Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1435: Blood God Beast

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Chapter 145 Blood God Beast

"What are you looking for?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Did I already give Mr. Jing the plan to repair Qianlong's battle?"

"Mr. Jing only needs to follow the specific steps, and repair it step by step."

"I can't go, it's harmless!"

"Cheng Feng, you can't say that."

Yao Feidao: "The restoration plan for Qianlong's formation is planned by you."

"Although a specific plan is available, it also requires a helmer!"

"Only if you sit in town, can you look at everything and kill all possible omissions in the cradle."

"Well, I'll go with you."

After hearing Yao Fei's words, Cheng Feng waved his hand: "By the way, find a route and return safely to Qianding Peak in Heishui County."

After speaking, Cheng Feng bowed down to the only brother and sister of the sword guarding the Star City.

Then he and Yao Fei flew towards the rift of Qianlong.

"Senior Yao Fei, how has the fighting between the evil and the evil been?"

During the flight, Cheng Feng asked inquiries.

"The battle is fierce. Almost every minute, masters of martial arts are killed."

Yao Fei's face sank, and he sighed, "There are some top masters in the world!"

"Especially after the local prison gate was mixed with the killer who killed the temple, the warriors in my righteous camp were even more deadly."

"Many of the top masters, as well as young geniuses, have died in the hands of these two killer organizations."

"Hell gate and the killer who killed the temple?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "I heard that the killer world has recently emerged a top ten killer star."

"The top ten killers, I'm afraid they all come from these two killer organizations, right?"

"Not necessarily."

Yao Fei shook his head: "The top ten killing stars are for the whole killer world."

"The Hell Gate and the Killing Temple are the two strongest super organizations in the killer world."

"As far as I know, only half of the top ten killers in the killer world are from these two killer organizations."

"The other half are other killer tissue cultures, or the autobiographical disciples of the top solo killers!"

"Why do you see that?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Because of the evil faction, people often die under the assassination of killers."

Yao Fei said: "Some of the blood gods are geniuses who seem to have died in the hands of the top ten killing star 'grimace'!"


Cheng Feng's brow raised, "This should be just a code, isn't it? It's similar to a night owl."

"Yes, the top ten killers only have codes and no names."

Yao Fei nodded: "In fact, for the killer, confidentiality is more important than the assassination plan."

"Sometimes it's better to give up assassination for confidentiality."

"Because the killer's personal information is leaked, it almost means death!"

"Grimace, Dire ... Ten Stars to Kill!"

Cheng Feng said in his mouth: "This is very interesting!"

At this point, Cheng Feng turned his tone and asked, "Senior Yao Fei, apart from news about the killer, what other major events have happened recently?"

"Of course there are, and many more."

Yao Fei opened his mouth and said, "Not long ago, the blood gods took the two blood beasts as their pioneers, and they almost captured the Lan Cangzhou God Knife Pavilion."

"If it wasn't for the last Sword Pavilion, please sacrifice a sacred sword", which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, will become history! "

"Blood **** beast? And the sword?"

Cheng Feng frowned and was very new to all of them.

"Cheng Feng, the blood **** beast is a kind of bloodthirsty beast cultivated by the blood **** religion."

Yao Fei introduced: "It is rumored that this fierce beast has captured and fed warriors above the broken territory all year round, and accumulated a large amount of radon in the body.

"Eat almost when you see someone. Extremely cruel."

"There are three elders in Lan Cangzhou's Shendaoge who have ascended to the sky and fell to the beast's mouth."

"What? The blood **** beast can kill the fifth master of the sky?"

Cheng Feng was surprised and paid attention to the blood **** beast.

"Cheng Feng, the blood **** beast can not only kill Dengtian's fifth master."

Yao Fei uttered an astonishment: "If you really fight hard, the sixth strongest person in the sky will probably not be blocked!"

Wen Yan said, Cheng Feng was silent.

There is a gradual understanding of the blood **** beast.

What Cheng Feng didn't know was that the Blood God taught the blood demon elders to set up a hunting plan for him.

Its main hunting force is a blood beast!

"Cheng Feng, don't worry too much."

Seeing that Cheng Feng's face was not very good-looking, Yao Fei relieved: "It is very difficult to train the blood **** beast. According to the evil faction, there are only eight blood **** beasts.

"As long as the 'Super Killing Weapon', which I researched into the Heavenly Engineering Division of Feather God, is released, the danger of the blood **** beast can be wiped out instantly."

"Super killer weapon?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Senior Yao Fei, it is rumored that this thing is a sharp weapon for my righteous camp to specifically restrain the blood gods' powerful imitation body plan."

"Do you know what it is?"

Super killer weapon, confidentiality work is very strict, almost no news leaked.

Cheng Feng only knows that the super killer is a big killer.

But what the big killer looks like, dead or alive, is unknown.

"This ... I don't know."

Yao Fei hesitated and said, "I only heard that the main creators who developed this thing came from the families of two major organs."

"It's the juxtaposition of the Julu family and the loser family."

"So I speculate that the super killing weapon should be related to organ mechanics!"

"Is the main creator of the super killing weapon from the Julu family and the loser family?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "If you say so, the super killing weapon may be a combination of organ surgery and something."

"I just don't know if the 'Big Killer' created by organ art can compare with the powerful imitation of blood gods!"

Organ surgery is a magic technique that turns dead things into living things.

For organ surgery, Cheng Feng had long been in contact.

For example, the organ pythons obtained by Cheng Feng in the early days, and even the entire Secret House of the Sword and Demon, are the creations of organ art.

However, it is very difficult to create a super weapon that is more powerful than the imitation body by organ surgery.

"Forget it, it's no use thinking."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "I still think hard and fix things about Qianlong."

"As for the creation of a super killing weapon, the ghosts of the Tiangong Division are left to their brains!"

Think of it here, Bang Bang Bang ~ ~ ~

The sound of horrible fighting passed into Cheng Feng's ears.

Qianlong burst into tears, so impressively in front of him.

"Cheng Feng, your kid is here."

As soon as Cheng Feng arrived at the Qianlong burst, Mr. Shu's voice exploded in his ears: "Hurry up, help the old Wu palm his eyes."

"Look at this part of Qianlong's burst that he repaired, is there any problem!"

"Mr. Shu, you have more thoughts."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "Mr. Jing's method of formation, coupled with the detailed repair plan I gave, it must not be wrong!"

"Crap nonsense, say something else after reading it."

Mr. Shu was not assured, urging Cheng Feng loudly.

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