Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1416: Colossus Pentium

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Chapter 146 The Giant Elephant Pentium

"A fist that imitated the ancient giant elephant Pentium and created it?"

Above the Dragon City, Cheng Feng saw a giant elephant rushing towards himself, and raised his brow slightly: "This boxing method is a bit interesting, so I might as well play with you."

While speaking, Cheng Feng operated the Purple Thunder Refining Method.

Then he raised his hands, twisted his waist and twisted his arms, and the useless thunder cannon fist, Huo Ran cast out.

This thunder cannon can borrow the power of thunder.

When Cheng Feng punched out with a punch, the sky was suddenly filled with thunder and lightning, and a thunder fell into the fist.

Let that boxing force be so scary!

Bang ~~~

When Cheng Feng's fist burst out, he swung open to the Quartet.

The gigantic boxing bangs were immediately detonated and smashed into the void.

Let a large hole appear in each half of the sky, as if to collapse.

The gigantic Dragon City was shaking violently.

Had it not been for the defense of the Eight Dragons, it would have collapsed at least a half.

However, Cheng Feng, who was at the center of the boxing explosion, did not react at all.

The fifth turn of the Tianlong Golden Body was exhibited, and all the impacts of the punches were completely eliminated.

Failed to cause a little damage to Cheng Feng!

On the contrary, the main beast of the beast palace toward Dingtian, was shocked by a series of boxing explosions, and they retreated.

The white giant elephant riding underneath was trampled on, screaming in pain!

"What, this stinky boy is so arrogant?"

After finally stabilizing his body, Xiang Dingtian's face changed greatly.

Self-confidence was hit hard, and he said ruthlessly: "I don't believe this seat. I am the third-highest master in the sky, and I can't cure you a hairy boy!"

Xiang Dingtian fought hard and raised his hand to show Tianxiangquan's strongest move.

Hum! With this punch to Angel Ding.

The white giant elephant underneath turned into a white air wave, which merged into his fist.

Directly let Xiang Dingtian's boxing strength strengthen two or three times.

Roar! !!

Hundreds, even thousands of heads of ancient giant elephants united in one punch.

Smashing the sky and making the ground silent, the scene is particularly scary.

"Tianxiangquan, this is the real power of Tianxiangquan!"

"It is rumored that Xiang Dingtian once defeated one of Dengtian's third extreme extreme powers with this punch."

"Cheng Feng is under this punch, I'm afraid it will be a bit dangerous!"

In Longcheng, when people saw the unparalleled fierce power of Tianxiangquan, they couldn't help worrying about Cheng Feng.

However, fears have just begun.

In the sky, Cheng Feng drew out the Demon Sword and slashed out suddenly.

Om ~~~

Suddenly, every blade of light rushed out of the sword, turning into a blade of light.

Then, from top to bottom, he rushed to the thousands of ancient giant elephants that came from the wild.

"What a terrible sword light, it seems to be able to split the sky and the sky!"

"Is this the true strength of Cheng Feng?"

Seeing the unmatched sword-light Canglong, everyone's scalp was numb.

Even Xiang Dingtian himself couldn't help but have a chill in his heart.

And when everyone was shocked, stabbed ~~~

The bladed Canglong that Cheng Feng cut out has cut off the sky and hit the ancient giant elephant that rushed forward.

A giant elephant, chopped into a ball of powder.

With the cracked sky, it disappeared into the vast void!

The remaining Daoguang hole penetrated nothingness and hit Xiang Dingtian.

That screamed at Dingtian, half of his body was cut off, and silver blood was flowing all over the sky!

"My God, the master of the beast palace Xiang Dingtian was actually killed by Cheng Feng!"

Seeing the picture of Xiang Dingtian's blood spilling over the sky, countless righteous warriors in Dragon City rejoiced.

As for the evil warriors, they were all cold and creepy.

"Killed, the third master of the palace, Xiang Xianggong, was beheaded!"

"Who is that young man in black? How could it be so scary?"

"Cheng Feng! The young man in black is Cheng Feng from Qianlong College !!!"

Countless evil warriors were frightened.

Especially when an evil warrior recognized Cheng Feng's identity and called out.

All of a sudden, a layer of goosebumps came up on everyone!

"What? Cheng Feng?"

"Is the one who killed the master of the Jade Lady's helm, the law of torture; killed Yu Cangfei, the **** hand to protect the law, the law of the Xuan Ting ... still trapped Cheng Feng, my Holy Lord Chiyan?

"Yes, that's Cheng Feng! That turret Cheng Feng that can't be killed anyway !!"

After clarifying Cheng Feng's identity, almost all evil warriors attacking Longcheng outside Dragon City stopped their movements at that moment.

Eyes brushed, staring at Cheng Feng in the sky.

When seeing Cheng Feng's hand-carved magic sword, the terrifying sword light was brewing again.

A chill of air instantly struck the top of the head from the feet of everyone!

Then invariably, 嗖 嗖 嗖 ~~~

Performed various body and martial arts skills and fled.

She was actually frightened by Cheng Feng, and fled.

Even those masters who reach the heavens are no exception.

"Did something bad, but want to pat your **** off?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face was cold: "How can there be such a good thing in this world? Leave your life!"

After all, Cheng Feng's long-awaited Emperor Cangshu cut out arrogantly.

Stabbing ~~~

Falling across the knife, I don't know how many evil warriors have different heads.

Among them, there are two half-step ascension martial arts soldiers, and one ascendant master.

"You guys, kill!"

"The son of Cheng Feng helped us, it's time for the evil clans to pay the price of blood!"

"Kill, kill the evil gangsters!"

Along with Cheng Feng's hands, a large number of righteous martial arts dragons rushed in the dragon city and swarmed out.

Led by several masters who ascended to heaven, they were divided into dozens of units and hunted down those fleeing evil factions.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, staring at the evil faction camp, where five or six warriors ascended the sky.

Subsequently, the shadow puppet method was exhibited, and a heavy click-kill was performed on it.

Cheng Feng's cultivation is now, although he has only broken the peak of the realm.

However, when the Emperor Cang Sword was exhibited, the third master of Deng Tian could easily kill it.

Those evil factions who marched into the heavenly realm reluctantly ascended to the third realm.

Under the focus of Cheng Feng's "care", without exception, all fell!

Under these circumstances, the entire evil faction camp directly collapsed.

After being killed by the righteous martial arts, the evil martial arts besieging dragon city was beheaded and killed almost 90%.

The remaining 10% is also dead dead, residual disabled.

There are only a handful of people who escape!

Over the dragon city, Cheng Feng did not fight again after solving the evil faction ascending the heavenly warriors.

Instead, the corpses of the killed ascension warriors were collected and thrown into the empty pot to feed the dragon lice.

As for the weapons of the ascension warrior, they are thrown to the demon sword, so that the demon sword can be devoured, and the blade wound can be repaired.

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