Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1455: Burning Heart

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Chapter 145 Liquor Burns the Heart

Pei Feng was puzzled.

He originally thought that after Cheng Feng moved the Qiankun Promise into the Zijin Banner, he was ready to leave, temporarily avoiding the evil spirit of the evil camp.

Never thought that Cheng Feng would do the opposite.

"Senior Pei Feng, because I have prepared everything, I want to stay even more!"

At this time, Cheng Feng gave his own explanation.

"Cheng Feng ... You are now the number one hunting target of the evil faction."

Pei Feng frowned: "Come here, it would be very dangerous in the event of being besieged by the evil sect."

"Well, it's dangerous, but it's also an opportunity."

Cheng Feng explained: "I am the target of public criticism."

"Staying at this Qiandingfeng can just attract a large number of evil warriors and relieve some pressure for my righteous camp."

"You're feeding tigers like this!"

Pei Feng frowned: "If you are not careful, you will lose your life!"

"I know."

Cheng Feng smiled indifferently: "But some things must be done by someone."

"Since I have this ability, and the timing is just right, I simply contribute to the world!"

"A good one contributes to the lives of the world!"

After hearing Cheng Feng's words, Pei Feng suddenly developed a pride, and said loudly: "Cheng Feng, just say this to you, and I will stay with you at this Qian Dingfeng."

"As long as you don't go, my old guy won't go!"

"Senior Pei Feng, you ..."

Wen Yan was moved by Cheng Feng's heart.

But staying at Qian Dingfeng was Cheng Feng's personal decision. He didn't want to drag others down.

However, before Cheng Feng said words of dissuasion, Pei Feng interrupted.

"Cheng Feng, manly husband, don't want mother-in-law."

"That's it!"

Pei Fenghao was so angry that Cheng Feng could not help but swallow it if he dissuaded him.

"Senior Pei Feng, thank you."

Cheng Feng, holding the banner of Zijin, said in a deep voice: "When the evil sect is repelled and the blood gods are expelled from our feathered dynasty, I invite you to drink and stay drunk!"

"Haha, that's exciting!"

Pei Feng laughed and said, "But ask me to drink, why wait so long?"

"We are going to start fighting soon, and drinking before the war will make us happy."

"Drink before the war? That's a good idea."

Cheng Feng's eyes lit up: "Just in my soul ring, there are dozens of old wines, and this time I used to entertain Pei Feng."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng changed the purple banner held in his hand back to its original size.

Then he fell into the Grand Canyon, making Qiankun Promise appear, attracting the attention of evil warriors.

After doing this, Cheng Feng rushed, took out two altars of northern Xinjiang spirit 'burning a knife'.

Snapped! Open the sealed altar cover and hand it to Pei Feng.

Then he patted another altar to burn the knife and gave Pei Fengyao a stroke.

"Senior Pei Feng, I respect you."

After speaking, Cheng Feng tilted the wine jar, and a large number of spirits poured into his mouth.

The burning knife is said to be made from the blood of various ferocious beasts and several kinds of potent medicines.

Drinking this spirit is like swallowing a knife.

With a large stock of liquor pouring into Cheng Feng's mouth, it was like a blade that burned red, and was poured into the abdomen along the mouth.

Cheng Feng couldn't help but hit a stimulus, and then there was a feeling of pores exploding and seeing through, which suddenly hit my heart!

The fatigue caused by the fierce battle of Cheng Feng was eliminated in an instant and refreshed.

"Good wine!"

At this time, Pei Feng also poured a large amount of liquor into his mouth.

The whole face was screwed together at once, and the face was immediately red, but the eyes were wide, and he even said: "Good wine, really good wine, really strong!"

"LOL, really?"

Cheng Feng smiled and looked at Pei Feng: "Since it's a good wine, then Pei Feng's predecessors will drink more altars!"

"no problem."

Pei Feng is at least 100 years old, but he is very bold: "When I was young, I would drink one hundred and eighty pounds of spirits every day."

"Just afraid I drink too much, you don't have enough alcohol!"

"Senior, you can rest assured."

Cheng Feng laughed: "In my soul ring, there are still nearly a hundred altar burning knives, keep your drink enough!"

Said, Cheng Feng directly took out the burning knives in the Soul Ring and lined them up.

"Well, so much wine with you?"

Pei Feng's eyes lightened: "Since that is the case, I'll have a good time with you."

After speaking, Pei Feng lifted the wine jar, grunted, and the whole liquor had bottomed out.

And Cheng Feng is not far behind. The jar of wine in his hand is raised and he drinks quickly.

When they stayed bright, the two could not help but smile at each other.


At this moment, there was a dark cloud to the west of Qianding Peak.

Across the distance, a cold, murderous demeanor caused the temperature of Qianding Peak to plummet, and the flowers and trees died.

"Cheng Feng, it seems that our wine cannot be enjoyed."

Peiping the second altar burning knife, Pei Feng, who was about to drink, saw this, and frowned.

Obviously, the dark clouds flying west of Qianding Peak are not black clouds, but a group of evil warriors.

This group of evil warriors has a large number.

Martial arts essence condensed together to form a cloud.

When they flew, it was like a dark cloud moving, making people shudder!

"Senior Pei Feng, this wave of people are just some small feet."

However, Cheng Feng did not look at it in the slightest, and said lightly: "Let's continue drinking and wait for the real master to arrive, and then kill him with a blood flow!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng lifted the wine jar in his hand, and a large amount of liquor was poured into his mouth.

"Well, it's all small feet!"

Pei Feng's eyes swept away from the dark clouds, and he nodded: "Most of them are broken martial arts soldiers, and the strongest are only half step into the realm."

"It would be better for me to solve it, so as not to affect Jiuxing!"

"Senior Pei Feng, why do you need to deal with these people?"

Cheng Feng drank the second altar burning knife and laughed, "You continue to drink, I will deal with these people."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng took out the high-end Taoist void pot.

Wait until you can remove the plug and issue an instruction, 咻 ~~~

A golden light shot from the Nether Pot.

This golden light is a whole body golden beetle with a large mouth.

The sharp mouth rubbed like an upright blade.

It is the dragon dragon lice that has not appeared for a long time.

"Xiao Jin, go to activities and muscles!"

Glancing at Tianlong lice, Cheng Feng said lightly.

Next moment, oh!

A golden light shot and disappeared in a blink.

When Cheng Feng picked up the third altar burning knife, patted the altar cover, ready to drink.

Ah ah ah ~~~

A scream came suddenly from the sky.

Cheng Feng looked up and saw a corpse suddenly falling from the sky following the dumplings.

In just a few tens of seconds, the first wave of evil-armed warriors killed in a mighty manner fell from the sky.

Haven't landed yet, the heart has been swallowed up by something, and can't die anymore!

Not even the leading half-step ascended martial artist was spared.

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