Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1458: Rain Demon Lord

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Chapter 145 The Rain Demon Lord

"What do you mean?"

Long Aotian's expression condensed: "Are there a lot of evil masters coming to commit crimes?"

During the inquiry, Long Aotian looked up.

I saw two dark clouds flying over the horizon, and the richness was far higher than before.

This is a real master, no wonder Cheng Feng looks grim.

"Are two ascension fifth and fifth fighters?"

Long Aotian's face first condensed, but then he smiled suddenly: "The injuries of Ben Shao can now heal a lot under the repair of the water of life."

"The fifth-highest master in the sky may not be able to help me!"

"Since you run into it now, try the other's means."

Said, Long Aotian actually changed the previous timidity, and hundreds of meters of dragon body flung.


Headed towards the two evil masters.

"Long Aotian, this is Hu Lai!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "With its strength, can it block the fifth master of Dengtian?"

However, Long Aotian's strength was unexpectedly strong.

After rushing to the sky, he actually intercepted an evil faction ascending to the fifth heavy martial arts and killed him.

Seeing the battle, it didn't fall into the downwind, it had a pretty good taste!

However, if you add another fifth master who ascends to the sky, the situation is definitely not good.

Therefore, Cheng Feng lifted the wine jar and drank the whole wine in one breath.

Then he took out the Devil Sword, and a sword of Emperor Cang Sword was cut to the second evil faction warrior.

The two ascending fifth heavy martial arts are not blood gods.

It is a master of evil sects who is caught in the blood gods.

It should be noted that there are many evil sects in the huge feathered dynasty.

Previously, because the evil faction was weak, it had been dormant.

With the rise of the blood gods, these evil sects immediately attached to them, so that the power of the blood gods soared.

It can be said that the reason why the blood **** religion was able to quickly sweep the entire feathered **** dynasty is thanks to these attached evil factions.

For example, the corpse sect, the heavenly beast palace, the rain demons, the heaven evil society ... and so on.

At this moment, the two fifth ascending masters who attacked Cheng Feng and Long Aotian were the leader of the rain demons and the president of the Tiansha Association.

"Rain magic, water dripping through!"

To the horizon, Cheng Feng slashed to the leader of the rain demon cult.

However, the leader of the rain demons did not panic, the five-star divine power in his body evoked, and he slashed a slash at the sword blade.

咻咻 咻咻 咻 ~~~

Then, a black raindrop shot out.

Like a black arrow rain, bursting and slashing sword light.

These black raindrops are extremely lethal.

With continuous bursts of shots, it was the sword light Canglong that chopped Cheng Feng, and shot out small holes.

After the small holes were connected, the sword light Canglong exploded arrogantly.

Cheng Feng's knife was actually easily resolved by the rain demons.

Not only that, the black raindrop did not dissipate after shooting through the blade of Canglong.

Instead, the cast was more urgent and continued to explode the range peak.

Let's go for it, kill Cheng Feng on the spot.

"Does the town of Yumoism teach the martial arts of Yumo? It has some meaning."

Seeing the dense raindrops that shot, Cheng Feng's brow raised, "But if you want to kill me on this basis, it's a crazy dream!"

During the conversation, Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword and danced like lightning.

Because the speed is too fast and anxious, he actually turned the Devil Sword into a black knife cover.


When those black raindrops hit, hit the black knife cover.

Despite the incredible strength, no drop could penetrate the knife cover.

All were cut by the blade and blocked out of the blade cover.

"Qianlong College Cheng Feng, it really has some means!"

On the horizon, the Lord of the Rain Demon's face condensed: "Every drop of magic rain played by this seat is condensed with five-star divine power, which is no less than the weapon of the magic soldier, but is easily blocked by this son.

"But‘ water dripping through stones ’is just the starting position for Yu Mo Gong.”

"Next, this seat will let you see the emperor-level advanced martial arts, the real magic of rain magic!"

After speaking, the Lord of the Rain demons raised his hands and pushed hard towards Cheng Feng.


The black raindrops radiated by the sky suddenly became more urgent and denser.

While bursting the range peak, it actually condensed quickly, forming a torrential river.

Set off a huge wave, rushing towards Cheng Feng!

Its power is more than just a simple raindrop burst.

"Are you really here?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled faintly: "It is just a test to see if I can block the fifth heavy martial art ascendant without resorting to external forces."

What Cheng Feng said not to borrow external power means not to borrow such powerful cards as Hell's Black Flame and War God Armor.

Rely on martial arts alone to fight the fifth heavy martial artist on the sky.

Its odds are few and far between.

Sure enough, Cheng Feng removed the knife cover.

During the exhibition, several defensive martial arts techniques, such as mad sword and domineering skills, purple thunder refining skills, and Tianlong Jinshen, were displayed.

嗤嗤 嗤嗤 ~~~

Hundreds of black raindrops hit the body, and several defenses were broken instantly.

Let Cheng Feng's skin flutter, and a hot stinging from his body.

After only carrying it for a few seconds, some people couldn't carry it anymore, so they could only take out the armor of War on them.

"It seems that my defense is much worse than the fifth heavy martial artist."

Cheng Feng whispered: "I want to carry on the attack of the warriors in this realm, unless I use the demonized body and demonize the whole body."

"Otherwise, you can only rely on the armor of war!"

The fifth heavy martial art ascended to the sky, this is already quite prominent in the earth dome continent.

There isn't too much of a feathered god.

Cheng Feng is able to carry the attack of the opponent for a few seconds with his flesh and blood, which is already very good.

I'm afraid the second continent cannot be found.

"Okay, that's it for the proficiency test."

"Next, it's time to close the net!"

After putting on the armor of battle, Cheng Feng's defense increased sharply.

Even if he stood still and let the black raindrops burst, he could not hurt him.

Under this condition, Cheng Feng easily and rushed out of the torrential river that the Lord of the Rain demons played.

Then his eyes swept across the Qiankun Promise Array, and I saw that there were already several evil masters around him.

Obviously, the leader of the rain demons and the president of the Tiansha Society are both pawns sent by the evil faction to lead away Cheng Feng.

As for the real main force, it is the masters around Qiankun Promise.

The intention is to rescue the trapped Chiyan God King's imitation body first, and then slay Cheng Feng together!

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng had just killed the Lord of the Rain and just had a fight with him for a long time with a purpose.

That is to open the door and attract all the evil warriors to come in boldly.

Only in this way can Cheng Feng wipe out all the evil masters who came after he showed his hole cards.

At this point, the time has come for a hole card.

Cheng Feng condensed his divine power on his throat and drank loudly.

"Brother Pei, Long Aotian, **** black flames, let's do it!"

"It's time to give these evil clutter, some colors!"

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