Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1420: Ascend to Heaven

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Chapter 140: Ascending the Heaven Realm


After hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng nodded.

Immediately, the dragon rushed to accelerate the sprint.

He rushed forward more than twenty miles in one breath, and there were 180 miles left from the burst of Qianlong.

Just then, 嗤 ~~~

A sword light cut open and heavy, and came bursting.

This sword comes from the second-highest evil cult master.

But want to hurt Cheng Feng, but still a lot worse.

Cheng Feng displayed the ninth layer of mad sword and **** and was able to easily carry it.

However, in order not to attract the attention of the evil superpowers.

Cheng Feng's eyes sank, and he didn't completely avoid it.

The muscles of the arm were rubbed by Jian Guang, and the blood was splattered on the spot, and the bones could be seen.

But at the same time, it seems to have inspired Cheng Feng's 'potential'.

Its flight speed increased sharply, and it leapt forward a dozen miles.

One step closer to the rupture of Qianlong.

"Small thing, it's a bit of a trick, it can escape the sword of the helm master!"

However, at this time, the evil faction's second-highest master has reached Cheng Feng completely.

With a blood-stained sword in hand, Cheng Feng's path was completely blocked.

At the same time, there were three half-step ascended martial artists behind him, rushing in the shape of a character.

On Cheng Feng's way, a second obstacle was formed.

In the face of the four evil masters killed, Cheng Feng seemed to be 'panicked'.

But in the end, he rushed forward with a bite.

"Are you anxious to die?"

The evil kendo master saw this, and mentioned the long sword in his hand: "That being the case, the helm master will complete you!"

After the words fell, the evil kendo master shook his sword and suddenly shot dozens of sword lights.

Overwhelming, stabbed to Cheng Feng.

"Immortal gold!"

Dozens of sword light come, each one is enough to kill a peaked warrior in broken territory.

Cheng Feng's face changed, and during the storm, he used a martial arts skill.

Let your body be golden and bright, and your defense strength soared.

It turned out that "reluctantly" blocked a lot of Jianguang's assassinations, carrying sword wounds all over his body, and leaping past the side of the kendo master.

"Actually ... blocking the sword of the helm master again?"

Seeing Cheng Feng escape from his sword.

The master of Kendo evil faction had a look of confusion and some surprises, but more of it was anger.

I think he is a dignified second master and made two moves in a row, but he couldn't stop a warrior in the broken state.

Where does this leave his face?

Throwing the sword in his hand, stabbed a hundred swords and chased away Cheng Feng who escaped.

At the same time, he whispered in a low voice: "Stop this little miscellaneous thing for the lord of the rudder, I will kill him by myself!"

With the applause of Kendo evil masters, 咻咻 咻 ~~~

On Cheng Feng's way, the three half-step ascension martial arts warriors suddenly evoked divine power and launched a stormy attack on Cheng Feng.

Faced with these attacks, Cheng Feng “gritted his teeth” stormed.

During the exhibition, "Immortal Golden Body", despite the danger, it finally rushed out.

Then he pressed his horse and whip, and went straight to the rift of Qianlong, hundreds of miles away.

"Waste, it's waste!"

Seeing that Cheng Feng escaped the interception of three half-step ascended martial arts soldiers, this made the master of the Kendo evil faction look dark.

Toward the three evil-armed martial artists, they swear.

When scolding people, the masters of Kendo evil faction were not idle.

After performing a martial arts skill, he pursued Cheng Feng fiercely.

However, Cheng Feng's escape was strange, and it didn't seem to be fast.

However, the second-ranked evil sect master couldn't catch up.

Just the distance between the two is slightly closer.

"Abominable, this lord doesn't believe you can't catch up with you."

Thrown behind Cheng Feng's butt, the master of the Kendo evil faction turned blue.

Saying something in his mouth suddenly detonated the two-star power in his body, making his chase speed suddenly skyrocket.

Under this condition, there is a hint of catching up with Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng had already rushed into Qianlong's battle at the moment.

I am afraid that before the master of the Kendo evil faction catches up, he will fly into Qianlong Academy.

At that time, even if you give ten guts to the master of Kendo evil, you dare not continue to pursue.

In the end, it is necessary to let Cheng Feng escape from birth.

"This kid who suddenly appeared was really wrong."

At this time, in the sky, the evil faction who was confronting the Qianlong Academy superiors ascended to the sixth strongest, and raised a brow.

Whispering: "This son not only blocked the assassination of the **** gate gravekeeper, but also easily resolved the interception by the four of Yu Yao.

"Its own strength is much stronger than the realm."

"Nine times, it is one of the most outstanding geniuses in the righteous camp."

"Such people should be strangled early so as not to become a great scourge in the future!"

Thinking of this, the sixth strongest man in the sky immediately transmitted a message to the evil master at the rift of Qianlong.

Let it block Cheng Feng, and cooperate with the second master of the sky, Yu Yao, to kill Cheng Feng!

At this moment, the Qianlong battle was fierce.

Its front is more than a hundred miles long, and the evil and the evil sides have devoted almost all their fighting power to each other and fight each other.

All kinds of sword qi, sword light, boxing power ... along the gap of Qianlong's large array, constantly colliding.

The void was directly smashed, and the vastness poured into nothingness, obstructing everyone's vision, and there was a feeling that I could not see my fingers!

At this moment, Cheng Feng successfully arrived here after a ‘performance’.

"Huh, it finally got mixed up with the rift."

Standing in front of the vast nothingness, Cheng Feng was relieved and whispered: "Next, I don't have to continue pretending to be a grandson, I can give some good-looking evil cults to me!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng slightly moved his body.

The wounds on his body stopped bleeding and crusting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a layer of blood pupae fell off, the wound that Cheng Feng had just been beaten by the evil warrior was restored as before, leaving only a few white marks.

After doing this, Cheng Feng swept back, just to see the evil Kendo master chasing him, killing him in anger.

"Oh, good job."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled indifferently: "I can just send you back to the West."

The words didn't fall, and Cheng Feng's sword in the hand was thrown, urging the hobnail.

Hum! Burst the evil kendo master.

"What happened? How did this little beast's strength suddenly become so powerful?"

Faced with Cheng Feng's knife, the master of Kendo evil faction was taken aback.

Then hurriedly raised the sword to block, but couldn't stop it at all.

I saw a flash of Leng Chan's sword flashing, and the second-ranked kendo master, a bloodline appeared on his body.

The next moment, Bloodline shot a burst of blood, and the whole person split in half.

He was actually split on the spot by Cheng Feng!

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