng Feng has now emerged from the void.

Seeing the fake red fire that fled, there was no nonsense, and the sword was raised above his head.

Waiting for the third style of Emperor Cangdao to cast out, stabbing ~~~

The sky was chopped off by a terrifying swordlight, heading for the fake red fire that fled.

"Do not!!"

"Damn night owl, you misled me!"

Faced with such a knife light, the fake red fire showed despair.

All I had to do was to yell angrily.

The next moment, the whole person was cut directly into powder by that knife light!


Cheng Feng's eyebrows were raised with a single beheaded stroke: "It turned out that this fake red fire was actually challenged by the killer Ye Xuan before he came to me."

"It seems that the night owl has already begun."

"Perhaps at this moment, I'm hiding somewhere and watching."

"However, you can do everything you can, and you don't want to hurt me."

Cheng Feng said coldly, "As long as you dare to come, I will let you come back forever!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng displayed a thousand miles and appeared in the first place where the fake red fire fell.

This fake red fire was incinerated by the second fake red fire with the orange fire of Jiugong. It fell from the sky and smashed a human-shaped deep hole into the ground.

In all likelihood, people have been burned into fly ash by the orange fire of the Jiugong.

However, Cheng Feng sneered before standing in the deep pit.

"Counterfeit goods, are you still acting?"

Cheng Feng chilled: "Since you like to play dead people, then I will help you and let you die completely!"

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