Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1429: Home taste

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Chapter 1429 Taste of Home

Under the leadership of Yao Fei, Cheng Feng flew to Qianlong College Shushan.

Along the way, it was found that Jiufeng of the Academy stood proudly and was not destroyed by the attack of the Blood Gods.

The reason for this is the asylum of Qianlong.

"Cheng Feng, thanks to you this time."

During the flight, Yao Fei looked at the familiar landscape under his feet and thanked him sincerely: "Fortunately, you have come up with a way to repair Qianlong's formation, otherwise ..."

"Senior Yao Fei, the academy is my second hometown."

Cheng Feng laughed: "I am very happy to contribute to it."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng quickly flew over Qihe, Dota, Beast Peak, Sword Forest ...

Eventually stopped in front of Shushan.

The mountain of books is huge, and the mountains are layered on top of each other, as many as hundreds.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes to see, his eyes were obscured.

Fortunately, Yao Fei led the way and flew for a while in the mountainous layers of Shushan. A wide area sandwiched in the middle of the mountain suddenly came into view.

Especially a small city is very eye-catching.

Cheng Feng glanced at it from a distance and knew that it was his hometown 'Star City'.

"Star City ..."

I saw a lot of landslides and scabs outside.

When Cheng Feng saw the intact Star City, a complex emotion suddenly developed in his heart.

Inexplicably, the nose is a little bit sour and the eyes are red.

You know, now is the decisive battle between the two sides.

Small cities like the Star City do not know how many seats are to be wiped out every day.

When outside, a sense of fear always accompanied Cheng Feng.

For fear of returning home, the Star City has been erased, and the entire Cheng family has been erased.

Fortunately, these are all his wild thoughts.

"Star City is still here, my home is still ... this feeling, how good!"

After a while, Cheng Feng calmed down the complex emotions in his heart.

Then he took a long breath, a smile appeared on his face, and he flew towards Star City.

On his side, Yao Fei saw this scene in his eyes.

There is a new understanding of Cheng Feng.

It feels that Cheng Feng at this time is the real Cheng Feng, the lively Cheng Feng!

In a blink of an eye, Cheng Feng flew closer to Star City.

But at this time, hum ~~~

A layer of light curtain suddenly rose above the star city, blocking Cheng Feng's way.

At the same time, an old man appeared from the light curtain.

"Senior, are you still there!"

This old man is the only master of the sword.

Received the only order from the knife to protect Cheng Feng's family.

"It's Cheng Feng."

The old man saw Cheng Feng, looked carefully, and smiled: "Your book, Mr. Shu has notified me."

"Don't wear this and go to Star City."

"Your home is very lively these days!"

Then, the old man handed Cheng Feng a jade pendant.

"My house is lively?"

Cheng Feng caught the jade pendant handed by the old man, raised a brow and asked, "Senior, what happened to my house?

"It happened, but it was not a bad thing."

The old man laughed, "What's going on, you'll know when you go."

"Senior, you really sell offense."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, and wore the jade pendant around his neck.

Immediately through the light curtain, rushed to Cheng's compound.

As for Yao Fei, who originally had to follow in, he was blocked by a light curtain.

It turned out that this layer of light curtain covering the Star City was a defensive formation.

Only wear exclusive accessories to enter.

And the jade pendant that the old man handed to Cheng Feng just now is an exclusive accessory.


With excitement, Cheng Feng quickly flew into the Star City.

Star City has maintained its former appearance and has not changed much.

There are only a few places where several new buildings have been built.

It may be that the connection with the outside world has been cut off, and outsiders have not entered the city for a long time.

When Cheng Feng entered the Star City, it immediately caused a sensation.

Many people looked up and watched, and actually recognized Cheng Feng.

Suddenly, the sound of rumblings rang out, pointing at Cheng Feng.

"My home, something really happened!"

Cheng Feng's ears were clear, and everyone's voice was heard.

Immediately, I had a general understanding of the current situation of the family.

It turned out that not long ago, the Cheng family came with a woman.

The woman's name was Jiang Xue, who claimed to be Cheng Feng's mother.

At that time, everyone thought it was an impostor and never thought that they would be welcomed in by the Cheng family.

The first two days, Cheng Wutian, the grandfather of the Cheng family, announced in public that Jiang Xue was his daughter-in-law.

We also have to choose a good birthday and good day for Cheng Xinghe to marry Jiang Xue.

There was nothing wrong with getting married.

But the key is that Cheng Xinghe's sons and daughters can talk about marriage and marry, and then they have to 'marry'?

In the eyes of outsiders, this is very 'other'.

Some people with broken mouths are crooked and gossip in their backs.

For example, at this moment, many people are pointing at Cheng Feng.

He thought Cheng Feng couldn't hear it. In fact, Cheng Feng heard it clearly.

"My parents were not married because they gave birth to my sister and me because of the scourge of the Tiemu family."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Now the two are finally reunited, so naturally they need to make up for their regrets and have a perfect marriage.

"As for the gossip of the ignorant, you don't need to bother!"

Whispering, Cheng Feng has reached the Cheng's compound.

"Xiao Feng ... you are back!"

As soon as Cheng Feng arrived at the Cheng's compound, an elderly man with silver hair looked with surprise.

It is Cheng Feng grandfather Cheng Wutian.

Behind Cheng Wutian, stood a pair of middle-aged men and women, looking at him with a smile on his face.

It is Cheng Feng's father Cheng Xinghe, and his mother Jiang Xue.

Of course, in addition to the three Cheng Wutians, there are a number of Cheng family members who all ran out to meet Cheng Feng.

"Grandpa, father, mother!"

Looking at Cheng Wutian and others, Cheng Feng was also full of joy, and a heat wave rose in his heart.

That's the taste of family, it's the taste of home!

"Xiaofeng, where have you been these days?"

"Did you go outside and fight with the master of blood gods?"

"It is rumored that the Blood Gods have hit the door of Qianlong Academy. Is this true?"

Cheng Feng just greeted the three Cheng Wutian, and was surrounded by the Cheng family.

All kinds of inquiries smashed overwhelmingly.

Cheng Feng's head was dizzy, I don't know how to answer.

"Okay, Xiaofeng has just returned, she must be exhausted."

Seeing Cheng Feng smile bitterly, Cheng Wutian's face sank, and he said, "Your questions, please ask later!"

Cheng Wutian was very prestigious at the Cheng family. He drunk his face and muttered.

Without exception, they quickly dispersed.

In this way, Cheng Feng escaped from the siege of the people.

"Xiao Feng, go home first. Your mom just cooked a table and it's still hot."

After drinking the clan, Cheng Wutian smiled again.

"OK." Cheng Feng nodded.

Later, accompanied by the three of Cheng Wutian, returned home.

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