Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1425: Backlash

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Chapter 142: Undercover War

"Cheng Feng, the problem at hand is not easy to solve!"

Upon hearing Cheng Feng's words, Mr. Shu sighed and said, "You may not know, there was a big thief in the Academy's formation department."

"When the four avatars of the second elder of the Blood Gods and the **** gate gravekeeper were killed, they opened up a Qianli gap in Qianlong of my college.

"Inner thief? Sure enough!"

For the cause of the rupture of Qianlong, Cheng Feng had already anticipated.

So, without any surprise, he said directly: "Mr. Shu, the array is broken, so let's fix it."

"Mr. Jing's tactics should be able to repair it?"

"It can be, but it takes too long."

Mr. Jing's face was a bit blighted, and a layer of blisters appeared on his mouth.

Obviously due to the pressure, frowning: "Also, the blood gods gathered a lot of masters, and continued to attack a large array."

"In this case, it is even more difficult to repair the gap in the large array."

Mr. Jing looks like a Master of Eight Ranks.

The Qianlong battle is a veritable kingpin battle.

It is indeed difficult for Mr. Jing to repair it!

"Mr. Jing, I have a solution that may help you greatly reduce the time it takes to repair Qianlong."

While Mr. Jing was frowning, Cheng Feng suddenly spoke.

"What? Do you have a way?"

Mr. Jing's eyes lit up: "What can I do? Tell me!"

"wait a second."

However, Cheng Feng didn't panic: "Let me remove this armor first, and breathe a little."

Said, Cheng Feng rushed, Kakaka ~~~

The War God armor, which was protected by Cheng Feng Tuan Tuan, was automatically dismantled piece by piece, and Cheng Feng was sent into the Soul Ring.

After doing this, Cheng Feng was ready to tell Mr. Jing how to quickly repair Qianlong.

But just then, oh!

A few of the cattle's fine needles suddenly shot at Cheng Feng, Mr. Shu, and Mr. Jing.

These cow hair needles are very thin and transparent.

If you don't look closely, you won't see it at all.

And the person who shoots the needles of cattle is very delicate.

Make the hairy needles fast, but almost no sound.

The distance was so close, few people in Cheng Feng were surprised, and they were 100% successful.

However, several people in Cheng Feng had the help of God. Before the bovine hairy needles shot, they all flickered and hid directly.

It's a breeze to escape the assassination of a cow's capillary!


Only one of the righteous middle-aged people failed to respond and was shot into the arm with a fine needle.

In the breathing, the entire arm was dark and swollen quickly.

At the same time, the dark color spread quickly to other parts.

Obviously a kind of highly poisonous, once this poison invades the heart, the righteous warrior may die.

Fortunately, Mr. Shu promptly evoked a divine power.

The poisoned person was rolled over, and with the rolling power, the spread of the poison was temporarily stopped.

Then a pair of eyes narrowed, staring at the middle-aged man.

"Yu Zhen, I didn't expect that even you, the blood god, was undercover in my academy."

Obviously, just now they shot Cheng Feng's ox capillaries from the righteous middle-aged man Yu Zhenzhi.

This Zhen Zhen looks magnificent, and he is righteous.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that a blood **** was planted undercover in Qianlong College.

The viciousness of his shot is even better than many blood gods.

There should be an old saying: People, don't look!

"Mr. Shu, I have been dormant at Qianlong College for nearly forty years and have been cautious."

"I didn't expect it to have been exposed long ago!"

After Yu Zhen's sneak attack failed, he was not panicked and fled.

Instead, he stood still calmly and asked, "I want to know, where did I reveal the flaw?"

Yu Zhen's assassination was unexpected and unpredictable.

The reason why Cheng Feng could escape was obviously to take precautions in advance.

Otherwise, we must win!

"This question, you should ask Cheng Feng."

Mr. Shu did not rush to kill Yu Zhen, and replied lightly.

"Cheng Feng?"

Yu Zhen's eyebrow raised, "Did you find that the person I was vulnerable to was not Cheng Feng, but Cheng Feng?"

"Ha, are you surprised?"

Seeing Yu Zhen's surprise, Cheng Feng laughed: "In fact, I just have some doubts about you."

"I tried it a little bit just now, but you just happened to bite!"

Cheng Feng just unloaded the armor of war god. It turned out not to be idle, but to seduce the vibrating hands.

"I don't understand. Where did I raise your doubts?"

Yu Zhen frowned: "I think that my every move is very reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Sometimes it makes too much sense, but it seems more problematic."

Cheng Feng replied faintly, and said immediately: "As for the specific details, think slowly after you die."

"Want my life? You're probably disappointed."

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhen smiled proudly: "By the time I was talking to you, Qiao Xiong had controlled the rupture of this Qianlong formation."

"All I need is an order now, Qiao Xiong will tear this big rift, my masters of the Holy Ghost will be able to swarm in."

"By then, the entire Qianlong Academy will be flat!"

The reason why Yu Zhen originally talked to Cheng Feng was to delay time.

So that his companion Qiao Xiong could control the rift of Qianlong left by Xiao Qi's death and put in the blood gods from outside the array.

Its insidious calculation is really invincible.

However, listening to Yu Zhen's words, Cheng Feng was not panicked.

Dan Dan said: "Your plan is very good, but unfortunately, I think too beautiful."

"What do you mean?"

Seeing Cheng Feng's indifference, Yu Zhen had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Do you think that just now you were delaying time, do you act in secret?"

Cheng Feng sneered: "If it wasn't for the sake of trying to get rid of your comrades, I would wipe out all of you undercover, and I would be full to support you blindly?

It turned out that Cheng Feng was delaying time just now.

The purpose was to get Mr. Jing to repair the big rupture that Xiao Qi split up.

At the same time, he secretly observed the other associates who were out of vibe.

"Little beast, you count me!"

Hearing that, Yu Zhen's face changed dramatically.

Suddenly there was no demeanor that was in charge of everything just now, and he turned hurriedly to look at the middle-aged man beside him.

I saw the middle-aged man, his face was pale, and his body was shaking slightly.

Obviously it was caused by some kind of vigorous backlash.

And this person is Yu Zhen's biggest helper Qiao Xiong!

"Qiao Xiong, what's going on?"

Seeing Qiao Xiong's look, Yu Zhentie's color is iron and blue, he asked, "Did you control this rupture in Qianlong's formation?"

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