Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1418: Hell Eighteenth Floor

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Chapter 1418 The Eighteenth Floor of Hell

The jade pendant handed out by Le Canghai is green and heart-shaped.

When Cheng Feng received it, he felt a warmth in his heart as if he touched the ‘heart’ of the leaving beauty.

It made him feel a little lost, and immediately improved a lot.

"Cheng Feng, this jade pendant was originally square."

Le Canghai glanced at Cheng Feng with a somewhat complex tone: "But in recent days, Yingying's girl has polished this shape with her hands."

"The deep meaning, I don't think I need to say more about this old guy?"

"Is this jade pendant actually lightly polished?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's blood was hot: "Heart shaped jade pendant, lightly gave it to me, maybe he also gave‘ heart ’to me!

"But I let lightness and bitterness wait for a few days, and finally left with loss, what a bastard!"

"Okay, don't think about it."

Le Canghai interrupted: "When Yingying left, although she was a little lost, she felt relieved."

"She's just more worried, the 'big catastrophe' on you!"

"So, focus on your cultivation in the future, improve your cultivation and hole cards, and strive to survive the catastrophe."

"Only in this way can you see Yingying again, and you can't live up to Yingying's intentions!"

"Grandpa Le, I understand!"

Cheng Feng focused on: "I will not give up lightly whenever I encounter anything in the future."

"Even if the sky is falling, I will try to carry it to the end!"

"Just have such determination."

Le Canghai nodded, and then waved his hand: "Next, do whatever you plan to do!"

"Time is tight, don't miss it."

"Grandpa Le, currently the smoke is rising and Dragon City is very unsafe."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng groaned: "Will I ..."

"Do not worry about me."

Le Canghai interrupted: "The old man has lived for most of his life. What kind of wind and waves have not been seen?"

"Besides, the elder Tianyu from the shrine gave me several life-saving weapons before leaving."

"I was able to escape easily when the strong man who ascended the sky was killed by five or six heavy men."

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Cheng Feng nodded, completely relieved.

Then without ink, he gave a gift to Le Canghai, directly using the shadow method to make a thousand miles.

Facing Qianlong Academy, disappeared.


Qianlong Academy, the war transpired.

As the martial arts sacred place of the feathered **** dynasty, Qianlong Academy has become the first target to be targeted since the blood **** invasion.

When the decisive battle between righteousness and evil began, a large number of experts from Qianlong Academy went out to support all parties.

The blood gods immediately seized the opportunity to form a strong team and directly killed Qianlong Mountain.

The entire Qianlong Academy was surrounded by a leak.

Then the slaughter began, and it lasted for a few days. The spirit of slaughter fell into the sky, condensing into a mass of dark clouds, which could not dissipate for a long time.

As for the void around Qianlong Academy, it was even more destroyed.

The vastness of nothingness poured in, making Qianlong Academy as if floating in the nothingness world, which was particularly scary.

Cheng Feng uses the shadow trick method, although the Qianlong Academy knife tower peak is locked.

But during the teleportation, he suddenly fell out of the void channel.

Surprisingly, the void channel was interrupted and it was impossible to reach the end!

"So strong killing gas!"

After falling out of the void passage, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and scanned Qianlong Academy.

I saw Qianlong College within a few hundred miles, all filled with tumultuous gas.

Every martial art spirit runs through the sky, all of them are masters who are above the peak of Broken Realm.

Separated from a long distance, the sound of weapons crashing came clearly.

Let the void create a wave and stir it out for hundreds of miles!

"A lot of masters, there are thousands of true dragon-level warriors, hundreds of ancestor dragons, and seventy or eighty peaks in the broken realm."

Cheng Feng looked at the eyes of the fortune, and his look was a little dignified: "As for the masters who ascended the heavens, there are more than twenty."

"There are four more ascending the sixth strongest, and one ascending the seventh strongest."

"Also, the seventh strongest man in heaven seems to be supporting a world."

"In that world, there are things that are more terrifying than the seventh strongest."

Cheng Feng took a deep breath: "Perhaps the blood **** taught the subversion of the academy to rely on this unknown world!"

"Cheng Feng, be careful."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The world held by the gray-haired old man is no small matter."

"If I read it right, it should be the **** of Hell's Gate!"

"The treasure of hell's gate-hell?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng was surprised.

"It is rumored that the **** at Hell's Gate is an evil weapon."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This weapon has a total of eighteen floors, and there are not many cattle, ghosts, and snakes in it. It is cruel and vicious."

"People who have been taken to hell, no matter how high they are, have never lived out."

"Among them, even the saints who create the realm!"

"What? Even the saints who have created the realm can die alive?"

Hearing here, Cheng Feng was creepy.

For the treasure of Hell's Gate, there is a strong fear.

"Uncle Nalan, the **** that the gray-haired old man was carrying, shouldn't it be the real hell?"

After a while, Cheng Feng took a deep breath and calmed down the shock in his heart.

Speculated: "The **** at Hell's Gate, since it can kill saints, it must be a great killer."

"These big killers must have exceeded the limits endured by the dome continent and could not really come down."

"Well, you guessed it."

Nalan Changsheng nodded: "The **** in the hands of the gray-haired old man is indeed not the real hell, but a fake!"

"But nonetheless it is terrifying."

"You have to be very careful in the future, don't be caught by that gray-haired old man."

"Otherwise, there will be big trouble!"

However, Nalan's longevity just came to an end.

Directly in front of Qianlong Academy, the gray-haired old man with **** in his hands, a pair of dark eyes, stared at Cheng Feng like a knife.

Cheng Feng's scalp was numb and his numerous pores suddenly tightened.

"So scary, this gray-haired old man is so scary!"

Cheng Feng was horrified and surprised: "His eyes are mixed with killing intentions, which is comparable to the full blow of the warrior who ascended the sky."

"Suddenly, unexpectedly, more than 90% of people will be 'stared' to death on the spot!"

This gray-haired old man is proficient in assassination.

With one look, assassination was hidden, Cheng Feng was almost injured.

Fortunately, although Cheng Feng's repair is the pinnacle of Broken Realm, his strength exceeds the pinnacle of Broken Realm too much.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng escaped.

"Well, that's interesting!"

One eye did not stare at Cheng Feng, the gray-haired old man was somewhat surprised.

With a word in his mouth, he retracted his eyes, and seemed to stop attacking Cheng Feng.

However, the gray-haired old man stopped doing it, but because of his saying.

Several evil masters glanced over.

It also includes a sixth ascendant!

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